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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 2438
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The Secretly or invisible Rich Man Chapter 2438

“I speak only the truth! Master really did tell Mr. Shyu not to tell anyone regarding the youth preserving medicine!

That aside, I also found out that he had another objective at the ancient general’s tomb. Essentially, he was looking

for an ingredient to boost the medicine’s effectiveness. If he finds it, the person who drinks the medicine will be

able to retain their youth for sixty years instead! You’d be able to look this young for ages…” replied Gerald.

“My word! I knew Master Trilight’s holy medicine was good for curing wounds, but I never expected him to give

away such a medicine!” exclaimed Fifth Mistress as she gently tapped on her cheeks, her eyes glinting with hope. If

she could obtain that medicine, she’d surely be the happiest woman alive!

Upon hearing that, Gerald pretended to sigh before saying, “You know, even at the time, I found it rather strange

that Master didn’t plan to give the medicine to his daughter… However, I later heard Mr. Shyu mumbling about

giving the medicine to a woman whom he plans to bring over!”

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“How dare Mr. Shyu not tell me about this! Master’s definitely fallen for someone else! But the most outrageous

thing is that he risked his life to enter the ancient general’s tomb just for her sake!” exclaimed Fifth Mistress, now

looking incredibly anxious.

“That aside, I didn’t expect you to be this sincere with me, Chuck! My love for you truly isn’tin vain! Still, had you not

told me this crucial news, not only was there a high chance that I wouldn’t get anything, but I’d possibly eventually

get thrown out of the Zandt family as well!” added the increasingly worried Fifth Mistress.

Seeing how anxious she now was, Gerald took the chance to say, “Honestly, I was planning to sneak into the secret

chamber to steal the holy medicine for you! In the process, I hope to find out what exactly is in the ancient

general’s tomb that allows for youth to be preserved for so long!”

“Do you really mean that, Chuck? You’d do that for me? But… it’s not like you can enter all willy-nilly. After all, the

keys are with Master and the two young mistresses! That aside, they’ll surely be able to sense you entering! Hell,

they’d be notified if you even went close to the room!” replied the surprised Fifth Mistress.

Knowing that she was unable to resist the holy medicine’s temptation, Gerald then said, “But I really want to do

something for you… How about the tomb? Do you know where it is?”

“I now see how true your feelings are for me, Chuck… That aside, I don’t know where the tomb is either… After all,

I’m sure you’re aware that only those three can access the Zandt family’s top secrets in the secret chamber…

Regardless, thank you for telling me all this! We’ll definitely start making thorough plans to obtain the medicine! But

putting all that aside, for now, come with me!” replied Fifth Mistress as she pulled Gerald further into her room.

However, it barely even took a few seconds for Gerald to walk out of her room. Staring at the unconscious Fifth

Mistress before closing the door, Gerald couldn’t help but think, ‘Like I’d ever let you touch me… I wouldn’t even

allow the prettiest of girls to do that! Preposterous!’

Whatever the case was, Gerald had to admit that his infiltration mission was rather successful. For one, he now

knew that the Zandts truly weren’t as simple as they appeared. After all, after looking around, Gerald found that

almost everything within the manor was arranged to create formations.

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That aside, he now knew that this Master Trilight of the Trilight Church was a supporter of the family. While Gerald

had never met him before, he had a hunch that Master Trilight was a strong demonic cultivator. Otherwise, he

wouldn’t have persuaded his disciples to absorb the masculine aura of others.

As previously mentioned, humans had three streams of masculine aura. If a person lost even a single stream, their

body would be damaged, and they would also be susceptible to a plethora of diseases… Sadly, Elain was still in the

dark about all this.

That aside, the other thing he had learned from this mission, was about the location of the general’s tomb. If what

Fifth Mistress had said was correct, then all he’d need to do was head into the secret chamber to locate the tomb.

The problem was, he didn’t quite know where the secret chamber was yet. What more, Gerald was worried that

making a mistake would alert the Zandts of his presence. To avoid that, he’d continue doing things secretly.

Despite how strong he now was, Gerald knew that there was always someone on top. With that in mind, if Master

Trilight was somehow stronger than he was, then everything could be ruined because of his recklessness!

Another reason why Gerald was being so cautious was because he knew that demonic cultivators could still enter

realms comparable to the Deitus Realm even though they didn’t use the qi of heaven and earth to cultivate. With

that in mind, he felt that it was better to be safe than sorry.