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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 2448
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The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2448

“While you appear to know that senior and your black magic is quite strong, your power is at best only comparable

to mine. You’re still lightyears away from getting to a pre-Angelord level!” said Gerald.

“I agree with that. While our power doesn’t differ too much, your martial arts are way too strong for me. While I

don’t personally know Saint Amorphous, my master has been his rival for the longest time!” replied Master Trilight

in an anxious tone.

“Who exactly is your master?” asked Gerald, wondering if this ‘master’ was the expert mentioned by that girl in the

mirror. Maybe he was the true demon.

The fact that her master personally knew the senior in Fyre Cave also told Gerald that he needed to be careful

around that person.

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Either way, the priestess then replied, “He’s someone you aren’t qualified to know. Regardless, since you saved

those siblings, I’m assuming you wish to become my enemy! However, since I’m a tolerant person, I’ll forgive you if

you present me with a hundred individuals who were born at noon! With your ability, I believe that shouldn’t be

heard at all. What more, since you’re much stronger than that foolish disciple of mine, you should be able to gather

them within ten days!”

“As if I’d ever harm others for your sake!” retorted the furious Gerald as he formed another aurablade and aimed it

toward Master Trilight!

Naturally, Master Trilight didn’t dare to take Gerald’s attacks head on anymore. With that, she quickly took a flute

out and immediately began blowing it! An eerie melody soon filled the air and shortly after, an air wave shot out

toward Gerald…!

Seeing that, Gerald tossed his aurablade toward the air wave but when the two attacks collided, the aurablade

dissipated! What more, the air wave continued flying toward Gerald!

“An angelic artifact…?!” exclaimed Gerald as the air wave hit him, causing his mind to suddenly ache!

It didn’t take long for him to realize that it was now much more difficult to use his martial arts. All he could do was

use the calming incantations of the Velement Method to counter the effects of the air wave!

Regardless, Master Trilight simply smirked as she said, “Good eye. As you said, it’s an angelic artifact!”

Following that, Master Trilight blew an even more bizarre tune that instantly caused the essential qi in Gerald’s body

to go haywire…!

Gerald had learned about angelic artifacts from one of Walter’s books. Basically, aside from magic and divine

artifacts, there also existed angelic artifacts, though there were few records of such artifacts since so few

cultivators were even able to enter the Deitus Realm. It didn’t help that many existing records were lost to time.

That aside, Gerald had correctly guessed that it was an angelic artifact since such artifacts utilized angelic power.

Upon being released, angelic power could make its victims feel powerless which was what Gerald was experiencing

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Using the sound transmission technique, Master Trilight then laughed mockingly in Gerald’s mind before scoffing,

“Nobody has ever escaped the ancient angelic flute’s power! You’ll be melted alive!”

“I may not be able to kill you, but you won’t kill me that easily either!” retorted Gerald as he began performing the

Thordifussion Method while resisting the incoming sound waves!

Among the supreme heavenly techniques left behind by Saint Amorphous, there were two that allowed people to

avoid heavenly tribulations. The first way was by using the Velement Method to transform oneself into a baby. The

other was to use the Thordifussion Method.

Since becoming a pre-Angelord required one to face heavenly tribulations, these two techniques were perfect for

the job and if they could help one overcome heavenly tribulations, why couldn’t they overcome the power of the

ancient angelic flute?

With that in mind, Gerald closed his eyes and fiercely began mobilizing his essential qi…!

Seconds later, the rumble of thunder filled the initially clear sky, and lightning began striking as well! As if that

wasn’t already strange enough, something odd was now happening on Gerald’s forehead! Essentially, multiple bolts

of lightning were now converging toward his third eye as his surroundings kept changing!