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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 114
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Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 114

However, he decided to give face to Harper and Hayley. After all, this had happened during Hayley’s

birthday banquet.

Gerald was intending to ask Zack if he had any good solutions to deal with this matter.

“Ahh? You’re here too? Crap! Crap! Crap! Who gave you the courage to come here? Why do you even

have the face to show up here?”

Jacelyn lost her temper and got very furious when she heard Gerald’s words.

She was even scolding and mocking him now.

Who was the source behind this whole matter?

Wasn’t it all because Gerald was a pathetic jerk?

If it weren’t because of Gerald, would Alice have felt so ashamed that she had rushed to the washroom


If Alice did not run to the washroom because she was angry, would she have followed her all the way to

the washroom then?

If neither of them went to the washroom, would they have provoked someone of William’s background


The culprit behind this matter was Gerald!

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Yet, he actually had the face to show up here?

Jacelyn jumped off her bed as she raised her hand at Gerald. She really hated this scumbag!


The slap that she was planning to give to Gerald did not happen as planned.

As she raised her hand in the air, Gerald stopped her before she could slap him.

“Jacelyn, enough is enough!”

Gerald pushed her to the ground fiercely.

Gerald had a good temper. He usually had a very good temper, but this did not mean that he would not

get angry.

He had been belittled by this girl and slapped by her several times.

Xavia was his ex-girlfriend, so he could never bring himself to fight her whenever she slapped him.

But who was Jacelyn to him? Nobody!

Therefore, Gerald could not hold back his anger anymore.

“Ahh! You dared to hit me?!”

Jacelyn acted like a crazy person as she sat on the ground with red and swollen eyes and continued


“Okay, enough! Enough!” Hayley and the other girls hurriedly persuaded Jacelyn.

Alice looked up at Gerald before she sneered and said, “Gerald, did you come here to make fun of us

and treat us as a joke?”

Alice really hated Gerald to the core.

However, she did not act as Jacelyn did.

“Alice, Jacelyn, Gerald only came to see how you girls were doing because he heard that something

happened to you. Why would he possibly be treating you as a joke?”

Harper hurriedly intervened because he really could not stand it anymore.

“Pfft. What is he doing here if he is not here to make fun of us? I know that he must be holding a

grudge against me because I found out that he is a gigolo! I know him too well. To be honest, I even

thought of going after him and pursuing him before this!” Jacelyn scolded as she jumped up.

She understood Gerald’s past and was really interested in Gerald.

Jacelyn was about to continue arguing with Gerald. However, at this time, Alice’s cell phone suddenly


“Dad, how did it go? What did the powerful and influential person you asked for help say?”

Alice asked nervously.

Jacelyn had finally calmed down and was listening to Alice attentively.

The only person she could rely on right now was the connections that Alice’s family had.

“Dad, don’t be sad. If he said that he is busy, perhaps he is really busy. Don’t think too much about it. I

am still in my dormitory now. Some of my friends came to see me. I am not hungry. No, I have not

eaten yet, but I do not have much appetite. No. Ahh? Okay, let me ask them then…”

After that, Alice hung up the phone.

She had a somewhat disappointed expression on her face as she said, “My dad is at the restaurant,

and he was trying to ask someone to put in a good word for us, but the other party turned him down

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because he said that he was busy. My dad is asking me to go over to the restaurant now because he

has already ordered a lot of dishes and cannot ask for it to be returned anyway. Why don’t we go over

there together, then? After all, all of you have been accompanying me throughout the entire afternoon.”

After she was done speaking, she looked at Harper and the other boys. “Harper, why don’t all of you

come with us too? I finally understand what I have to do now. It is useless for us to continue worrying

about this matter now. What’s the big deal? I will just go over to his company tomorrow and beg William


“Alice, you…?”

Hayley naturally understood the meaning behind Alice’s words. She wanted to stop her but she could

not say anything.

Was there any other way out of this?

The crowd of girls went downstairs.

Alice felt very helpless at this time, and what she wanted the most right now was for her father to be by

her side.

Jacelyn and the rest of the girls were also very willing to go there. This was because having an adult

around them would at least give them a sense of security. After all, all adults were rich in experience.

Therefore, they would certainly be better equipped to deal with this kind of situation compared to these

young people.

Harper could not bring himself to turn down her request, so they naturally followed them.

Surprisingly, Gerald did not retreat this time.

He simply followed silently behind them.

No matter what it was, he had already encountered this incident today. Therefore, there was no reason

for him to just ignore it!