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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 41
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Donna leaped to her feet and inched back to avoid her. “I get that you are angry about the whole thing.

However, you have to calm down and tell your new agent the whole story. The arrangement came from

the management. I can’t change it.”

With these words, she hurriedly left the meeting room like she had seen a ghost.

“Fuck!” Sarah screamed and trembled like a mad woman. When she noticed that Ariana was still

standing there, she exploded, “Why are you still here? Get out! I don’t want to set my eyes on you ever


Ariana braved the storm by taking a seat. She crossed her legs and said, “Let’s be realistic. The

company has already given up on you. I’m your only lifeline now.”

“Shut the fuck up!” Sarah yelled, her eyes blazing.

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Ariana snorted, “Yelling will get you nowhere. You said that Lynch framed you. Why don’t you take him

down instead of venting your anger on innocent people? Just so you know, Donna assigned me to you

because she wants to watch us fight. I don’t want to give her the pleasure of seeing that happen. If you

cooperate with me, 1 can help you get your career back.”

“Ha-ha! What makes you so confident? You must think this is child’s play!” Sarah couldn’t help.

laughing at her.

“You act like you have another choice. If I’m being honest, we are both in the same boat. We have to

work together to survive.” Ariana smiled and stared into Sarah’s eyes.

Sarah finally sheathed her sword. She stopped yelling and took a deep breath.

“Well, can you really help me?”

Ariana clasped her hands together and said. meaningfully, “Donna wants to see me fail, so she made

me your agent. I’m just a newcomer. Why do you think that she’s getting worked up over a newbie?”

“Are you trying to say that she’s gunning for your backer, not you?”

Sarah tapped her chin thoughtfully. The whole arrangement was dubious. Having known that Donna

always tried to bring down those who posed a threat to her, and judging from how elegantly Ariana

carried herself, Sarah suspected that she was from a family of old money.

Ariana smiled brightly. “That was a good guess. Maybe it’s because I’m the CEO’s wife.”

Sarah rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on. Stop joking about something like that.”

“I’m not joking.” Ariana muttered seriously.

It was the absolute truth. Why did no one believe her?

“Please! I wasn’t born yesterday. Tell that to kids, they will believe you.” Sarah chuckled. She shook her

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head and sat back on the sofa. Then she lit up another cigarette.

In the blink of an eye, Ariana grabbed the cigarette off her hand and said, “Don’t you know smoking is

bad for you? As a singer, you shouldn’t be touching a cigarette at all!”

Sarah sucked her teeth. “What difference does it make? My career is finished. No one wants to listen to

me sing or buy my records.”

She took out another cigarette from the box.

Seeing this, Ariana had no choice but to hand the cigarette back to her. She then looked at her and

said, “You might be bad business for others, but not for me. You are my only shot at gaining a foothold

in SJ Entertainment. Basically, we need each other now. Trust me. I’ll do my best to help you.”