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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 2445
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The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2445

“Fair enough. Either way, you’ve helped me a great deal, so I’ll do as I promised!” said Gerald with a subtle smile.

Following that, he began chanting a spell and soon after, a beam of light shot into the mirror!

He was using a secret charm of the Velement Method to extract the girl’s soul out of the mirror and shortly after,

the excited girl stepped out while asking, “A-am I really free…?”

“You are. That aside, I’ll also be reciting a transcendental incantation for you so that you can finally undergo

reincarnation,” replied Gerald as he began chanting again to form a formation.

Listening as Gerald chanted, the girl found herself slowly fading and it wasn’t long before she completely

disappeared in a puff of smoke.


With that done, Gerald didn’t plan to stay any longer. After all, the less troubles he bumped into, the better. Just as

he was about to leave, however, he heard footsteps slowly approaching him, followed by someone saying, “Is

anyone there…?”

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‘I need to hide!’ Gerald thought to himself as be rapidly chanted a spell that teleported him behind one of the

wooden cabinets! Since he could freely use the five natural elements to supplement the transportation technique, it

wasn’t hard for Gerald to conceal himself.

Regardless, it was only a few seconds later when Elain walked in and looked around. Once she was sure that nobody

was around, she grabbed the sutra book that Gerald had previously opened before flipping to the fifteenth page.

This, of course, opened the secret vault again, and upon entering, she took the bottle that Gerald had earlier


“I feel like my body has been brimming with essential qi of late… Maybe my cultivation level will improve soon!”

muttered Elain to herself as she carefully carried the bottle out.

Though Gerald truly didn’t plan to cause any trouble, this was his first time encountering demonic cultivators. Due

to that, he ended up giving in to curiosity, leading to him following Elain out to see how the medicine was actually


After leaving the secret room, Elain headed straight for the backyard. By this point, it was already dusk, and the sky

was growing darker by the second. The important thing to note, however, was the fact that there appeared to be

some kind of priestess sitting cross legged on a big stone who had a horsetail whisk in hand.

She was Master Trilight, and upon seeing Elain, she was promoted to say, “There you are. Did you bring the

medicine over? If so, we can continue cultivating right away. I can see that you’ve collected quite a bit of masculine

aura recently. I hope you remember that failing to dissolve that aura using the method I taught you and

transforming it into a source of power in time will result in you exploding!”

“I haven’t forgotten, Master!” replied Elain as she took a seat before revealing the medicine. Upon opening the

bottle, a green stream of gas began flowing into her body.

“Excellent. Now, try dissolving the masculine aura by using the breathing technique I taught you. The medicine

should help.”

Upon hearing that, Elain did as Master Trilight instructed and about half an hour later, Elain who’s previously green

face had turned white slowly opened her eyes again.

Seeing that, Master Trilight was prompted to say, “Things seem to be going smoothly. Even so, I want you to

continue using this method to cultivate tonight till your masculine aura is fully dissolved. Speaking of which, while

you were collecting masculine aura in the past ten days, did you make sure to write down the names of the ten

individuals you collected the auras from? If so, hand it to me. I wish to give them blessings!”

“I have! Here’s the name list, master. I’ve also made sure to hand them a lot of money!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Excellent. Always remember that as cultivators, we need to respect both the lives of others, as well as the laws of

heaven and earth. Naturally, we should prioritize helping those on the list! After all, you’re not exactly a professional

yet, which is why I always ask you for the name list. That way, not only will I be able to give them blessings, but I’ll

also ensure that you did everything right!” explained the priestess in a serious tone.

“Such benevolence and righteousness… I still have much to learn from you, Master…!”

“But of course! Either way, go ahead and continue cultivating first while I head off to give those children my

blessings. Speaking of which, remember not to meet any of them till the three year period is up. After all, if you do

so before you fully recover, your masculine aura will stunt their recovery!”

“Understood!” declared Elain, prompting Master Trilight to wave her hand and just like that, the priestess had


“Name list? Blessings? With that dense demonic spirit within Master Trilight..?!” muttered the anxious Gerald to


It was clear that all that priestess had said was bullsh*t.

After all, Gerald hadn’t even heard of masculine aura being able to stunt recovery! Regardless, rather than giving

those individuals blessings, she was definitely going to absorb the remaining masculine aura out of them! Those ten

people were going to die just so that the priestess could increase her cultivation!