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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 157
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Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 157 Dickson had been

showing off his family’s connection with Mayberry in the rest of the conversations while poking fun at

Gerald. It would be unreal if Gerald was not angry at all. At this point in time, he would have really

loved to punch Dickson in his face. All Dickson could ever do was to just show off and mock people.

Other than those things, he had no greater purpose. That afternoon’s family gathering was quite awful.

They continued talking after lunch, and soon, it was past noon. Gerald had been awake since early that

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morning, and he was starting to get exhausted. Amber suddenly shouted, shocking Gerald. “ Dickson,

Elena. It’s almost five, and the party is about to start soon! Let’s go get ready now. It’s not nice to be

late!” “Right! Yoel Holden organized it, after all. We mustn’t be late!” Dickson said. “Okay, you should

get going now. Dickson, please take good care of Amber and Elena!” Ruby said, leaving Gerald out of

the conversation deliberately. “Yes, ma’am!” Dickson replied. They went to pick up their cars, and

Gerald hopped onto Amber’s Porsche. It was only because Elena insisted. If it wasn’t for her, they

would probably not have let Gerald into the car. Elena held onto Gerald’s arm tightly, a gesture to tell

him that she was sorry. She never thought they would be so mean to him. She apologized on behalf of

her family. Gerald shook his head with a bitter smile on his face. As they were talking, they reached the

entrance of Mayberry Beach. “Does Gerald have an entrance ticket?” Dickson wanted to ask that

question early on. Still, he waited until they all arrived at the entrance before asking just to embarrass

him. “I do have it!” Gerald nodded as he reached into his pocket for the ticket. “You must have gotten it

from Elena. Seriously Elena, why are you even so nice to him! Don’t you know? You’re just going to

ruin his life if you bring him into our world. Why not just let him live his own life?” Amber complained.

Amber didn’t usually sound like an adult, but now, she was acting like one. There was even a hint of

sophistication in the tone. She would usually treat Elena with respect, but she had enough for today. It

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was the gathering of the wealthy, and everyone there would be really rich. She understood that her

sister really loved this Gerald and intended to show him their world. But wouldn’t it hurt his pride after

seeing so many rich people inside? “That’s quite enough, Amber. Don’t be a nuisance!” Elena was

frustrated. “You two have to stop arguing now, okay. Let’s just go in and have a look, alright? If there’s

anything that Gerald is afraid of answering, I’ll answer it for him!” Dickson took advantage of the

situation. “Dickson, you’re such a gentleman!” Amber complimented as she rolled her eyes at Gerald. It

was only five in the afternoon, yet the beach was already crowded. “Dickson is here!” “Amber, you’re

here too! We have already started up the barbeque!”