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The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 131
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Chapter 131

Meanwhile, inside the hospital.

Edgar lay on the hospital bed, watching the live broadcast on the television opposite, unconsciously

curling his thin lips.

After such a long time, she finally made up her mind to reveal one of her minor identities. This was to

let everyone know that even Patric and Tom were willingly playing supporting roles for her.

Whether it was Jade or Greg, they’re probably feeling anxious right now, desperately trying to uncover

her true identity.

He smiled at the corner of his mouth, satisfied as he gazed at the stunning beauty speaking on the

television, even if she would never turn hack, and never consider remarrying him.

In reality, these peaceful and ordinary days were quite nice.

Eighteen sat on the chair beside him, supporting his head with his hand, while his elbow rested on his

knee, completely focused on admiring Grace’s unparalleled beauty.

“Miss looks really beautiful when she’s focused on her work!”

But when he thought about being forced to take a leave of absence, his face fell. “Miss can be really

scary when she gets angry! If only she could always be this gentle.”

Edgar had been enjoying himself, but Eightee’s constant chattering next to him was getting on his


He took the remote control from the bedside table and decisively turned off the TV.

Eighteen, who had been infatuated just a second ago, suddenly realized that his young miss had gone


“Mr. Fallen, what are you doing?”

Edgar didn’t speak, nor did he pay attention to him. His expression was somewhat cold, complemented

by the pale, sickly complexion due to his illness and the injection of special medication, emitting an

eerie and forbidding aura.

Seeing him like this… could it be?

“Mr. Fallen, are you jealous because I praised Miss, is that it?”

He wore a cold expression. “Not good-looking, so I don’t want to watch.”

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Eighteen knew he was making excuses and kindly reminded him, “Mr. Fallen, let me tell you the truth.

Since you divorced Miss and became her servant, you and her can never be together again. Give up

on that hope.”

Edgar’s face instantly turned dark.

Eighteen continued, somewhat insensitively, saying, “Moreover, Miss and Young Master Grammer have

had a deep bond since childhood. They are a perfect match in terms of personality, family background,

age, and appearance. So, why don’t you just peacefully fulfill your one-year agreement and focus on

being your own Mr. Fallen in the future?”

“Adrain Grammer?”

Edgar gritted his teeth as he repeated those words.

If he were a trustworthy man, it would be a different story. But Edgar had only met him twice, and

although they constantly clashed, he sensed he was the loving type, especially toward the opposite

Chapter 131


And a soft heart toward the opposite sex..

With Grace’s fiery personality, she retaliated in equal measure. It was almost certain that Adrain, in the

future, might hurt her emotionally with his actions.

How could he trust such a man to take care of Grace?

“Mr. Fallen?”

Eighteen noticed his absent-mindedness and called him twice.

Edgar immediately threw off the covers, preparing to get out of bed. He even pulled out the needle from

the IV drip without hesitation.

“What are you doing?” Eighteen stood up as well.

Edgar didn’t even look back, put on his shoes, and walked towards the exit with a cold tone.


“What? You’ve only been here for a few days! Discharge requires the doctor to re-examine you and

provide a certificate!”

Eighteen hurriedly followed him, but Edgar suddenly stopped at the entrance of the ward.

When Eighteen approached, Edgar extended his hand, palm up. “Give me your phone.”

The talent show was a great success this time, thanks to Grace revealing her other identity. Angle’s

stock market skyrocketed as a result, and it received a wave of positive reviews.

In the evening. Grace was backstage discussing future resources with Abigail when her phone

suddenly rang. She glanced down and saw that it was Eighteen.

What kind of trouble did Edgar cause again? Her initially high spirits plummeted several degrees in

an instant.

Answering the phone calmly, she didn’t speak yet, but the deep voice on the other end took the

initiative and said, “Grace, it’s me.”

Although Grace found it strange, she couldn’t be bothered to ask much. “What’s up?”

“I’ve been discharged. To celebrate the success of your first show, I’m going back to prepare a table of

delicious dishes for us to eat together when you return. How does that sound?”

He spoke cautiously, with a hint of fear of being rejected, but also a faint trace of anticipation. Grace felt

it all but remained silent for two minutes.

During these two minutes, Edgar waited anxiously, his heart beating fast, but he refrained from

speaking, giving her enough time to think.

“I can’t make it tonight. I have a celebration dinner to attend. Let’s talk about it some other time.”

She was about to hang up the phone.

The man on the other end sounded anxious, saying, “Don’t hang up! Are you… going to eat with Patric

and Tom?”

Grace didn’t lie and replied, “Yes.”


Edgar hesitated, “Will Adrain be there?”

“He will.”

The Millionaire and His lillinnare Er wiln

Chapter 131

Her response was calm and indifferent, like tossing a deepwater bomb into a lake, instantly causing the

bottle of vinegar in Edgar’s heart to explode.

Edgar bit his pale lips and tried to sound cute and a little pleasing, saying, “Can you not go? My

cooking might not have been good before, but I’ll learn. Can you come back to the bay villa tonight?”

Grace couldn’t stand his tone.

“No, that’s not up for discussion.”

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Edgar clenched his lips tightly, using a coquettish yet slightly supplicating tone,saying, “Can you please

not go? If you don’t come back, I’ll hold a press conference tomorrow and tell the whole country that I

am with you!”

Grace burst into laughter. She had never seen such a self-destructive fool.

She sternly reminded him, “You are just my ser vant!”

“Even as a ser vant, I am still with you! You can’t deny that!”

“Edgar!” Grace was furious, and her loud shout startled Abigail, who was sitting beside her.

Hearing her genuine anger, Edgar became quite timid. “I’m sorry. I just wanted you to come back to the

Bay Villa and have a meal, even if you feel I’m not worthy to cat with you. I can stand by and watch you


Grace sighed, massaging her temples.

What’s wrong with this person lately? His audacity has reached shameless levels.

She didn’t feel like arguing with him any longer, so she casually agreed, “I will come back to the Bay

Villa, but it will be after the celebration hanquet. It might be very late.”

“It’s okay, no matter how late it is, I can wait.”

Although he couldn’t prevent her from attending the celebration banquet, at least there would be other

people present besides Adrain, so he probably wouldn’t be able to do much.

After hanging up the phone, Edgar eagerly went to handle his discharge from the hospital.

As for Eighteen, since he had previously promised to take care of Edgar’s recovery, now that he was

discharged, he had no reason to accompany him back to the Bay Villa. So he made a call to invite

Fifteen and Seventeen to pick up Edgar, while he himself returned home to accept his suspension.

Back at the Bay Villa….

Edgar almost immediately rushed into the kitchen to study the recipes. There were specialized staff

members who delivered fresh ingredients to the refrigerator every day, so except for very rare dishes,

he didn’t have to worry about not having the ingredients for his desired dishes.

Spending nearly three hours, he prepared a table full of delicious dishes. He had tasted each dish in

advance to ensure the perfect balance of flavors and suitable taste. Because he didn’t know exactly

when Grace would return, he covered each dish and placed them on plates to prevent them from

getting cold.

After completing all of this, he sat on the sofa and waited.

He waited for two hours, and as the dishes slowly cooled down, he reheated them in the pan and

covered them again, continuing to wait.
