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Trapped in Love By Kitty Song

Chapter 149
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Chapter 151 This Is Papa Wilson

Caroline was stunned. “You did this for the children?”

“Yes.” Scott did not deny it. “Since you won’t let me share the stress of your life, I can only help out

more with the children.”

Caroline’s heart felt warm and content. While her feelings for Scott weren’t strong, he seemed like

the best choice to be her husband and the father of her children

Caroline said sincerely, “Thank you ”

Scott chuckled “You know I don’t like you saying thank you‘ because it’ll make us seem like

strangers. In addition, I’m doing this voluntarily.”

Scott took a sip of juice. “When is Axel coming?”

“Tomorrow. Caroline said, “Tll bring him over.”

Scott paused for a moment before he said, “T’ll go. It would be best for you not to go to Villa Rosa

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Caroline shook her head. “I want to keep my promise to the child. Moreover, the child doesn’t

know you, so I’m worried he might resist you

Scott relented. “I shall come over earlier tomorrow, then.”


Caroline wore her shades and headed out to pick up Axel on Saturday morning.

As soon as Caroline drove out of the residential area, Julian followed her while maintaining a distance.

He trailed her to Villa Rose. When he saw Axel getting into her car, he took a photo using

his phone and sent it to Evan.

Caroline assisted Axel in fastening his seatbelt before driving back to Bayview Villa. Trying to calm

Axel, she asked, “Does your father know you’re out, Axel?”

“The nanny and the servant won’t tell,” Axel replied.

He had always been good at paying for people’s silence.


Caroline kept quiet for a short while before she said, “Axel, are you not fond of meeting strangers?”

Axel clutched his shirt tightly. “I can do it if the stranger is Mommy’s friend”

He managed to push down his fear and worry for his mother’s sake, aware of his illness.

Caroline’s heart ached deeply as she caught sight of Axel lowering his head in the rearview mirror.

“Axel, feel free to share your likes and dislikes with me. You have the right to decide for yourself. If

you’re uncomfortable around a stranger right now, I’ll be here to keep you company as you gradually

get used to new things

Axel’s dim gaze slowly brightened. He cautiously but happily asked, “Really?”

“Yes, my dear. You don’t need to worry about anything when I’m here.”

Axel smiled. “That’s good…”

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Caroline felt a pang of sadness. She struggled to grasp the full extent of Daniella’s emotional toll

on Axel.

All Caroline could do was expose Daniella to public scrutiny and do her best to shield and support Axel.

When Caroline returned to Bayview Villa, Scott was already playing with the two children.

Upon hearing the noise, the children rushed over and brought Axel into the house.

They introduced Axel to Scott.

Liora said, “Axel, this is Papa Wilson. You can also call him Papa Wilson”

Axel seemed nervous, trying to speak, but no words came out.

With a smile, Scott said casually, “That’s alright, Axel. You don’t know me yet, so you can use that

name once you get to know me. If you prefer, you can call me Uncle Scott.”

Axel visibly relaxed upon hearing that.

Tyler guided him to a seat, and the four of them started playing with Legos.

Scott glanced at Caroline and signaled her to trust him with Axel for a while.