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Under the Oak Tree (Web Novel KR)

Chapter v2c6: Vol 2 Chapter 6
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245 Chapter 6

Apprehension washed over Maxi. Was there a problem with her drafts? She hastily threw on her robe before rushing outside, where the sky was tinged a dark blue. She and Anette hurried across the shadowy forest path illuminated in the soft glow of twilight.

Turning up the brightness of the lamp she was carrying, Anette looked up to study Maxi’s distressed face. “Do you know what Master Landon wants to talk to you about?”

“N-Not at all.”

Nervously fidgeting with her sleeve, Maxi turned the rune she had devoted months to over in her head. She had forgone sleep and food in order to finish it in time for the competition. Despite her efforts, the senior mage might well have discovered a grave flaw that she had overlooked.

Anxiety quickened her steps, and her heart began to shrivel in her chest. When they finally reached Nome Hall, Anette pointed to the massive, birdcage-like iron crate attached to the outside of the tower.

“Master Landon should be waiting for you in his office. I’ll be in the communal workshop, so come find me if you need any help.”

“Thank you.”

After waiting for Maxi to step in the crate, Anette closed the door and yanked down the adjacent lever. The contraption began to rattle as it rose up the wall. Maxi clung to the iron bars and forced herself not to look down. The dark forest spread like a carpet beneath her feet as she rose.

Soon, the grayish-blue ocean expanded beyond the forests’ edge. She gazed longingly at the distant waters and only tore her eyes away when she felt tears welling. The pulley came to a halt with a resounding clank. Maxi carefully stepped from the crate on unsteady legs and entered the tower through an opening on the side of the building. She crossed through a cluttered hall and stopped before a wooden door.

At her soft knock, a gruff voice called from inside the room.

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“Come in.”

Maxi entered a spacious office littered with stacks of books. A pot-bellied old man sat reading by a blazing fireplace.

“I apologize for calling you here at such a late hour,” he said, snapping shut his book. “I did consider waiting until tomorrow, but I thought it best to speak with fewer ears around.”

“May I ask what you wish to speak about, Master Landon?” said Maxi, looking uneasy.

Landon pointed a plump finger at the empty chair across from him. “Please, be seated first.”

The head mage extracted a bundle of rolled-up parchments from a pile of books. Maxi immediately recognized it as her rune drafts. He unfurled them in his lap and silently regarded them for a while.

“I gather you know why I’ve called you here.”

“Is there… a problem?”

Landon shook his head. “Not at all. Quite the opposite, actually. This rune of yours is rather ingenious. So ingenious, in fact, I find it hard to believe it was conceived by a third-year novice.”

Maxi’s eyes widened at the unexpected praise. Though she had dedicated significant time and effort to creating the rune, she had not dared to hope for such approval from the head mage of Nome Hall himself. Having her abilities acknowledged made her heart swell with joy, but apprehension swiftly crept in again when she noticed Landon’s pensive face.

“Then… why…?”

“It is too exceptional,” Landon replied, tapping the parchment with a broad finger. “I’m positive you will be elevated to senior mage the moment you present this rune.”

“S-Senior mage?” Maxi said, her eyes growing even wider in astonishment.

Landon nodded, his face grave. “As I’m sure you’re aware, should you be made a senior mage, you will receive Nornui’s backing and be granted the freedom to study various types of magic. In exchange, you will be bound to the island, prohibited from leaving without permission.”

The blood drained from Maxi’s face. She looked back and forth between Landon and the rune in horror. Her breaths became shallow as though she were being strangled.

“I-I don’t understand. I did indeed work hard on it, but to think it was that impressive… I-It’s rather simple compared to advanced magic…”

“A complicated rune does not always equate to exceptional magic. In fact, a simpler rune is easier to use, and this one is a masterpiece in that regard.”

Picking up the parchment, Landon marveled at it for a moment before he creased his brow.

“But I doubt it will ever be put to use. More likely, Urd will add it to its list of forbidden spells. What a shame that such astounding magic must rot away on this island because the Tower is too afraid of being in the church’s bad graces.”

Landon heaved a sigh in dismay, and Maxi sat in stunned silence. Was her rune truly that incredible? She could not do much more than blink.

Noting her dazed expression, Landon clicked his tongue. “Did you not consider any of the dangers of creating a golem? The church would never condone the existence of such magic. Any spell involving monsters is strictly banned.”

“B-But a golem is not a monster! I was told that a golem is a type of magical device. A-According to historical records… golems were created in large numbers during the golden age of the Roem Dynasty to fight monsters.”

“And the golems created back then are now indiscriminately attacking humans. That is why the people outside this island consider them monsters, which has become the general consensus.”

Landon shook the parchment.

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“To put it plainly, the rune you have designed is a spell to create a monster. How do you think the church would react if they were to learn that such magic existed?”

Maxi was too horror-stricken to say anything. The graveness of her predicament finally dawned on her, and she snatched the draft from the head mage’s hands. She paid no mind to his jolt of surprise and shoved the parchment into her robes.

“I-I am going to pretend this never existed. So please… forget you ever saw it, Master Landon.”

Landon gaped in disbelief. “Then, what of the presentation?”

“I-I will come up with a new rune, so please disregard this one. I-I have not told anyone what the rune is for… so it should not pose a threat if we never speak of it again.”

Suddenly, she remembered the Godric brothers inspecting the drafts in the communal workshop. Still, with the twins’ abilities, she doubted they would have gauged the rune’s purpose in such a short time. Even if they had, she knew they would not tell a soul if she asked.

“I-I do not intend to remain at the Mage Tower,” Maxi said, her tone beseeching. “I have been devoting myself to my studies… so I c-can return to my husband’s side as soon as possible. So, I beg you… please keep this between us.”

“If you do not wish to stay, why work on such a rune when you could have chosen any number of things?”

“I… became interested in the idea while researching the ancient mages,” Maxi muttered, a flush coloring her cheeks.

She could not bring herself to admit that she had decided on the rune after days of mulling over ways to help Riftan in battle. Landon regarded her with his amber eyes for a long time before sighing softly.

“No need to look so uneasy. Had I wanted to force you into presenting that, I would not have called you to my office at such a late hour.”


“Is there anyone on this island who doesn’t know how desperately you wish to leave this place?” Landon said peevishly before leaning back in his chair. “Even so, I wanted to be sure it was truly what you wanted. That rune would guarantee you a place in Nornui. I must admit, I was tempted to not bring this matter up with you at all to ensure that spell could see the light of day.”

He gave Maxi a bitter smile when she pursed her lips.

“Evidently, I have since reconsidered. Doing so would have ensured Nornui its second deserter.”

“It’s… not that I am unhappy here,” Maxi said cautiously. “I simply want to return to my family. Learning magic is certainly rewarding… but I cannot imagine a lifetime of studying magic in this tower. I wish to be with my husband.”