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The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 286
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Chapter 286

She closed her eyes and silently kissed his palm. Her delicate face was calm and serious.

Eder watched in daze, his heart touched.

After the kiss, Grace asked, “Does it hurt?”

Eder wanted to say it’s okay’, but suddenly remembered the painful price he paid when he answered

that way the last time, and his tongue turned abruptly.

His long eyelashes trembled lightly, and he said with prolong tone, “It hurts…”

Grace’s eyes is full of approving, and her tone rose. “You seem to remember now. This time I know it

hurts. It seems that you didn’t suffer in vain.”

After kissing his palms a few more times, Grace got up, put the ruler back in the drawer, and took out

the anti-swelling ointment.

While applying medicine to his palms and knees, she pinched his cheeks to comfort him,

“In the future, let me know if you have something on your mind. If the medicine taste bitter, discuss it

with me in advance before making any move. Is that clear?”

Eder nodded, looked at her softly, feeling very satisfied.

As long as she was around, these things taste nothing but sweet

He was immersed in sweetness, but Grace’s next sentence made him stop.

Grace said: ‘Actually, I already planned to let you go tonight. I brought you back to the room to give you

medicine. Who would have known that you like acting so much? You don’t know what’s wrong at all.

You insisted on the beating.”

His back was stiff and he stared blankly at the palm of his left hand.

So, Grace was telling him that he brought this upon himself?

His heart had never been more depressed it is now.

The injury seems to be even more painful than before.

He shrunk weakly into her arms, with unresolved sadness and sorrow on his handsome brows, “Grace,

don’t leave tonight, sleep with me, okay?”

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Grace was stunned for two seconds, then wiped off the remaining ointment on her fingertips with a wet

towel before touching his handsome face.

“No, let’s wait until your health is better. Since you want to share the bed so much, then take your

medicine on time and do some exercise so you will be healed as soon as possible.”


It was almost winter, and with his physical condition, he didn’t know if he would be able to make it

through the spring next year.

After thinking for a while, he finally did not say anything and watched Grace leave the room.

Because Grace is on break the next day, he accompanied Eder in the villa the whole day. Erie didn’t

have the chance to plead guilty.

Catalogue Night

He suffered from insomnia for two nights until Grace went to work on the third day and he came to

supervise Eder taking medicine at noon.

Feeling uneasy, he knocked on the door of the study.

“Come in.”

His voice was low and steady, making people unable to hear his emotions.

Eric took a deep breath, carefully opened the door, pulled open the amber curtain, and walked step by

step to Eder

Eder stopped typing on the keyboard and looked at him coldly.

He froze all over, with a dog uneasy smile on his face. “Boss, the night before yesterday, you… were

you okay?”

“It was all good, but thanks to you that I was beaten forty times by Grace!” Eder’s handsome face was

cold and arrogant, his black eyes were sinister, and he ruthlessly pinned the blame on Eric’s head.

Eric breathe heavily, feeling his body start to ache.

Before he could start crying and beg for mercy, Eder continued, “I heard that there is a small country in

Arcania called Bentland. Recently, they are recruiting a large number of coal workers. I think you are

very suitable. How about I transfer you there?”


Eric knew he was in the wrong, he immediately threw himself at Eder’s feet, hugging his strong thighs,

and howled at the top of his voice:

“Boss, I’m guilty! It’s all my fault. Why don’t you beat me up twice? I don’t want to go to Bentland to dig

coal! I won’t leave you even if I die! We have been together for so many years and for the sake of my

hardwork all these years, give me another chance to make up for my mistakes?”

In the end, he did not forget to look pitiful, repentant and sincere

Hoping this trick will work!

Eder was disgusted by his actions and kicked him lightly.

“I’m not leaving! I won’t go to Bentland even if I’m killed. Boss, you might as well kill me It’s my blessing

to die in your hands!”

Eric hugged his leg and did not let go for life. His body following the kicking movements swinging from

side to side like a bug.

Eder’s face is full of black lines, and he laughed angrily at Eric’s shameless manipulation.

He said in a furious tone, “You b astard! If you don’t want to be sent on Bentland to dig coal, get out of

my face! Don’t bother me for the next two days! Roll away!”

“Okay! I’ll do as you say!”

Eric lay down on the ground and rolled around very seriously going out.

Eder facepalmed watching him ‘roll’ out of the study door.

However, he had just returned his gaze to the computer screen, and his hand had not yet started to

type on the keyboard when he felt someone grabbed his calf.

Eder looked at it and frowned, “Why are you back? Didn’t I tell you to go?”

Eric was lying on the ground, talking nonsense with a serious face, “Boss, the fourth captain, Eric, of

the National Bureau of Investigation has already left, and now this version of Eric’ is back, under the

The Milli control of Miss Grace to helped you with your medicine.”

Eder gritted his teeth in anger, and picked up the coffee cup on the table, thinking about smashing it

into someone

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Eric immediately covered his head but did not dare to hide, “Boss, please just vent your anger on me!

I’m strong and can take a few hits! But I don’t dare leave, otherwise, Miss Grace will not be able to do

her business at ease. You don’t want her to know about what you said about me going somewhere in

spring to settle accounts, right?”

After all, Miss Grace had given him assurance that day!

“You have a lot of skills, you have a backer now, so you dare threaten me?”

Someone’s breath was cold filling the whole room with hostility.

Eric said, “I don’t dare! But… once I leave, Miss Grace will definitely know and will think that you are

deliberately venting your anger on me, unrepentant! She will be angry at you instead!”

“I’m just thinking for your sake, Boss! I’m very loyal to you!” He got up from the ground and squatted at

Eder’s feet, massaging them.3

Eder squinted his cold eyes, feeling his incredible skills. “Why are you becoming more and more

shameless now? Where did you learn it from?”

“Of course, it’s with you…” Eric reacted quickly and immediately turned his tongue. “Ah, no! The boss

has taught me all the good things! This is self-taught! I’m naturally shameless!”

Eder was angry but wanted to laugh, but he only shook his head helplessly. Simply ignoring him and

returned his thoughts back to his official business.

In the end, Eric just stopped talking.

He squatted at Eder’s feet in a military posture, occasionally helping Eder to massage his legs and


After fawning over his boss the whole morning. Eder was barely able to calm down.

The quiet days of hustle and bustle passed quickly.

A few days later….

Sarah Grammer’s birthday party.

Grace was helping Eder to tie his necktie, and she frowned, “The weather is getting colder. I don’t really

want you to go to the Grammer Family’s banquet today.”

Eder grabbed her fingers, kissing them. “It’s because it’s not just a simple banquet that I have to go.”

If Grace wanted to kill someone, he will help pass the knife!

If Grace wanted to make trouble, he would completely stir up the Grammer family!