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The Man's Decree

Chapter 3974
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Judd hurriedly covered his nose, looking extremely embarrassed.

Equally ashamed, Dasaid, "Useless boy, go out and clean yourself up..." Judd quickly ran out to clean up.

"This is my new disciple, Axel Chadwick," Dasaid, pointing at Jared.

Juliet looked at Jared, noticing that he kept his head down, making it impossible to see his face.

"Why is Axel so shy? He doesn't even dare to lift his head," Juliet asked curiously.

"Lift your head! How are you going to talk to Ms. Juliet like this?" Danudged Jared.

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Jared had no choice but to grit his teeth and lift his head.

"Hello, Juliet," he said with a smile.

Upon seeing Jared, Juliet was momentarily stunned. She then erupted in anger.

"So, it's you, you pervert! I'll kill you..." she shouted, slapping Jared.

Jared was startled and quickly ran outside.

Dahadn't even realized what was going on when Juliet chased after Jared.

"Don't run! I will kill you!" Juliet shouted angrily.

Outside, Judd was still cleaning up and had no idea what was happening. He saw Jared running out, followed closely by Juliet.

At that moment, Dafinally reacted and hurriedly stopped Juliet in her tracks.

"Ms. Juliet, what is going on? Do you two know each other?" Daasked.

"Mr. Barclay, this new disciple of yours has poor character. Ask him what he did," Juliet barked.

Utterly confused, Dalooked at Jared and asked, “What did you do to upset her?" Embarrassed, Jared could only tell the truth, "Last night, I accidentally saw Juliet bathing..." "What?" Daand Judd exclaimed simultaneously.

Judd, in particular, was shocked and envious.

Seeing Juliet bathing was a sight so enticing, he'd willingly trade a hundred years of his life for it! "You'd better tell the truth. Did you just seebathing, or did you have other intentions?" Juliet glared at Jared.

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"It was definitely a misunderstanding!" Jared said, sounding distressed. "I was just wandering around last night and happened to chere. The spiritual energy here had a hint of celestial energy, so I cin on a whim. There were no guards, and the door was open. I saw the spiritual energy pool and thought it looked nice. Since no one was there, I took off my clothes and jumped in. How could I have known that Juliet was also inside the spiritual pool? But Juliet, you sawnaked too, so it's mutual.

You didn't really lose out." Hearing Jared's explanation, Juliet was furious.

e Judd's eyes widened, trembling with envy. "Axel, you... you were naked in the sspiritual energy pool als Juliet? oh my god, if it were me, I would gladly die..." Judd said before belatedly realizing that he had said the wrong thing. He quickly shut his mouth.

Dawas helpless. He believed Jared was telling the truth. After all, Jared had cto learn the fire fusion technique, not to peep at Juliet bathing in the middle of the night!

"Ms. Juliet, I think this must be a misunderstanding. My disciple is not that kind of person. Moreover, if you kill him now, the story of you being seen naked will spread, which won't be good for your reputation. My disciple has gained snotoriety in the Violet FlSect after defeating Thiago in the inner competition as even Thiago had to show him respect. If he suddenly dies, people will investigate." Daappealed to Juliet's sense of reputation.

After all, Jared had only seen her once and hadn't done anything more.

"What? He defeated Thiago?" Juliet was stunned.

After all, Jared was only a Fourth Level Tribulator, so how could he defeat Thiago? X