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The Millionaire And His Billionaire Ex-Wife

Chapter 102
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Chapter 102

“What is it?”

Jade held Yvonne’s hand and comforted her gently. Finally, she took Yvonne’s mobile phone from her

hand and put it aside quietly.

Sell your shares at a high price before the Fallen Group goes into a crisis!”

“That won’t do!”

Yvonne widened her eyes. Those shares can’t be sold! I’m still counting on the shares to make money

for me, and if I sell them, I won’t have any say in the Fallen Group in the future! Absolutely not!”

Jade sighed and continued to comfort her. “Auntie, you’re confused. If the Fallen Group really can’t

survive this crisis, your shares will be wasted. And don’t worry, selling your shares is only temporary!”

Yvonne was a little shaken.


Seeing that she took the bait, Jade continued, “I will try my best to find a reliable buyer from abroad.

When we get the money, we can earn it back after completing the projects on hand. At that time, we

can also buy the shares back.

“Auntie, take it as a temporary deposit. When the crisis is over and my cousin comes back, he will very

happy to see that you have managed the company so well.’

Yvonne didn’t say anything and was lost in thought for a long time.

Jade wanted to take advantage of the situation. “Auntie…”

Yvonne interrupted her. “Jade, this is not a small matter. Let me think about it again.”


Jade was a little unhappy, but she couldn’t say anything more or her thoughts would be easily seen


“Okay, auntie, but don’t think about it for too long. This matter can’t be delayed.”

After that, she turned around and left.

Yvonne sat alone in the office, feeling great pressure from this position for the first time.

It was a tough decision to make…

She didn’t want to give up either the company or the shares.

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However, Jade was right. The only way to solve the company’s crisis was to sell the shares. But if she

chose to keep the shares, the company would go bankrupt, and the shares would be worthless.

With red eyes, Yvonne sat quietly for half an hour and then called Jade. “Sell the shares.”

Jade suppressed the ecstasy in her heart and said in a heavy tone, “Auntie, don’t worry. I won’t make

any mistakes.”

The next morning, Jade found a buyer.

She took Yvonne to the appointed place to sign the contract. The buyer was called Sumayyah. Her

company was abroad, so this time, they would sign the contract online.

Chapter 102

On the way, Yvonne walked slowly.

Seeing her hesitation, Jade comforted her “Auntie, don’t worry. Sumayyah is the daughter of the owner

of a financial group with a net worth of hundreds of billions. She is a good buyer that I got through my

connections. She’s very reliable. She also promised that she will not easily transfer the shares back to

me. If you want to buy the shares back in the future, she is also willing to let them go.”

Yvonne didn’t believe it. “Could there really be such a good thing? Such a stupid person? What is her


Jade smiled. ‘She doesn’t lack money at all. She just wants to move here to live, so she’s buying

shares first. Don’t worry, there won’t be any problems.”

Yvonne followed her full of doubt.

But after reading the contract, Yvonne was furious!

“Didn’t we agree only to sell 20% of my shares? Why did you include Mia’s 10% and the house in the

old mansion as well? I won’t sign it! I won’t!”

Jade stroked her back to ease her breathing.

“Auntie, if we didn’t do it this way, with the current serious situation of the Fallen Group, your 20% of

shares alone would not be enough! Moreover, they said that the house is not for sale, but is only

mortgaged for the time being. You can still live in the villa. When the project is completed and the

money is earned back, won’t you be finished if you buy it all back?”

Even so…


“But the price is too low!”

Yvonne pointed at the contract, and she had a problem with the price. “It’s only 88 billion dollars. In the

past, I owned more than 20% of the shares!”

“Oh, auntie! The buyer is so rich and powerful. How could she not investigate the Fallen Group?

According to the current situation, she has offered the highest price. Don’t hesitate anymore!


“Alright then…”

Jade almost lost her tongue. After many times trying to persuade her, she finally got Yvonne to sign the

equity transfer agreement. Yvonne reluctantly handed over the deed of the old mansion and signed the

pledge contract.

After that, Yvonne looked depressed. “Now that the financial problem has been solved, you have to be

more careful during this period of time and work hard on the current projects. Keep a close eye on

other projects. Don’t let the workers lower the quality of the materials. Buy back the shares for me as

soon as possible!”

“Yes, auntie. Don’t worry. I’ll handle it properly.”

Jade hugged her arm and acted like a spoiled child, unable to hide the joy on her face.

The two of them got in the car with a smile and left.

However, as soon as they left, Grace, who was sitting in the office of the Angle Group, received a text



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There was only one word in the text message: [Success).

She heaved a sigh of relief.

In three days at most, the Fallen family would undergo a tremendous change!

She was looking forward to it.

While she was thinking, there was a knock on the office door, and Adrain came in.

Unlike the gentle and elegant man he normally was, he was frowning and his face didn’t look too good.

Before Grace could ask him, he went straight to the chair opposite her and sat down, separated from

her by a desk.

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“What’s wrong?” Grace was confused.

“I didn’t expect that you wanted to enter the real estate market for him.” His face was gloomy, and there

was even a trace of loneliness in his eyes.

How did he find out so quickly?

It made sense. Although the Grammer family was not as powerful as the Smith family, it was St///

famous family. It would be easy for him to investigate it.

And Grace didn’t want to hide it from him.

“That’s right.”

Seeing that she admitted it with an extremely calm expression, Adrain was very depressed.

“Why? If you look back and find that there are better people waiting for you,

“This person… Are you trying to say it’s you?”

Grace interrupted him and looked into his eyes calmly.

Adrain blushed slightly.

can’t you…

He plucked up the courage to confess his love to her, but Grace beat him to it. “But you should know

that it’s impossible for us to be together. Even though I was with Tom, I can’t be with you.”

Adrain’s heart sank, and there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

“I don’t understand. Why not?” He thought for a moment. Is it because of Sarah? She was indeed

wrong before, but she has been locked up recently. She knows she was wrong, and she won’t target

you anymore.”

Grace shook her head with a smile and said, “I know you like me. I know it many years ago, but your

affection is not real.”

Adrain didn’t say anything and just looked at her with slightly red eyes.

Grace continued, “You’re gentle, modest, and warm to everyone, but you’re too protective of your own

people! You know how much Sarah had harmed me at that time, but you haven’t mentioned it these




Adrain was choked with s obs and unwilling to give up. “What about Edgar? His sister and mother have

been so cruel to you. Wasn’t he too protective of them?”