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The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 47
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Chapter 47

Just as Nancy was lost in thought, an account suspected to be Grace’s posted a tweet.

It was a video of Grace splashing the red wine from another angle.

From this angle, it could clearly be seen that Grace handed over a phone to Nancy as if she was

showing her something. After seeing what it was, Nancy instantly became angry. She raised her glass

and was about to splash her wine on Grace.

But Grace grabbed her hand and splashed her wine on Nancy before she could.

Although the video was more clear and complete, Grace was still the one who had splashed the wine,

so this didn’t mean much.

Before the troll army could gather in the comment section, the account that was suspected to be

Grace’s released another post.

“Divorce. We have nothing to do with each other.”

Everyone was confused. What did she mean?

Did it mean that she was not a mistress but Mr. Fallen’s original wife?

Although the two posts were concise and clear, they were not convincing without evidence.

The post was quickly filled with trolls, and almost every one of them was malicious.

There were even netizens who supported Nancy, saying that they didn’t believe that there would be

any reversal.

But less than two minutes later, the situation was indeed reversed.

Someone released a piece of evidence on Twitter, showing proof that Nancy had drugged Edgar not

long ago.

All of it was solid evidence.

The netizens were in an uproar. What woman would do such a thing to her future husband?

Unless she was a mistress.

Grace’s statement saying “divorce” was suddenly convincing.

But there were still people who questioned the video with the red wine, saying that Grace was too

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Fortunately, some netizens had calmed down.

“If Grace is really Mr. Fallen’s ex-wife, who hasn’t been announced for three years, then Nancy is the

mistress!” “Look at this video. Nancy was the one who wanted to attack first. Grace didn’t go too far, did


“I was a waiter at the banquet. Miss Mellis and Grace were wearing the same dress. Miss Mellis

accused Grace of wearing a fake one but it turned out that she herself was the joke. I guess that’s why

she got pis sed at Grace and wanted to attack her. But Grace didn’t buy it.”

Everyone was curious and commented on that comment.

The enthusiastic netizen patiently explained the matter and soon posted two videos. One was a direct

video of Nancy dancing at the banquet, and the other was a video of Nancy making a fool of herself

after her clothes. unraveled.

Many netizens who didn’t know the truth changed their position and came to watch the show….

Nancy was suspicious of the comments she had received on Twitter. When she returned to the

homepage and looked at the trending list, she found that all the ones related to Grace had dropped

lower. It took her a lot of effort to find


And the new items up on the list were all related to her!

[Nancy, the second daughter of the Mellis family], [Nancy’s embarrassment]. [Nancy’s fake dress]

These words greatly irritated her.

She clicked on one with trembling hands. Sure enough, the video of her making a fool of herself at the

banquet was exposed

The Millionaire and His Billionaire Ex-wife



How could this be?

Before the banquet ended. Jack had mentioned to the guests in private that they should keep it a

secret. It was impossible for the ser vants of the Mellis family to give them away.

She was so angry that she quietly left comments on her all account, trying to maintain her image.

[I’ve seen Miss Mellis before. She’s a good person. She must’ve been framed for having a fake. Maybe

it was Grace who did it!]

Soon, a netizen replied: [But it’s really funny. And her pink underwear is cute, hahaha.]

Nancy was so angry that her face turned green, and she immediately spat at him.

They argued for a long time.

Nancy was no match for him, and because her words were too aggressive, people could spot some


[You’re so protective of Nancy, maybe you’re really her!]

Some people quickly made a comparison of the two accounts, and they found out the IP address of the

two accounts. This time, Nancy’s image was completely ruined.

The image that she had just set up for herself was gone.

Nancy drugged her fiance and wore a high-quality knock off. She even registered an alt account to

clear her name and stepped on Grace.

On the contrary, Grace only sent a video and a short statement.

Nancy made things clear after trying to cover it up.

There was a heated discussion about her on the Internet.

In the office, Grace saw that most of the things had been arranged, so she asked Tom, who pretended

to be the waiter, to stop.

Thinking of how Nancy had shot herself in the foot, she couldn’t help laughing.

When Nancy tried to ruin her reputation, didn’t she remember that Grace worked in an entertainment


She put down her phone calmly and continued to work.

What she didn’t know was that after working for only 10 minutes, her name had appeared among the

trending topics again.

The video of her dancing at the banquet was posted on the Internet.

Her light makeup and the dress made her look like an angel, pure yet s exy.

Compared with the video of Nancy dancing, her dance shocked the netizens.

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This video quickly occupied the top spot of the list at an overwhelming speed.

“It’s amazing. This is simply the best tango dance I’ve seen recently!”

“Is this really ‘Lover’, which is known to be the most difficult to dance? She danced perfectly.”

“Compared with her, Miss Mellis’s dance is a disaster. I will definitely stand by Grace this time!*

“Grace, you’re so beautiful! Why aren’t you a star?’

Many netizens were fascinated by Grace’s dance. They became her fans on the spot and went to her

Twitter to


Some netizens mocked those who refused to believe Grace at the beginning.

Grace was staring at her computer attentively when Beth suddenly pushed the door open and came in

with her phone in hand.

The excitement and amazement on her face were about to erupt. “Grace, you’re amazing! From now

on, I’m your fan and will follow your lead…”

Grace didn’t know what was going on. It wasn’t until Beth showed her the video that she realized that

she was in the limelight on the Internet.

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Chapter 47

Was Patric the one who made it go to the top of the list?

But Patric knew that she always liked to keep a low profile, so he wouldn’t do that.

Who else could it be?

Grace didn’t think much of it. Looking at Beth, who was chattering around her, she smiled helplessly.

At this time, the atmosphere in the Mellis family’s villa was solemn.

Emma crossed her legs and sat on the sofa to eat fruit as if it had nothing to do with her.

Nancy stood in the middle of the hall in the villa. Jack kept pacing back and forth with his hands

clasped behind his back, his face very dark.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He walked up to Nancy and raised his hand to

slap her hard.

“What a disgrace!”