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The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 13
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Chapter 13

Seeing Grace smile, Mia was even more confused.

Grace opened the box, grabbed a handful of bank notes, and threw them at Mia’s face.

Before Mia could react, she saw something smashing into her. She suddenly felt pain on her face.

Then all the money in the box fell from the top of her head to the ground.

She was dumbfounded on the spot.

Grace smiled playfully, saying, “Here’s 167 thousand dollars. As long as you voluntarily remove your

name from the Fallen family and get out of here, this money will be yours. What do you think? Are you

tempted? This is several times more than your offer!”


Mia was so angry that her chest rose and fell violently, and her eyes turned red. She thought, “How

dare this bitc h hit me in the face with money?

“How dare she mock me with what I just said!”

Mia scolded, “You bitc h! How dare you show off with your money? You earned it by sleeping with

random men! Ahh! I’ll tear you apart!”

Gritting her teeth, she rushed over ferociously.

Alex quickly went to stand in front of Grace, but Grace pushed him back.

Without any resistance, Mia reached out to grab Grace’s hair. Before she could touch it, Grace quickly

grabbed her wrist, exerted a lot of force, and directly twisted it behind her back.

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Refusing to accept it, Mia swung her other hand at Grace’s face, only to be restrained again. Grace

twisted both her hands behind her back, and she couldn’t move.

During the whole process, Grace’s actions were so smooth.

She was agile and efficient, looking calm and indifferent.

In fact, the children of the Smith Group had been training their bodies since they were young. If they

indeed fought, it would be easy for them to kill five people in a row. Because she was a girl, her

physical strength was not as good as her brothers’, so her father chose judo for her to practice.

At the age of 12, she obtained a black belt in judo. Having tolerated the Fallen family all these years,

she had never taken any action.

She thought, “Does Mia really think I’m weak and easily bullied?”

Realizing that Grace had overwhelmed her in an instant, Mia couldn’t accept this fact at all. Screaming

crazily, she shouted even louder.

“Aah! Bitc h! I’ll kill you! I’ll smash you to pieces! You bitc h! You only know how to seduce


Mia cursed more and more loudly, and her words sounded quite unpleasant.

Grace frowned and said, “It seems that I need to teach you a harsher lesson.”


The Millionaire and His Billionaire Fy wife


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Chapter 13

As she spoke, she suddenly turned fierce. Standing behind Mia, she grabbed the back of her neck with

one hand and pressed her head into the fountain.

Mia struggled desperately, but no matter how hard she twisted her neck, Grace maintained the

stranglehold on the back of her neck.

Mia was surprised and confused, thinking, “When did this bitc h get so strong?”

Water from the fountain splashed all over Mia’s face. The more she struggled, the more water flowed

into her nose. She coughed violently and almost passed out.

Seeing that she had calmed down, Grace was about to let go of her. Then someone roared behind her.


Turning around, she happened to meet Edgar’s eyes. He was so angry.

She let go of Mia, who was so weak that she collapsed to the ground. Seeing this, Nancy quickly ran

forward to support her. However, she failed to do so, and the two of them ended up on the ground

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At this time, Mia’s makeup was a mess, her hair was wet, and her black eyeliner was smudged. She

looked ugly and kept coughing, looking miserable.

On the contrary, Grace was holding her hands indifferently. Her makeup and hairstyle were not messy

at all, and she looked noble and aloof.

Because of Mia’s scream, the garden was now full of people.

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The scene of bank notes all over the ground stunned everyone. Many

even quietly

went to pick up the money on the ground.

Out of sympathy for the weak, everyone tacitly agreed that Grace was bullying Mia. They looked at her

in unison, as if asking for an explanation.

Edgar was no exception.

He stared at Grace gloomily and asked, “What’s going on


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