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The Man's Decree

Chapter 170
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The Mans Decree Chapter 170

Could someone who can catch a bullet with his bare hand be an ordinary person? Beyond a shadow of

a doubt, he must have some other identity that my investigation could never unearth! At that moment,

Xavier also recalled how Felix didn’t do anything to Jared back at Vintage Restaurant but lashed out at

him instead. Thinking back now, Felix must have been afraid of his identity. Ah, it turns out that I’m not

even in the same league as him!

He had always been proud that he studied abroad and felt that he was a hundred times better than

Jared. However, he abruptly realized that he had been too shallow at that very instant. “Please don’t kill

me! I beg you!” Terrified, he chickened out and admitted defeat. He was afraid of death and dared not

commit murder. In fact, he had only pulled the trigger earlier due to his wrought nerves.

Despite having braced himself for the possibility of killing Jared, he still didn’t dare pull the trigger and

take a life when it came down to it for real. At the sight of his pathetic state, Jared lost the desire to kill

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him. He tossed the bullet to the ground and ordered coldly, “Starting today, get out of Horington.

Don’t ever appear in front of me again!” After saying that, Jared spun on his heels and left the office.

When he opened the office door, Xavier’s secretary happened to be standing right by the door. The

second she saw Xavier kneeling on the ground through the gap in the door, she was entirely stunned.

Jared cast a glance at her, frightening her considerably.

Nevertheless, he said nothing, nor did he bother closing the door behind him. Instead, he left it ajar and

allowed her to stare at Xavier, who was on his knees. “Buzz off! Scram!” Xavier roared at his secretary.

Terror-stricken, the secretary hastily bolted. Inwardly, unease lingered within her, and she was worried

sick that she would be dismissed for having seen Xavier in an embarrassing state. Unbeknownst to her,

Xavier slowly picked up the gun and bullet from the ground right then.

After a final look at his office, he left. Ever since then, he never again appeared in the office or even in

the whole of Horington. “Jared, did Mr. Jennings ask for you to talk about the commission? What did

you say to him?” Zayne urgently demanded as soon as he saw Jared returning to the sales

department. Although he loathed speaking to the man, he still did so for the sake of the commission.

“Nothing at all,” Jared replied frostily with a glance at him.

“You just want to keep all the commission for yourself, huh, Jared? Let me tell you that the company

policy stipulates that the manager has a share in the commission no matter who in the sales

department clinches a contract. Furthermore, we’ve already made several trips to Cosmic Chemical in

the past few months. You couldn’t have gotten the contract without us, so don’t think that you’re all

great and mighty!

If it weren’t for me recommending you here, would you have been able to join the company?” Maria

huffed upon seeing his glacial attitude. “I don’t care about that paltry commission. If there’s truly any, I

won’t take a single cent,” Jared murmured placidly after eyeing her for a moment.

“You said it yourself, and everyone heard you, Jared! Don’t regret not even taking a single cent!” Zayne

hurriedly proclaimed in a booming voice when he heard that, afraid that the man would go back on his

word. “I won’t regret it!” Jared sneered. At once, utter elation deluged Zayne. If he doesn’t want the

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commission, then it’ll all be mine! At that time, I should be able to afford the down payment for a

mansion at Dragon Bay!

Everyone in the sales department gaped at Jared in shock, all laughing at him for being such a

fool. The commission for such a huge contract is definitely a pretty penny, but he’s simply giving it all up

with a single remark! “Hilda, you’re in the same team as Jared, so you must hold on to the commission

although he gave it up.

Don’t be an idiot like him!” Lydia whispered, leaning close to Hilda. Hilda stole a peek at Jared a near

distance away before she shook her head and asserted, “I don’t want it either!” I wasn’t the one who

facilitated the contract, so I don’t want the commission.

I’m not going to ask why he’s giving it up, but perhaps it’s because he has found a rich girlfriend, so he

doesn’t care about that trifling sum! “Well, they must be both sick in the head and have some kind of

grudge against money!” Curling her lips, Lydia then stalked off.