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Your Guise Is Slipping, Miss Pearl

Chapter 54
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Chapter 54

“You don’t know if she’s yours yet.”

When Pearl noticed the increasing tension between Richard and Hanzel, she hurried to a public

washroom nearby.

As soon as she entered, she spotted a familiar face she hadn’t seen in a long time: Emily.

Emily regarded Pearl with a cold gaze. “Humph! Fate brings enemies together, Pearl”

Not wanting to get entangled in this conflict, Pearl tried to keep things civil. “How have you been, Miss

Emily? Did y new job?”

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Emily’s anger flared at the mention of her employment situation. “Don’t think you’ve won just because

you got me kicked out of Waldorf Enterprises. I’ll make you pay one day!”

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Unfazed, Pearl calmly replied, “Whatever.”

clan Pearl.

Emily’s anger only grew. Without warning, she stepped forward and tried to slap

Pearl reacted quickly, catching Emily’s wrist and giving her a stern look. “You’re really going to slap me,


“Do you even know how tough it’s been for me since Waldorf Enterprises let me go? Not even a single

company wanted to hire me! You’re responsible for my suffering, and I’ll get my revenge!” Emily

struggled to pull Pearl’s hair but Pearl abruptly pushed her away.

Emily stumbled and hit her head against the sink, causing intense pain. When she saw the blood

flowing down her neck, she pulled out her phone and dialed the police.

“This was a deliberate attack, Pearl! You’ll end up in jail!”

Pearl just watched Emily’s anger with a calm demeanor.

Not long after, the police arrived and took both Pearl and Emily into custody. Emily was rushed to the

hospital for her head injury, and then she was taken to the police station for her testimony.

Meanwhile, Richard and Hanzel, unaware of the unfolding drama, waited outside for Pearl to return to

the shooting location. When they received the news that she had been taken by the police, they hurried

to the station as well.

Inside the police station, Pearl and Emily sat in silence.

A police officer asked, “What happened?”

Pearl remained silent, while Emily burst into tears. “You have to get justice for me, Officer. I was

pushed for no reason and got seriously hurt. You must punish this woman!”

The police officer handed Emily a tissue to wipe her tears, taking note of her severe head injury and

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emotional distress.

Turning to Pearl, he asked, “Is Miss Emily telling the truth, Miss Pearl? Did you push her out of hatred?”

Pearl answered calmly, “I acted in self–defense.”

Emily knew there were no security cameras in the washroom, so she felt emboldened to twist the truth.

“You better confess, Pearl. I can plead with the judge to give you a lighter punishment, but I won’t be

lenient if you’re stubborn.”

The police officer frowned. “She’s right. You won’t be punished severely if you admit it.”

Pearl repeated firmly, “It was really self–defense.”

Emily raised her voice in frustration. “Stop interrogating her, Officer. She’s too stubborn. Just lock her


Amused, Pearl chuckled. “What if I have the evidence to prove otherwise?”

Emily scoffed as if she’d heard a preposterous joke. “Come on. I’ll eat


hat if you can

you can show the evidence today, Pearl”