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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 2442
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The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2442

The second the attack connected with her shoulder, Fae instantly went pale before spurring out blood!

“S-Second Young Mistress…!” exclaimed Gerald in fake panic before tossing two gas bombs! The bombs themselves

quickly exploded, fogging the entire area within seconds…!

When the fog finally cleared, the two were nowhere to be seen. Even so, Darkwind and Lyndon couldn’t help but

grin at each other. It had all been a big act, so they were naturally not going to give chase.

Regardless, Lyndon couldn’t help but feel slightly worried, prompting him to ask, “Are you sure your attack earlier

wasn’t fatal…?”


“Worry not, I barely used any force. Still, that’ll be sufficient to scare her! From this point on, we should just leave

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

the rest to Mr. Crawford,” replied Darkwind in a cheery tone.

Moving back to Gerald, he ran and ran with the injured Fae in his arms till they finally arrived at a park some thirty

miles away.

Realizing just how far from the restaurant they now were, Fae was prompted to say, “C-Chuck! Put me down! They

won’t come after us anymore…!”

Once Gerald did as she told, the crying girl took in a deep breath before growling, “That does it! I won’t let those

two off…! In fact, I won’t let that young man off, either! All three of them must die…!”

“Well said! Though… Urn… Young Mistress…? There’s something…” muttered the wide-eyed Gerald as he stared in

fake shock at Fae.

“What? What’s wrong?”

“W-well… Your lips have gone purple! Could the old man’s attack have been poisonous…?” whimpered Gerald.

“H-huh…?! T-then… What should I do…?!” exclaimed the now worried Fae.

“Come to think of it, your symptoms are quite similar to Master’s… However, Master has immense inner strength

which allows him to resist the poison. With the aid of the holy medicine, he’ll surely be able to eventually be cured!

However, you have neither of them so…” muttered Gerald as he shook his head.

“W-what should I do, then…?! I don’t want to die…!” wailed Fae as she rapidly began shaking her head.

“If you drink the holy medicine within the hour, you may be able to save your life! However, Master guards it

extremely strictly, and he’s even declared that nobody could use the holy medicine but him!” replied Gerald.

“How on earth did I even end up in such a situation..?! D*mn it all! Go get the medicine for me now! I only have an

hour left! Even my legs are wobbly now!” ordered the terrified girl who felt like her legs were giving out.

“B-but Master would never give me the holy medicine! After all, Master Trilight gave it to him..!” replied Gerald.

“Of course, he wouldn’t! Lowly people like you can’t even hope to enter the secret chamber! I was naturally telling

you to get my sister to obtain the medicine! After all, she knows all sorts of magical arts! Once you tell her about

my condition, she’ll surely come in a jiffy!” explained Fae whose face was already getting exceedingly pale.

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After nodding in response, Gerald then ran off but after running out of the park, he stopped in his tracks. Standing

by the roadside, he then began puffing on a cigarette..!

It was only after he was done with the cigarette that be transformed to look exactly like Fae’s sister. By the time be

re-entered the park, he quickly saw that Fae was shivering in fear, thinking that she was slowly dying.

Mimicking Elain’s voice, Gerald then exclaimed, “Sister!”

Upon hearing that, Fae turned to face Gerald while wailing, “S-Sister! I think I have the same condition as Father

now..! I can hardly even move my legs anymore..!”

“So I’ve heard. Don’t worry, I’ll get the holy medicine to treat you! However, I think I left my key on the hill. Father

and I were at the Trilight Church for his treatment earlier, you see. Either way, I’ll be heading there to find my key


“T-there’s no need for that! I have a key over my neck! So please, take it and burry…!” pleaded Fae.

“Will do!” declared Gerald as he ran off with the key.