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Unconscious Husband: Meet Her Love In Silence by Ken Slaner

Chapter 112
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Chapter: 112


Theodore suddenly piped up. “Do you know why Darian hates me so much that he wants me dead, but

still made sure to carry out the artificial insemination when I was still in a vegetative state?” ©

Curiosity more than anything made Ariana stop and look back at Theodore. She had been wondering

about this, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask him.

The lights in the compound shone inside half of the car.

Theodore’s body was partly visible. He sneered, and the spark in his eyes was so terrifying. @

“Well, it’s because before my mother died, she left thirty percent of the company’s shares to me. She

wrote in her will that if I ever die without an heir, the shares should be donated to charity.”

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Theodore paused and continued with a much colder voice, “Darian is a greedy man. He wanted you to

have my baby so the shares can be transferred to him in the long run. You are just a tool for him. If you

ever birth a child for me, I’d become useless to them. They won’t hesitate to kill me.”

Ariana’s eyes widened in horror when she heard these words. She felt a chill knife through her. This

revelation left her so stunned that she couldn’t find the right words to say. When she saw Theodore’s

indifferent expression, she spun on her heels and ran into the house. @

“Boss, why did you say that to make Ms. Edwards misunderstand?”

Horace, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, turned his head and asked his boss hesitantly.

Looking slightly perturbed, Theodore stared in the direction that Ariana went.

“Although what you said is true, you don’t have to worry about your father and Jasper at all. Their

conspiracy is not the only reason why you don’t want a child. Why didn’t you tell Ms.

Edwards the real reason instead? You frightened her.” Horace sighed and wondered what was going

on in his boss’s head.

In his short life, he learned that women were not the only unpredictable ones. Men, for example, his

boss, were highly unpredictable, too.

Theodore finally looked away and stared at his assistant through the rearview mirror. “Some things are

better left unsaid.”


Ariana couldn’t fall asleep again. She tossed and turned in bed as the words that Theodore said earlier

replayed in her head.

Her first impression of him was unpleasant. She saw him as a cold-blooded man who hated his father

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and half-brother with every fiber of his being.

Never did it occur to her that Darian and Jasper were the ones who drove Theodore to be so ruthless.

Ariana had seen how Darian treated Theodore. He behaved like a father who was looking out for his

eldest son, but he was just trying to seize power from him.

As for Jasper, he never hid the fact that he hated Theodore. He made trouble for him at every chance

he got.

It was only Theodore against them all. They were coming at him for everything he got. If he made the

smallest mistake, he would lose everything. Poor boy! @

Sympathy swirled in Ariana’s heart as she turned over and stared blankly at the ceiling.

She realized that Theodore had a good reason not to want a child now. @