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The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 249
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Chapter 249

Mr. Smith patted his shoulder with relief. It wasn’t that he treated his daughter poorly, but he had been

scolded and managed by her mother his entire life.

Grace’s personality was very similar to her mother’s, with the same arrogance and recklessness,

fearless of anyone or anything.

He didn’t want his daughter to follow in her mother’s footsteps. He hoped she would be obedient,

someone to look after her so she wouldn’t take risks or put herself in danger, living a safe and peaceful


Eder’s expression grew more contemplative as he left the study, lost in his thoughts about the matter at

hand. In the corridor, Grace was waiting for him and immediately sensed that something was amiss.

“What did Dad say to you? Why do you look troubled as soon as you came out?”

Deep in thought, Eder tenderly held her hand. “It’s nothing he just told me to take good care of you in

the future. Let’s go, it’s getting late.”

The two held hands and got into the car heading back to the Grant family villa.

In the car, Grace noticed his pale lips and his overall complexion not looking too good, feeling a bit

worried. “Are you sure you’re not feeling uncomfortable? Should we go back and have a doctor check

on you?”

“No need, I’m really fine.” Eder lightly shook his head.

Since that temporary blindness and deafness in the garden, it hadn’t happened again until now. Maybe

he was just overthinking

On the other hand, Mr. Smith had presented him with a difficult problem.

If he couldn’t win over the most important future father in law, it would be difficult to proceed with the

engagement, regardless of their prior arrangements. But how should he deal with Grace?

Seeing his distracted state, Grace didn’t ask further questions.

The next morning, Eder had to personally attend the monthly staff meeting at the Grant Corporation,

while Grace had a meeting at Angle. They left the house together.

Eder had dropped off Grace at the entrance of Angle before heading to the Grant Corporation.

It seemed that Eric had been waiting for him at the door for a while. The lengthy staff meeting finally

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concluded after three hours.

In the CEOs office, Eric handed Eder the summary materials from the meeting.

Eder took them but became lost in thought, staring blankly at the documents.


He snapped out of his daze, “What’s wrong?”

“You…you’ve holding the documents upside dowIL…

Eder didn’t feel embarrassed and calmly rotated the documents, flipping them over.

Fric could tell that he was preoccupied. Since the incident where he was fined and forbidden from

entering the villa, Eric had been frustrated and was looking for an opportunity to make amends. “Boss,

if there’s something you can’t figure out, you can share it with me. I have plenty of ideas!


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Eder thought for a moment and decided to ask, “In your opinion, hetween me and Grace, who would

have a higher family status in th


Eric looked puzzled.

“Do I need to consider this question?

“Definitely Grace, Grace,” he replied.

Eder furrowed his brows. “Why? Where did you get that idea from?”

Eric said seriously, “Boss, isn’t it obvious? And everyone in the company knows you have a strict wife,

you’re afraid of her!”

Eder’s eyes twitched, realizing that everyone in the company thinks that way. “But I’m just being

considerate to Grace, how did it turn into being afraid of her?”

Eric’s pupils shifted left and right, hesitating to expose him directly.

Eder’s expression turned cold. If he let this perception persist among his employees, the false image

might soon become real.

He needed to find a way to regain his authority in Grace’s eyes. “Do you have any good ideas?” Eric

was confused, “Boss, what do you mean?”

“Mr. Smith wants me to properly discipline Grace, to turn her into a submissive wife. Otherwise, he will

reconsider our engagement. Help me figure out how I can establish my authority with Grace.” Eric

looked shocked, not sure if it’s possible because of Grace’s personality.

Eder seemed serious, and Eric tried to think of a solution to help him.

“I’ve got it! Boss, wait for me!” Eric quickly left the office.

Five minutes later, he returned with a thick ruler and gave it to Eder.

“Women who don’t listen indeed need proper discipline. Since we’re talking about discipline and

education, it’s only fitting to have some strict household rules and establish a reputation. Maybe we can

come up with a few rules that might work!”

Eder’s face darkened as he examined the ruler in his hand, realizing it was as thick as his pinky finger.

11 would surely hurt if he used it.

What if he accidentally hit Grace? How could he bear to…

Moreover, what if she got scared and ran away?

He gave Eric a cold look. “Are you suggesting that I use such a harsh tool to assert my authority by

hitting her?”

“No need for actual physical punishment. Just put on a fierce expression and shout at her a bit, scare

her. Many women actually hope for their men to be dominant and forceful. What if she falls for it?”

Eder looked at the ruler in his hand, lost in thought.

Yesterday, before they went to the Smith’s Villa for dinner, he raised his voice at Grace in the living

room. Surprisingly, she burst into tears, looking hurt and fragile.

He had never seriously scolded her before. Maybe she really would respond positively to this


The Millarate

Chapter 249

Eric continued persuading, “Let’s just give it a try. If it doesn’t work or if something seems off, we

quickly apologize and show sincere remorse. Then, this matter will be resolved, right?‘

Eder contemplated carefully, planning to find an opportunity to try it out when he got home after work!

Asserting his role as the head of the household!

As it was nearing the end of the workday. Grace started packing up her things, preparing to wait for

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Eder to pick her up..

Moreover, the surprise gift she had customized for Ederhad arrived, and she planned to find an

opportunity to try it tonight!

Suddenly, Beth rushed in, wearing an anxious expression.

“What happened?” Grace asked.

“Today, Abigail Green didn’t attend the group activity. Her manager just found her; she secretly went to

South Lake and attempted suicide by juinping into the lake!”


Grace immediately stood up from her chair. “Where is she? Is she dead?”

“No, luckily she was discovered in time, and they rushed her to the hospital for treatment. But when.

she jumped, it seems many passersby saw it. Now, the Butterfly Girl group is at the height of their

popularity, and if news of her suicide attempt gets out, it will have a tremendous impact on us!”

If a popular idol group like theirs were to be associated with such negative news, the internet would

explode with rumors, affecting the other girls as well.

Grace sat back down in her office chair, calmly analyzing the situation.

“Retrieve all the surrounding surveillance footage, hire PR personnel to quickly find all the witnesses.

and pay them to keep quiet. If there are any recorded videos, delete them. Additionally, contact the

major media companies with significant influence. If they plan to report on it, intercept the news.


“But ma’am, there may be blind spots in the surveillance, and identifying all the witnesses will require

significant time and effort.”

“Start searching as thoroughly as possible to minimize the severity of the situation. If that doesn’t work,

follow my instructions and do it accordingly.”

“Give me the hospital address where Abigail is.”

“Okay. Here’s the hospital address ma’am.”

Upon receiving the hospital location, Grace immediately hailed a taxi. Abigail had experienced

hardships before, and she wouldn’t choose to end her life unless something extremely serious had


Due to the suddenness of the situation, Grace was in a hurry and forgot to send a message to Eder,

who had planned to pick her up.