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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 176
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Chapter: 176

She then signaled to the only remaining bodyguard in the room, who promptly produced an elegant box

and offered it to Ariana.

The box’s design was all too familiar to Ariana as it was the same one used by Holden when he sent

her the necklace.

Ariana quickly declined, saying, “I don’t accept gifts from unknown sources.”

However, Jennifer wouldn’t take no for an answer and pushed the box into Ariana’s hands, insisting,

“Just take a look first. See what it is.”

Reluctantly, Ariana opened the box to find one of her mother’s treasured possessions—-the very

necklace that had been sold! @®

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Ariana’s shock turned to disbelief as she gazed at the necklace in the box.

She couldn’t believe that Holden, after she had offended him, would give her the necklace of her

mother with such decisiveness.

“Do you know who gave it to you?” Jennifer asked with a curious look, intrigued by Ariana’s innocence.

She wondered how Holden knew such a pure girl.

Ariana nodded. “But what does it mean that he’s giving it to me all of a sudden?”

Jennifer took Ariana’s hands in hers and said in a gentle tone, “It’s his way of apologizing. He knows he

was wrong and acted rudely toward you. He genuinely thinks highly of you and wants to make amends

by being friends.”

But Ariana wasn’t having it. After all that happened, how could she be his friend?

“As the CEO of BRD Group, he doesn’t lack friends. If he were sincere, why wouldn’t he show his face?

Every time he hides in the shadows or behind a mask!”

Jennifer was taken aback by Ariana’s words.

Jennifer was in a tricky situation because of her close ties with Adrian. She was privy to Holden’s

secret dual identity, and she knew that his actions of hiding behind the darkness or mask were all done

to keep his identity hidden from Ariana. But she struggled with how to explain this to Ariana, who was

clearly suspicious and confused.

After all, for those who didn’t know the truth, Holden’s actions of hiding behind a mask or in the

darkness might seem abnormal.

Facing Ariana’s suspicious gaze, Jennifer had to improvise a story. “It’s a long and complicated story.”

Ariana’s piercing eyes narrowed as she said, “Then cut it short.”

With a sigh, Jennifer decided to give her a brief explanation.

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“Okay, I’ll tell you the truth, but please keep it a secret. Holden was involved in a terrible fire when he

was only seven years old. The fire was so intense that it burned down the entire villa and left Holden

with a disfigured face. He was rescued by a brave nanny, but it was too late to save his face.”

As Jennifer spoke, she realized that her story was becoming increasingly implausible.

The thought of the only heir to BRD Group having only a nanny and no bodyguards around seemed


However, judging by Ariana’s expression, it seemed she was buying the story. Was Ariana that easily

fooled? @

“So, he wears a mask because of the disfigurement?” Ariana asked, shocked by this new information.

Jennifer’s words seemed to ring true and Ariana felt remorseful for her past actions. She realized that

she had gone too far trying to remove Holden’s mask last time and now understood why he wore a

mask. No wonder there was no photo of Holden on the Internet. She couldn’t help but frown at the

thought of having wronged him. @