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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 2496
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The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2496

One of the elders wore a black robe, while the other had a white one on. Oddly enough, though they had white hair,

they still looked rather young.

Whatever the case was, the second the two appeared, Gerald could immediately feel an immense pressure being

emitted from them!

Ever since Gerald entered the Domiensch Realm, nobody had been able to make him feel this way aside from

Finnley and Sanchez.

With that in mind, it was obvious that these two men had already entered the Deitus Realm!


“Oh? The Blancetnoir Double Lords who entered the Deitus Realm about a thousand years ago? How interesting…!

Why are such well known cultivators like you two standing guard over this child?” asked Sanchez as he laughed

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Ignoring his question, the white-robed old man simply retorted, “Your true self has been destroyed, Sanchez! With

that said, I don’t think I need to tell you how a battle with both of us is going to end!

“True enough, now that I’m only half of what I used to be, it’ll definitely be difficult for me to take on you two at the

same time. However, hear me out. The secrets of the headless

general are about to be revealed. Aren’t you curious in the least?” replied Sanchez, his arms still against his back.

Upon hearing that, the two men were prompted to look at each other, clearly feeling a bit more hesitant now.

“Don’t listen to him, Grandpa Blanc and Noir! Allow me to remind you that he sacrificed the lives of countless

cultivators simply because he wanted to unlock the secrets of the headless general! He’s a sinister and cunning

man who won’t share anything he finds with you!” yelled Yusra who was currently pressing her wound.

Seeing that, Sanchez simply waved his hand and a black light momentarily engulfed Yusra’s body!

However, the second the light dissipated, her wounds were shown to have completely healed.

“About that I didn’t really want to kill you, Miss Quarrington. That aside, I’ve now removed the curse on her. Now

then… You two simply wish to protect Miss Quarrington, correct? Since those within the formation have already

shed their blood, the secrets of the general’s tomb will soon be revealed.”

“Do you truly not wish to see what lies beyond that puzzle?” asked Sanchez with a sinister chuckle.

“Please don’t fall for it, Seniors Blancetnoir! Save us instead! I’m the current leader of the Mount Taivas Sect, and

I’m sure you know my ancestor!” yelled Hauk Realizing that the black-robed man looked rather undecided, Hauk

quickly began pleading, “You can’t just watch the cultivation realm fall like this, right…?!”

“There’s no need to hesitate any further, Second Brother! Though we’ve already ascended from the cultivation

realm, we mustn’t allow this demon to kill everyone! Now let’s finish this!” added the white-robed man.

“Eldest Brother! Our mission is simply to protect Miss Quarrington! Now that she’s fine, we can make this trip more

fruitful by witnessing the secrets of the general’s tomb!” replied the black-robed man after a brief pause.

“You…” retorted the white-robed man with a frown.

Chuckling, Sanchez then said, “It appears that Lord Noir is the more sensible one here! That aside, do you really

think you can kill me just because I’m a split self? Let’s face it, we’ll only end up seriously wounding each other!

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Regardless, now that so much blood has been drained out of these juniors, the secrets of the tomb will soon be

revealed! If we fight now, we

may not be able to take on the headless general once that happens! So what do you say we sit this fight out?” After

a long pause, the white-robed man slowly lowered his hand, prompting Yusra to anxiously say, “G-Grandpa Blanc..?”

“While I’m relieved that you’re now fine, Sanchez has a point. If we fight, not only will we waste our energy, but

we’ll also be unable to save the lives of these juniors! What’s more,

if we’re all battered, we may not be able to win against the headless general or even escape. That’d be a major risk

to all of us!” replied the white-robed man.

“Glad to hear that both of you are using your heads! With your aid, the chances of success are now higher than

ever..!” declared Sanchez with a loud laugh before continuing to chant the spell Though Gerald still looked relatively

fine, Hauk had gone fully pale by now. As he spat out a

mouthful of blood, cracks began appearing on the Golden Dragon Formation.

It was clear that it was about to collapse.

As more and more blood streamed out of the cultivators, the cracks beneath the headless general who was still

emitting a deadly aura kept getting deeper and deeper! Eventually, the entire chamber began quivering, and the

cracks on the ground expanded even faster than ever.