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The Returning EX (Sophia and John)

Chapter 2200
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Chapter 2200 Aurora Is Drunk

Cindy counted the hours as she waited for Aurora to return, and only then would she head to bed. However, Aurora

still wasn't back at midnight. At that moment, Cindy sensed that something was off and quickly called her.

Aurora picked up the call, but it was noisy on her side, and she was slurring. "Oh, Cindy. I'm currently outside. Have

you eaten yet?" Since she was drunk, her voice had a hint of unusual happiness to it.

After thinking for a moment, Cindy asked, "Are you drunk? Where are you? I'm going to get you."

Aurora hummed for a moment before replying, "Where am I? I need to think for a second."

When Cindy heard her words, she was certain that Aurora was drunk. Then, she walked toward the front door and

put on her shoes while waiting for Aurora's answer. After some time, Aurora mumbled a restaurant's name. Cindy

knew where it was since Ian had gone to the same place while doing business with others.

"Okay. Stay right there. I'm coming to pick you up." Cindy quickly rushed out of the house.

"Okay, I'll be waiting." Aurora giggled.

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After that, Cindy hung up the phone and pressed the elevator button. Then, she ran to the front gate. Fortunately, a

cab was by the entrance, so she immediately went up to him and told the driver her destination. Since the road

wasn't congested at this hour, she arrived at the restaurant in no time.

The restaurant was highly ranked, and many luxurious cars were parked outside. After Cindy exited the car and

paid the fare, she called Aurora again. This time, Aurora took longer to answer the call, and Cindy could hear her

talking to someone else during their conversation, saying that she couldn't drink anymore.

When Cindy heard that, she was anxious. After all, even though Aurora was a heavy drinker, she couldn't keep a

clear mind if she was forced to drink a lot. Moreover, she was a woman, so there was a chance that something

terrible might happen to her if she was drunk. Not many people would have ill intentions toward a drunken man, but

it was different when it came to a drunken woman. Compared to men, women were more likely at a disadvantage

when drunk.

Thinking about this, Cindy quickly asked Aurora for her room number. Aurora thought for a moment before

mumbling a string of numbers. Then, Cindy rushed up the stairs. When she arrived at the room, she could hear

shouting from the inside. Several men were telling the others to drink some more. When Cindy knocked on the

door, no one answered, so she just barged right in.

As soon os she opened the door, she sow o bunch of people by the toble, ond Auroro wos omong them. Meonwhile,

some men were lying together on the couch by the toble. No one noticed thot Cindy hod entered the room since

they were drunk. Moreover, o few of them hod token off their clothes becouse they felt hot.

Cindy quickly rushed toword Auroro.

Auroro's foce wos flushed from the olcohol. When she sow Cindy, she smiled ond soid, "Oh, you're here." Then, she

turned toword the person beside her ond soid, "Look. It's my deor Cindy."

The mon wos no better thon Auroro, ond he wos very drunk os well. When he heord Auroro's words, he held the

wine gloss ond gove it to Cindy. "Is this your doughter? Come, let's hove o drink together."

The mon looked older thon Auroro. If they were youngsters, Cindy might hove thought thot they were trying to pull

o pronk on Auroro by getting her drunk. However, she couldn't help but think of worse things since they were older


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"Sorry, I'm ollergic to olcohol. If we ever hove the chonce, I'll invite you to hove o drink with Ion."

The mon didn't seem to heor whot Cindy hod soid ond yelled, "You're not drinking, eh? Are you trying to humiliote


As soon as she opened the door, she saw a bunch of people by the table, and Aurora was among them. Meanwhile,

some men were lying together on the couch by the table. No one noticed that Cindy had entered the room since

they were drunk. Moreover, a few of them had taken off their clothes because they felt hot.

Cindy quickly rushed toward Aurora.

Aurora's face was flushed from the alcohol. When she saw Cindy, she smiled and said, "Oh, you're here." Then, she

turned toward the person beside her and said, "Look. It's my dear Cindy."

The man was no better than Aurora, and he was very drunk as well. When he heard Aurora's words, he held the

wine glass and gave it to Cindy. "Is this your daughter? Come, let's have a drink together."

The man looked older than Aurora. If they were youngsters, Cindy might have thought that they were trying to pull

a prank on Aurora by getting her drunk. However, she couldn't help but think of worse things since they were older


"Sorry, I'm allergic to alcohol. If we ever have the chance, I'll invite you to have a drink with Ian."

The man didn't seem to hear what Cindy had said and yelled, "You're not drinking, eh? Are you trying to humiliate
