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The Secretly Rich Man full story

Chapter 101
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Gerald Crawford:The Secretly Rich Man (Invisible or Poorest) Chapter 101

“Mr. Crawford, here to accompany your girlfriend for her driving test, are you?”

That day, Sean had already discovered the truth about Gerald.

Just imagine… Two and a half million dollars, all without breaking a sweat.

That was true wealth.

Sean had also heard other rumors. Although they were not directly related to the mysterious Mr.

Crawford, he now knew that the manager of the Lamborghini dealership was someone of note within

the Mayberry group.

Even he had shown so much deference toward Gerald. It was clear that he was not your ordinary guy!

“No, no… we’re both taking the test!” Although both these people had been rude to him before, seeing

this well-mannered reception now, he responded with courtesy in kind.

Irene and Kenneth were utterly confounded by all of this.

This was Sean they were talking about?! Why was he showing such reverence for a penniless wretch

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like Gerald?!

How could they not be surprised by this?

“In that case, how about this, sir? I just so happen to be headed in the direction of Mayberry University.

May I offer you a ride?” Sean said amicably.

He had to make good with someone like Mr. Crawford. It would be of tremendous benefit to him.

Well, since he was going their way… Gerald had no objections, and Mila was okay with it too.

Just like that, Irene and Kenneth were left standing there, gawking as they were left behind.

“That Gerald… Do you suppose Mila was telling the truth? About him being a wealthy heir in secret?

Why else would Sean have treated him that way?” Irene’s expression was a sight to behold.

This should have been a rare chance to knock her nemesis down a peg or two. Let her enjoy the bitter

taste of defeat for once. Let her know the shame of not even being able to hold up her head.

Vulgar though it may be to be flaunting one’s boyfriend and money, as long as it was something she

had that Mila didn’t have, that was reason enough!

Irene was stomping mad.

“Hmph! Irene, don’t be so quick to jump to conclusions,” Kenneth muttered grimly. “I have my own

connections in Mayberry University. Just hold on while I get to the bottom of this and find out which

hole this Gerald person crawled out from!”

After all, it wasn’t just Irene who had lost out this time. Gerald had greatly offended Kenneth as well!

As Sean dropped Gerald off, he also bald-facedly asked for his contact information.

A shrewd fellow, this guy. Since he had just done Gerald a favor, Gerald could hardly refuse.

Just as well. Better another friend than another enemy!

Turning down an offer of a meal as well, Gerald and Mila walked side-by-side back to campus.

Truth be told, it wasn’t the first time they had walked together like this.

Just, it hadn’t been this awkward the last time.

After all, Mila had just named him her boyfriend.

Gerald was not such a fool that he would be delighted at the prospect of being a decoy boyfriend, but

the strange thing was that he genuinely did harbor feelings for her, and for a brief moment, she had

been his.

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What a paradox. He wanted to be happy about this, but he shouldn’t be. And yet, he wasn’t displeased

about having been used.

Anyway, that was how he was feeling about all of this.

“Gerald, I’m sorry… What happened just now, I just lost control of myself, so I told them that you were

my boyfriend without even asking for your permission!” Mila was embarrassed about this whole thing


“It’s alright. Isn’t this great, though? You defended your pride, and for well over an hour, I had a

ravishing beauty as my girlfriend!” Gerald said wryly.

Mila glanced over at him. “Gerald, when did you learn to be such a sweet-talker like all those other

guys? I hate that sort of thing!”

“Does that mean you hate me too, now?” With all the exciting twists and turns that were transpiring

today, Gerald was speaking more boldly with each passing moment. Gone were the doubts of before.

“Hmph! While I hate that type of guy, it’s alright if it’s you. I couldn’t hate you if I tried!”