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Ultraman - Only Want To Protect You

Chapter 167: The Frightening Changes under the Blood Moon (14)
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Chapter 167 The Frightening Changes under the Blood Moon (14)

“I still have a question.”

Hearing the sound of turmoil below, Du Yuan gritted his teeth and asked : “Who is the light?”

“You have seen him before.”

Jiang Liu’s mouth lifted. He looked at Du Yuan and slowly said : “Right now he is waiting at the entrance.”

(TN : Confirmed! The cat is indeed out of the bag!)


I have seen him before?

Du Yuan narrowed his eyes. If he had met him before, then there’s no way he wouldn’t have any impression. But Jiang Liu had no need to deceive him either.

Glancing at Jiang Liu, Du Yuan slightly paused, then suddenly thought if one possibility. This kind of ‘Light Contamination’ couldn’t be from just a day of the meeting, but had to be from being close for particularly long time.

For this to happen, he had to be the people close to Jiang Liu, but Jiang Liu didn’t seem to have any…….

Thinking to this, Du Yuan’s eyes suddenly enlarged. He stared at Jiang Liu in shock. He truly had never expected that actually……..

“It is that employee of you?”

Seeing that Du Yuan actually became smart this time, Jiang Liu nodded in unexpectation, then said : “Correct, he’s the one.”


Du Yuan just vaguely remembered that the boy had a very thin existence in his mind, the boy who hid behind them.

Based on his investigation on Zero, his character was cunning, how could it be so simple?

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“Unable to understand?”

Jiang Liu tilted his head and smirked. He looked at Du Yuan and slowly said : “ No need to think about it if you cannot understand. Since the ending won’t change.”

“You really are so confident that boy will come and save you?”

Du Yuan recovered his morale and said to Jiang Liu : “That boy can just abandon you and clear up the mess later.”

“Are you acquaint with him longer than I with him?”

Jiang Liu completely didn’t bother with Du Yuan’s prodding. This came from the accumulation of dozens of year of working.

“Even if he come to save you, do you think he can break apart the Binding Boundary?”

Du Yuan stared at Jiang Liu’s calm eyes, he slowly said with a fierce expression : “After he enters the Boundary, even if his skill is as high as heaven, he cannot transform into Zero, he will be nothing!”

“But after being burned by fire, can this Boundary maintained for a long time?”

Jiang Liu deliberately put on puzzled appearance and said : “10 minutes, 9 minutes, maybe…….less?”


Du Yuan abruptly react at Jiang Liu’s deliberated words. How could he know so much about the vampires?

“As a matter of fact, the true reverse hypnotism is to let the other side think he hypnotized you, and at the same time, hypnotized him back.”

(TN : Haha, this guy, human hypnotize a vampire.)

Jiang Liu waved his hand at Du Yuan and said to him like he’s a child : “You are still too tender!”


Du Yuan’s upper body straightened up. His tone was filled with confused and disbelief.

“I undoubtedly hypnotized you! How could I being the one hypnotized?”

Du Yuan practically wanted to blow up. His expression became bright red. He stared at Jiang Liu and shouted.

“Don’t tell me you still don’t understand about the strangeness of your action.”

Regarding Du Yuan’s intense reaction, Jiang Liu didn’t feel unexpected at all. He merely spoke in a soft voice, calming Du Yuan down.

“Strange? What part of my action is strange?”

After Du Yuan calmed down, hearing Jiang Liu’s seemingly ridiculous words, he was fulled of distrust.

“Zero’s form is clearly a male.”

Du Yuan’s face changed the moment he heard Jiang Liu’s words. Jiang Liu seemed to not notice this, he continued saying : “But when I told you that Zero was Jiang Xue, you Immediately believe it.”

Du Yuan lowered his head. His face bewildered. That’s right, why did he believe that?

“If you want to kill Zero, you only need several vampires. If he transformed, then just leave it to your backer.”

Jiang Liu didn’t stop here, he followed : “And yet you gathered every elite vampire to this place.”

“Zero is not that easy to handle, but you insisted to test Zero’s skill all by yourself.”

Jiang Liu spoke continuously, finally, his face was fulled of smiling expression. He looked at Du Yuan and asked : “This is all. So, don’t you find it strange?”

“Don’t tell me……I am really hypnotized?”

Du Yuan opened his mouth and weakly asked. Even now, he felt that Jiang Liu’s smile made people paraesthesia cold.

“The moment you believe that you hypnotized me, you inadvertently told everything about the vampire.”

Jiang Liu saw that Du Yuan’s face was so dark it couldn’t become darker, so he stopped.

“I am curious about one thing though.”

Jiang Liu spoke and prodded his chin with his index finger. He looked at Du Yuan and said : “You were originally a human! Why do you help vampires? I can’t truly understand this.”

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Jiang Liu spoke and pushed his wheelchair : “But this is not important now, right?”

“No matter how beautiful angels are, once their wings are broken, they can turn into hideous demons, showing their wicked side.”

The moment Jiang Liu reached the door, Du Yuan’s weak voice passed through his ears, making him paused a bit, then he left the room, leaving hopeless Du Yuan behind.


Jiang Liu closed the door. He turned to look at the mess in the corridor, then at the vampires. It seemed they were knocked out.

The red flame could be faintly seen and the burnt smell passed through. Jiang Liu frowned, then looked at the middle of the corridor.

Jiang Xue sat on the last vampire, breaking his neck. She let out a breath, then walked to Jiang Liu’s side.

“Father, everything is settled.”

Hearing the sound of Jiang Xue’s slightly panting, Jiang Liu faintly nodded, then asked : “Little Xue, who do you think will win between that brat Jiang Qi and Du Yuan?”


Seemingly to not expect Jiang Liu to ask her that, Jiang Xue pondered for a while, then said : “50-50, maybe? Although Little Jiang has improved, but Du Yuan is also a vampire. The odds may not be great.”

“Does it?”

Jiang Liu smiled, then said : “If possible, I really want to match them. In my eyes, that brat is not necessarily the one who lost.”


Although Jiang Xue didn’t know where Jiang Liu’s confidence came from, but she knew that if there’s no one coming, they would die in a fire.

“Father, what should we do next?”

The only safe places were this corridor and the room behind.

Based on Jiang Liu’s character, he should have a way out.


Jiang Liu spoke without hesitation: “Wait for someone to save us.”


Jiang Xue’s eyes instantly became round. This is your way out?