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The Man's Decree

Chapter 3970
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"Unafraid of the demonic fire?" Berthold frowned. "Could it be that guy has the true fire endurance?" "Impossible! True fire endurance requires tempering with ten kinds of demonic fire, and one must be able to endure it to achieve it. That guy clearly can't have true fire endurance. I suspect he has streasure that can counter demonic fire," Harlan replied, shaking his head.

Harlan was right. Jared didn't have true fire endurance. He was just using his extrfrost flto protect himself.

If someone with stronger demonic fire calong, they could break through Jared's extremus frost flame, and he wouldn't be able to withstand it.

"I have to meet this guy one day," Berthold said, clearly interested in Jared.

"Berthold, you need to keep a low profile these days. If you cause any conflict until Mr. Barclay and the others refuse to agree to open Divine FlMountain, it will be troublesome," Harlan reminded.

"I understand!" Berthold nodded.

The secret meeting continued until midnight before it was finally adjourned. Daand the others had no idea that Harlan had held this secret meeting at midnight.

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The next morning, Judd arrived at Jared's courtyard early.

He wanted to see if Jared had slept with Carla. However, when he saw Jared and Carla coming out of two different rooms, he rejoiced inwardly.

It seemed Jared was a gentleman and hadn't taken advantage of Carla.

"Judd, why are you here so early?" Jared asked Judd, puzzled by his early visit.

What on earth is Judd doing here so early in the morning? "Axel, our master askedto cget you. He wants to take you to meet Juliet!" Judd said.

Hearing this, Jared was delighted and nodded.

If he could learn the method of integrating demonic fire from Juliet, he wouldn't have to stay hidden in the Violet FlSect anymore.

"He's taking Axel to see Juliet?" Carla exclaimed in surprise.

"Yes, Master is taking him. This kind of opportunity isn't available to everyone. I'm so envious of you, Axel," Judd said.

Carla remained silent, but it was clear that she wasn't happy.

She knew that compared to Juliet, she was much less impressive.

If there was no comparison, she could slowly win Jared over.

But if Jared saw Juliet, he might only have eyes for Juliet and would no longer look at Carla.

Jared noticed Carla's feelings but didn't say anything. He wasn't interested in her. He couldn't just sleep with her to please her, especially since she was still a maiden.

That wouldn't be responsible.

Jared followed Judd to see Dario.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After they met with Dario, he said, “I've already informed them. Today, I'll take you to see Juliet.” He turned to Judd. "Judd, you can calong too. I don't think you've met Juliet yet, have you?"

"What? I can also see Juliet? That's great!" Judd shouted excitedly m Seeing Judd's excited outburst, Daquickly coughed twice to remind him to calm down. That was embarrassing.

Judd then tried hard to control his excitement.

The two of them followed Daout of the mansion to the depths of Violet FlSect.

The deeper they went, the stricter the security became. Moreover, them disciples thewencountered were not of a weak caliber! "Axel, even inner court disciples can't easily enter this area," Judd whispered to Jared.

Jared was a bit puzzled because he felt like he had walked this path before.

The surrounding buildings also as if seemed familiar, as if he had seen them last night while wandering around. "Master, after meeting Juliet, can we also meet Mr. Garrido?" Jared asked.