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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 138
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Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 138

”If you let her go, I’ll give you as much money as you want!” Gerald said firmly.

“Hahaha. Money? Gerald, do you really think that money can solve everything? Let me tell you

something. I hate money now! And of course, you Gerald, are even more despiteful than money! I don’t

want anything else other than your life right now!”

“This might not seem like the most show-stopping method, but it doesn’t matter as long as I am happy

and satisfied! Gerald, Mr. Crawford! When I was having a chat with your girlfriend earlier, I realized that

your girlfriend does not know about your true identity at all!”

Gerald felt that the person that he was looking at right now was a complete pervert who had already

lost all his senses and rationale.

The Nigel who used to be extremely wealthy, arrogant and domineering had always enjoyed trampling

on other people.

But the absence of money has really triggered him to go to an extreme measure.

“Mila, let me tell you something today. The person standing in front of you is not an ordinary man. He is

the wealthiest person in Mayberry City. No, he could even be considered the wealthiest person across

the whole country. The entire Mayberry Commercial Street belongs to him, Gerald!”

Mila’s eyes widened in bewilderment as soon as she heard this.

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She had already been making her own assumptions before this, but she really did not expect it to be


With that being said, Gerald had been the one helping her family all these while!

“Nigel, I’m seriously advising you to let her go now. If you let her go, I can offer you a sum of money.

Otherwise, you will definitely regret it!”

“Regret? Hahaha. Gerald, I used to think that I could do anything as long as I have money but right

now, I am going to show you that money is not everything! It is impossible for me to let her go today! I

am going to let you watch her die before your own eyes!”

Once he was done speaking, Nigel went completely out of control.

He grabbed Mila and attempted to ditch her down the building.

“Bzz! Bzz! Bzz!”

A loud roar suddenly pierced through the sky.

Nervous and stressed, Nigel’s eyes widened as he looked hysterically.

Even Gerald was also caught by surprise.

Around twenty to thirty helicopters appeared out of nowhere outside the building.

The helicopters then began surrounding the entire building.

They quickly ejected large and condensed nets simultaneously.

It was quite a spectacle.

If anyone were to look at it, it was obvious that if anyone had jumped off the building, they would only

fall directly onto the safety net.

“Gerald! You…!”

Nigel almost vomited a mouthful of blood after watching this scene.

Money was not everything. Nigel finally understood this statement.

He wanted to use these words to prove his point to Gerald, who was the top rich second generation.

But it was beyond his expectations that Gerald could actually do this?

More than two dozen helicopters? It has only been about twenty minutes since Gerald arrived and it

has only been about forty minutes since he called Gerald.

How did he mobilize so many helicopters?

Even if he jumped down now, he would only fall onto the net. He could not die even if he wanted to!

Gerald was also shocked.

He did not expect the text message that he received from Zack to be so useful.

“Mr. Crawford! Do not be impulsive. You just need to delay him for thirty minutes. Just thirty minutes

and everything will be fine!”

Zack had always been a very capable and steady person.

There was no reason for him to lie at such a crucial point of time, so Gerald naturally believed him.

More than forty minutes have passed since Gerald arrived.

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Gerald was not a soft-hearted person!

But when Zack said that everything would be fine, he really did not expect him to send twenty

helicopters over here.

Gerald was shocked by such a commotion.


Just then, the dumbfounded Nigel screamed out loud and he fell directly to the ground as his body

shook uncontrollably.

His eyes were flushed red as he could only glare at Gerald with a discontent look on his face.

A helicopter then landed on the rooftop as Zack hurriedly jumped out of the helicopter.

“Mr. Crawford, you must have suffered quite a fright!”

Zack hurriedly exclaimed.

He was really quite in shock.

Despite that, Gerald quickly untied and freed Mila first.

Approached Zack, he asked, “Zack, were you the one who mobilized all these helicopters?”

Gerald was surprised.

“Yes, I used the family’s special support resources. I was afraid that you would’ve suffered an accident

or something worse today, Mr. Crawford. That being said, Mr. Crawford, I really think that it is about

time that you found out about your family’s true potential and power! Consider this my last act of

service for you!”

Zack replied with a sad smile.