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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 128
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Chapter: 128

Meanwhile, in the study, Theodore silently stared at the document in his hands. His mind was

somewhere else.

Horace, who had been standing aside, finally broke the silence.

“Boss, haven’t you had enough? You have been playing tricks on Ms. Edwards every day. Today was a

close one. If I hadn’t cut off the power supply in time, you would have gotten exposed. Are you going to

continue like this? If you ask me, I think it’s time for you to come clean to her.” @

Theodore didn’t say anything. He just tapped at the document with his index finger, still lost in thought.

Out of curiosity, Horace stole a glance at the document. The header read, “Property Transfer

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Agreement”. There were a few words afterward. When he looked down at the spot for signature, he

saw two words written in caps, “SCREW YOU!” @

A chuckle suddenly escaped Horace’s lips. He quickly covered his mouth as he met his boss’s eyes.

The next second, Theodore burst into a shoulder-shaking laughter.

Horace’s jaw dropped immediately. This was the first time he was witnessing his cold boss laugh in this

manner. He couldn’t help but wonder if Ariana had driven his boss mad.

It took a while before the study finally returned to its usual silence.

Theodore’s eyes were misty from laughing too hard. The smile on his lips indicated that he was in a

good mood.

Still staring at the document in his hand, he recalled the passionate kiss he had in the viewing room.

“Why should I pull the plug now? The game is getting more and more interesting. The way I see it, this

is just the beginning.” @


The next morning, Theodore came down for breakfast as usual.

He waited at the table for a long time, but Ariana never showed up.

“Why is Ariana not here yet? Time is precious. Go and call her,”

Theodore commanded Judy, folding the morning newspaper and throwing it aside.

Judy set down the tray she was holding. She hesitated for a while before she handed Theodore a note

and said, “Actually, she’s not in. She left you a note and went out at the crack of dawn.” @

Theodore’s face darkened as he unfolded the note.

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It read, “I have to go to Ivebridge because of the new variety show. I don’t know when I will be back.

Take care.”

Feeling ticked off, Theodore crumpled the note into a ball. He gritted his teeth.

Was that all she could come up with?

She should have tried harder to concoct a more believable excuse, What did she mean by she had to

go to Ivebridge now because of the show? The crew for the show wasn’t even complete yet. She was

just trying to avoid him.


Sarah sat in her seat on the plane with a pair of sunglasses over her eyes. She frequently turned her

head to look at Ariana who was dozing off beside her.