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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 155
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Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 155 “Auntie, don’t say

that!” Elena glared at her with widened eyes. She really did not expect such cruel words to come out

from her aunt’s mouth. She really had no idea who the person standing in front of her was. He was truly

a great tycoon and a great patron of the Larson family! Elena was a little shocked. After being scolded

so much, Gerald was only slightly agitated. The words and mockeries seemed to have numbed him.

Ruby was about to reprimand Gerald even more. She wanted to make him understand that he had to

stay away from Elena. Suddenly, her phone rang, and she picked it up to answer the call. “Oh? Dickson

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Wayward? Huh? Didn’t I say I’d let you come next time? What? You’re already at the door? Okay, okay,

I’ll go get you now!” The call was from Dickson Wayward. Ruby had already told him that he wouldn’t

be coming today. But who knew that Dickson would still insist on coming here? It was Elena’s boyfriend

who was coming over, after all, Ruby thought. She was quite pleased with Dickson and wanted Elena

to get to know him, perhaps, even get to pull a few strings. But what if Elena’s boyfriend was even

better than the handsome Dickson Wayward? What if her boyfriend was even richer than the already

wealthy Dickson Wayward? What if… Ruby had thought of countless what-ifs, but this wasn’t what she

had expected. She did not even want to say it. Elena had to break up with Gerald, or she would let her

dad what kind of mess his daughter was in! “Woah WoahWoah, Dickson is here! Elena, since Dickson

will be attending the cruise party as well, you can get to know him more, right?” Amber and the others

had already put Gerald aside. As of now, they intended to set up Dickson with Elena. Right at that

moment, Dickson entered the house with Ruby. “Dickson, you’re looking great!” Amber smiled sweetly

when she saw him. Dickson was tall and handsome. He wore silver and gold rings and watches on his

hands, and it made him look rich. “Haha! Amber is really getting better with her sweet compliments!”

Dickson shook the watch on his arm and smiled. His gaze slowly shifted, and that was when he spotted

the beautiful, heavenly Elena Larson. “Let me guess, she must be Elena Lawson, that pretty cousin of

yours from Mayberry, right?” In actual fact, Dickson had met Elena a long time ago. They were both

from Johnhurst University, and how could he not notice an impeccable beauty the likes of Elena

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Larson? With just a mere glance, Dickson found himself falling in love with her. She was simply too

beautiful, so beautiful his heart was about to explode! So, when Dickson heard Auntie Amber’s

intentionally planned meeting, he was over the moon. But then, he was suddenly told that their meeting

was canceled. Anyhow, a socialite like Dickson wanted to know why she had to cancel the meeting.

The more he was not allowed to come, the more he insisted on coming! “Well, hi there!” Elena greeted

politely but immediately stood next to Gerald after that. Was he really that unattractive? Dickson felt

grim. It was then that he shifted his gaze to Gerald. “So, you’re Elena’s boyfriend?” Dickson laughed

confidently, attempting to give off the impression that he was a generous and capable person. “I am!”