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The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 65
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Chapter 65

“What the…?!”

The kidnapper was caught off guard by her sudden, off-topic question, and was left temporarily


“Tell me, which hand did you lay on her? And which foot did you use to kick her?”

Grace, punctuating each word with a beaming smile.

Despite the radiant smile on the woman before him, the leader of the kidnappers could sense an

undercurrent of threat emanating from her. He continued to kowtow, even resorting to slapping his own

face in a frantic plea for mercy.

“I was wrong. I deserve to die. Beauty! Your Majesty, please spare my life!”

“Last chance,”

Grace narrowed her eyes, a hint of irritation on her face.

“Right… right hand, and…and both feet kicked….” the kidnapper responded, trembling with fear.

Grace rose, rummaging in the corner of the cabin for a stick bristling with sharp thorns.

Knowing her wrath was burning, Patric didn’t attempt to intervene.


Soon, the kidnapper’s agonized screams filled the cabin.

Edgar silently watched her as she carried out her brutal justice.

He had once seen in a hotel how she had left the board members of Epicent Films in a gruesome state.

But seeing it by himself, he was still taken aback by her ruthlessness.

Within minutes, the leader of the kidnappers was crying out in pain, wailing his heart out. Every part of

him that had touched Abigail was so badly beaten, it was a sight for sore eyes. No part left


Feeling that it was enough, Grace tossed the stick for laying a hand on my people.”

way and brushed off her hands, “This is the price

“Do you want to give him another couple of rounds?”

Patric asked, concerned that his little princess might still be simmering.

“No need, his right hand and knees are shattered. He’ll be a crip ple for life.”

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She glanced coldly at the four masked men restrained by the bodyguards, “Anyone who hurts my

people, will pay back a hundred fold.”

Edgar looked at her blankly, noticing her unexpected protective instinct.

“What about you? You’ve taken care of them, did you get hurt in the process?” Patric asked, worry

lacing his


“Yes, yes!” Grace pouted, showing him her hands, “After all that beating, my hands are all red.”

Patric immediately cradled her small hand gently in his palm, bringing it to his lips and blowing softly on


“How’s that? Does it still hurt?”

He tenderly held her hand, giving it a gentle rub. His eyes brimmed over with adoration.

Chapter 65

“Give it a little more of a rub and it won’t hurt.” Grace basked in his massage, continuing to play the


The intimacy between them made Edgar uncomfortable, and his black eyes were full of anger.

Grace caught the peculiar glint in his eyes, locked gazes with him and taunted, “Mr. Fallen, if you have

so much free time, perhaps you should show more concern for your own fiancee. This time, her people

crossed the line. I won’t let this slide. If you play favorites, I won’t hesitate to take you down as well.”

A fierce glint flashed back onto her face.

She didn’t give him a chance to retort. With a disdainful huff, she stepped out of the cabin, refusing to

waste another second in his company.

Patric arranged for bodyguards to carry the unconscious Abigail and followed suit.

Abigail’s condition was critical. She’d been roughed up and injected with a drug that induced

unconsciousness. If she wasn’t rushed to a hospital soon, her life would be on the line.

Grace instructed her people to put Abigail in the passenger seat of her Maybach, adjusting the seat for

optimal comfort, before speeding off towards the city center.

Patric trailed her in his car, his heart in his mouth as he witnessed her reckless speeding.

The nearest hospital happened to be the one where Nancy was being treated. Despite her reluctance

to enter the building, Grace didn’t want to waste precious time. She went through the admission

formalities and requested the services of an experienced physician to treat Abigail.

After several grueling hours of emergency treatment, Abigail’s condition had stabilized.

Although she was covered in cuts and bruises, none of them were life-threatening. Even though she

was still unconscious due to the heavy dose of the drug, a few days of rest in the hospital would sel her


Grace stood vigil by her bedside, a frown etched on her face as she stared at Abigail’s pale features.

“What’s your plan? You need to have one before you strike back.”

Patric, standing by her side, asked, eyeing her closely.

“I was planning on letting this slide. But they’ve overstepped their boundaries, going so far as to hurt

my closest friend, using her as a bargaining chip. They’re going to learn the hard way that nobody

crosses me without paying the price!”

Patric noticed her fierce determination and decided not to dissuade her.

“If you want to hit them where it hurts, you need to strike at their lifelines. We should start with the

Mellis family, who have raised her to the heights she’s at now.”

“The Mellis family.”

Patric stroked his chin, “That’s a good plan, but easier said than done.”

“I’m only aiming at the Mellis family, I won’t bring harm to the innocent.” Grace’s lips curled into a

dangerous yet mesmerizing smile.

Patric asked curiously, “What do you mean?”

“If memory serves, alongside Nancy who’s been nursing her wounds here, her sister Hedda, who was

left a vegetable from a car accident, also seems to be holed up in this hospital”

Grace nonchalantly lifted her glass of water for a sip, leaving the man in suspense as her cryptic words

hung in the air.


The Millionaire and His Billionaire Ex wie

Chapter 65

Patric, looking at her radiant smile, seemed to have pieced together something.

Half an hour later, Grace led her group of bodyguards to the fourth floor, halting in front of the room

where Hedda was holed up.

A bunch of the Mellis family bodyguards put up a barrier, a scrum ensued between the two factions.

The fracas quickly raised the alarm for Emma in the lounge. Startled and furious, she intercepted

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Grace who was making a beeline for the room.

“What else do you want to do?! Hedda become a vegetable, cooped up in the hospital. Are you looking

to add insult to injury?”

“Easy does it, Ms. Mellis. I mean no harm to your daughter. I’m here to whisk her away.”

Emma was taken aback by her audacious claim, “Over my dead body will I let you take her away! I

won’t stand for it! You want her? You’ll have to step over my body first!”

“Don’t you want to find out who hurt your daughter?”

Grace’s brow quirked slightly.

“I’ve got an ace up my sleeve to smoke out the true culprit. Plus, I can wake Hedda up.”

“What?! You’re saying Hedda could…”

Emma’s pupils dilated in shock, she was floored.

She’d always chalked up Hedda’s drunk driving accident to a stroke of bad luck, never once suspecting

foul play.

Hearing Grace’s bold claims today, she gave the matter a long hard thought and found more than just a

few loose ends.

Despite this, she didn’t fully trust Grace, “No way, who knows what you’ll do to her once she’s in your

clutches? I’ve no reason to take your word for it, you’d better keep your mitts off Hedda.”

“You think too much.”

Grace casually lounged on a bench in the hallway, legs elegantly crossed, she glanced at Emma with.

an enigmatic smile, “Last chance, I can wake her up and find the real culprit.”

“Why would you lift a finger to help me?”

Emma eyed the imposing bodyguards flanking Grace. Her own bodyguards, stationed at the door, were

swiftly overpowered without even putting up a fight.

Even if she insisted on disagreeing, it seemed she was fighting a losing battle against Grace’s


Emma was left in a deep quandary.

Seeing through Emma’s thought process, Grace chuckled, “Like it or lump it, you’re out of options but

to trust me.


