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Ultraman - Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 168: The Frightening Changes under the Blood Moon (15)
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Chapter 168 The Frightening Changes under the Blood Moon (15)

The blazing flame seemed to become crazy. It spread out everywhere and swallowed everything. This red fire was like an arrogant painter using a brush in his hand, painting everything it pass into black color.

But this was still within the scope of Night Raider’s control.

“I’m going in!”

Seeing the growing flame, although he had already made a decision, but seeing this large flame, his heart trembled a bit. Calming his heart down, Jiang Qi faintly spoke.

“Please wait.”

Suddenly, Huang Ying who was giving orders at the side said : “I will get a few people in too, otherwise it would be too hard to find them.”

“Your people didn’t know my friends. If they were to bring a vampire out, then everything would be finished.”

Jiang Qi still remembered, Jiang Liu had repeatedly told him that he cannot let any vampire out.

In fact, Jiang Qi also didn’t intend to let any vampire off either.

“Going in alone would be too risky.”

No matter what he said, Huang Ying still couldn’t be at ease. If some accidents were to happen…….

“I can manage!”

Jiang Qi smiled at Huang Ying, then ran off and threw himself into the raging fire.

Looking at Jiang Qi’s back, Huang Ying was a bit dazed. Being able to go this far for your friends was actually not bad.

“Commander, what are you doing?”

Suddenly, a keen eyes member saw Huang Ying put down a radio and a few items. There was only a firearm in her uniform now.

“I cannot watch him go in along and do nothing about it!”

Huang Ying said and was about to enter the burning barroom.

“Commander, let’s us go with you!”

A team member hastily stopped her. A large group of men were here and actually let a woman facing danger alone, if this got out, it would be an utter disgrace for them.

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Huang Ying waved her hand, pondered a bit, then said : “You guys stayed here and kept watching. Don’t let anyone escape from this place!”

Finished speaking, Huang Ying entered the barroom, not give them time to react.

“What now?”

They looked at each other helplessly and could only utter a word.

“So cold!”

Someone rolled his eyes, then said : “We can still control the fire for about 15 minutes. If she still doesn’t come out after 10 minutes, we’ll go in and rescue her.”

“We can just put out the fire.”

Someone gritted his teeth and spoke his idea.


This suggestion was immediately refuted the moment it had just came out.

“If just a vampire survived from the fire, then all is over.”


Jiang Qi who had just jumped into the fire felt being swallowed by fire. The irritating smoke and dust entered his nose and made him frowned.

Feeling okay now, Jiang Qi lowered both arms. The surrounding was already engulfed in fire.


Just when Jiang Qi was about to move, a shadow charged at him. Jiang Qi instinctly rolled away and dodge the shadow’s assault.

“You are…….”

Jiang Qi half knelt on the ground. He looked at that shadow and narrowed his eyes. Seeing the long sharp teeth, Jiang Qi Immediately knew its identity.


Jiang Qi’s face became cold. He shook his hand and rushed toward that shadow. That pitiful vampire didn’t even have time to stand up before it was kicked into the fire, then ceased to exist.

Could it be that Jiang Xue and co. had to deal with this situation?

Jiang Qi waited no more. Not just the fire, there’re also vampires. Jiang Liu and Jiang Xue……er, Jiang Liu would be in danger.

Thinking to this, The Zero Eyes float up from Jiang Qi’s wrist. He was about to transform when voices suddenly came.

“Mister Jiang Qi! Mister Jiang Qi!”

Jiang Qi hastily stuffed Zero Eyes back and flurriedly looked at the voice. This look stunned Jiang Qi.

“Commander Huang Ying?”

That person was actually Huang Ying carrying a gun in her hand quickly running toward h8m.

Jiang Qi opened his mouth wide, feeling somewhat dizzy. Why did she come here? How could he transform now!

Furthermore, this place was very dangerous, she……

“Look out!”

Suddenly, Huang Ying’s face changed and shouted at Jiang Qi.

Jiang Qi raised his head and looked up above. He saw a burning roof beam falling toward him.

Jiang Qi’s mind became blanked. How come this barroom still use roof beam?


Suddenly, Jiang Qi felt himself being pushed. With alarm, Jiang Qi looked back and saw it was Huang Ying!

If this went on, Huang Ying’s future would not bode well.

Recalling the argument with her earlier, Jiang Qi knew that she was a qualified officer. She must not die!

Jiang Qi’s eyes became firm. The light well out from his left wrist and enveloped Jiang Qi.



Jiang Xue kicked away a piece of falling plank. It was unknown how many times she had done this. She started to feel anxious. If this went on……


Jiang Liu’s stern expression undulated, he looked at Jiang Xue.

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“Father, you go first, I will cover you!”

Hearing Jiang Xue’s words, Jiang Liu suddenly felt his nose soured. He shouted inside, stupid child.

“Don’t be anxious, someone will come and save us.”


Jiang Xue tilted her head and looked at Jiang Liu with confusion. Who will come and save them at this time? Night Raider? Can they break through the fire?


At this moment, dazzling light charged through from the depths of the corridor. Under the strong light, Jiang Xue couldn’t help but raise her hand to cover her eyes.


Very quickly, the light enveloped both of them, then rushed out.


“What’s that!”

A ball of light charged out from the barroom and slowly landed on the ground. The Night Raider members looked the light, stunned. A name suddenly came in mind.


The light faded and Zero’s figure could be seen. However this time, there’re people in his hand.

Turning his body, Jiang Qi put the people down on the hilltop with very great care. This was the first time he hold people. It felt like holding hamsters.

(TN : Hamster has hair all over their body though, so it’s a little bit fluffy.)

“My god, Zero……”

Jiang Xue felt her feet reach the ground and finally relaxed a breath. Looking at Zero’s bright eyes, she couldn’t say anything for a moment.

Another person who couldn’t say anything was Huang Ying. She fainted opened her mouth, looking at the Giant she had seen countless times in videos. Her lip lightly trembled.

Jiang Qi faintly nodded at them and was about to leave.

Suddenly, the weather made an abrupt change. The grayish-white sky gradually became a darker shade.


The fine hair on Jiang Qi’s back stood up. He hurriedly turned around……