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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 2462
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The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2462

“Did you manage to find anything?!” exclaimed Darkwind.

Looking rather panicked, Professor Boyle then shook his head before saying, “Not yet, but…”

“Though we haven’t found anything yet, we received an invitation letter addressed to Mr. Crawford! I was worried

that they’d come for you next, so I quickly came over with the professor!” explained Lyndon as he took the

invitation letter out.

Raising a slight brow, Gerald then took the letter and began reading through it… By the end of it, he realized that

they were all being invited to the Zandt family’s banquet that was to be held tonight.


Upon being relayed the message, Darkwind instantly said, “It’s clearly a trap, Mr. Crawford! The big demons are

probably taking over this time, so we must be really careful if we’re attending! They won’t be small fries like

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“I agree. It’s stated here that Master Greendrake, Mr. Sevenom, and a few others will also be attending… They

must be Master Trilight’s accomplices!” added Lyndon.

“I’ve heard those names before!” exclaimed Marcel as he entered the living room.

At the moment, Gerald and the others were staying at his place.

Regardless, Gerald then asked in a slightly surprised tone, “You know them, Mr. Lurvink?” “Indeed! You see, Master

Greendrake is the leader of Greendrake Church that’s located northwest of here, whereas Mr. Sevenom is the

leader of the Centipede Sect! Both of them are highly influential, which is why apart from the followers of their

sects, there are many other subordinate families working for them! know all this since in the past, those from the

Leuke family who are their followers in Japan attempted to kill me!”

“Speaking of which, there’s another person you should know of. He’s called Master Coldwater of the Coldwater

Church, and together with Master Greendrake and Mr. Sevenom, all three of them are equally powerful seniors of

Master Trilight from the Trilight Church! There are many peculiar rumors regarding those three in Peaceton!” added

Marcel as he served everyone some tea.

Watching as Marcel then took a cup for himself before sitting on the couch, Darkwind was prompted to ask, “What

kind of rumors”

“Well.. For one, it’s rumored that Master Greendrake is so powerful that he can turn stones into gold. He’s even

capable of flying with a sword! As for Master Coldwater, she’s invulnerable to both fire and water… With that in

mind, it’s said that she can even bathe in fire! Moving on to Mr. Sevenom… He’s a vicious one. An expert in using

poisons, it’s said that he’s immune to almost all poisons, and I once heard that he’s capable of holding his breath

for an entire year! He doesn’t eat or drink, either, and he apparently always has a venomous fire marten hiding up

his sleeves. If you get bitten by it, you’ll supposedly melt into a puddle of black blood in just seven steps!”

“While there are far fewer rumors surrounding Master Trilight, she’s said to be capable of playing music to heal

illnesses… Regardless of the illness, just hearing her song will do the trick!” explained Marcel.

“How do you even know about all this, Ferb..?” asked the surprised professor.

“Ms. Phoebe probably told him, right?” replied Gerald with a smile. Though Gerald knew that Marcel could use the

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disguise techniques of ancient witches, he was ultimately not from their circle.

“Bingo, Mr. Crawford. Phoebe told me about all this since I once wanted to get Master Trilight to save our son. After

all, aside from Mr. Sevenom, all the other churches were worshipped by many. However, Phoebe instantly

disagreed and told me all that I just relayed to you. That aside, she also warned me that they were all bad people

who should be stayed away from!” explained Marcel.

“She’s absolutely right. If you get involved with them, you’ll probably lose your Yangblood pellets as well. After all,

they aren’t even human! ” replied Gerald who after listening to Marcel’s stories now had a better understanding of

those four great demons.

“Then… Should we head over…? For all we know, they may still have other special angelic artifacts in store”

muttered Darkwind as he and Lyndon exchanged glances.

“Of course, we’re attending. They took the time to send us an invitation, so it’d be rude if we didn’t go. Besides,

nothing ventured, nothing gained. If we don’t learn who they truly are and what they’re doing here, it’ll be more

difficult for us to obtain Yinblood pellets to save Marcel’s son!”