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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin by Moonlight Muse

Chapter 69
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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin by Moonlight Muse Chapter 69. Deadly Intentions
I catch her before she falls to the floor,
watching as the contents of the syringe empties into her neck completely before slowly removing it. My heart’s thumping as I look
down at her. How dare she disrespect me? 8
I feel angry at her, and at the same time, I
want to claim her and make her mine, break
her to submission. 4
I slip the syringe into my pocket, grabbing her face tightly in my hand.
She’s much more beautiful when she’s not
awake... When she isn’t so arrogant and
Soon.... Soon she’ll become mine, she’ll obey
me like a bitch does her owner. 9
I chuckle darkly at my thoughts, leaning down and kissing her lips softly.
Ah, she tastes delicious...
I glance around the bathroom, contemplating my next move, before
turning and carrying her out of the room.
She won’t remember any of this in the morning.
Her stupid cat hisses at me as she rushes to Skyla the moment I place her on the bed. The dumb feline darts at me, scratching
me across the face and I snarl, the sting burning me and I grab her around the muzzle.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I feel something breaking as she claws my hand before I throw her across the room. She hits the corner of the chest of drawers
hard, and I’m satisfied when I hear something break. She lets out a pitiful meow before her tiny body tumbles to the floor. 32
Stupid cat.
What kind of werewolf keeps a cat, anyway?
I glance down at her neck. This one was a
little different... but he said it would
accomplish what I was failing at... 3
The little pinprick on her neck is already healing...
I quickly slip her into the shorts and crop top that were laid on the bed. Something I know she wears to bed and place her under
covers. I rather she wears lace or slips.
I guess that will be one of my commands
when the time comes. 3
I turn to leave, the anger I felt earlier still
burning within me, I turn back to the bed, raising my fist as her insults from earlier ring in my head and I backhand her across
the face, fucking hard. 11
How dare she hit me...
My chest is heaving, my eyes simmering with rage as her cat limps over to her, meowing as she begins to nudge her. 2
I glare coldly at her, hissing at her, only for
her to hiss back, and I smirk.

“Oh, you will be the first I will get rid of.” I
mutter, glancing around the room. I frown, noticing all the boxes in the room.
Why is she packing?
If she’s leaving that will prove a little problematic for me, but I can’t give her the final dose yet... not until the Blood Moon... I
will just have to find a way to get close to her, regardless of place. (9
I have to be patient, no matter how hard that might be.
I head to the bathroom to replace the board over the window. He’s given me the ability to shift, but it wasn’t the same as shifting
into my wolf and I don’t plan to use it when I don’t need to... 13
Silently, I leave through the front door. 2
Soon she’ll be mine... 4
As for Royce...
My eyes blaze as I think of him.
I wish I killed him in the womb.
He doesn’t deserve to live; he doesn’t
deserve her and above all; he doesn’t
fucking deserve those powers.
I’m stronger now, or I will be... I will be the
king and he... I will leave him with nothing. 1
I know Royce’s weaknesses, and it will be his downfall that he thinks of them as his very strengths... 1

What a fool.

I will target them, and he will crumble, and right now, his greatest weakness is Skyla
I truly believe this time he is in love and if he is, ruining him will be even easier... 2
I just need to try to remain patient for a while longer... 2
I wake suddenly, my heart racing and I have
no idea why.
I look around frowning, and it takes a moment for me to gather my bearings.
The sound of birds chirping makes my
attention turn to the window. The sun is
shining through, and I realise it’s morning.
“What the fuck is the matter with me?” I
groan, rubbing my forehead.
Malevolent is lying next to me, but she’s
asleep. I stroke her soft fur and she jerks away, before she turns her head slowly up to
me and meows.
“Hey, it’s just me.” I smile as she gently brushes her face against my hand. “Aww missed me?”
She meows again, and I look around, frowning.
I don’t even remember getting into bed. I remember slamming the door on Aleric and then I went to shower.

Did I lose control?
I grab my phone and skim through my messages before opening Royce’s message. 1
‘Morning Love, I’m bringing breakfast.’ I
smile as I lean back. He had sent it fifteen
minutes ago.
“Oh yeah, he was going to take my stuff to his place, wasn’t he?
Then I better get dressed quickly. I get out of bed looking down, hmm I think I’ll take a
“I’ll go get your brekky ready Malevolent.” I
say as I leave the room.
Entering the kitchen, I open a pouch of food into her bowl before I head to the bathroom.
Closing the door, I freeze, glancing at the boarded-up window. For a split second, I don’t know why, but I felt as if it wasn’t...
I shake my head, and sniff my armpit, urgh the joys of being a Lycan the smallest of smells get to me and to think I bathed last
I take a quick shower before wrapping a towel around myself and head to my
I switch some music on, and as I decide what
to wear, a devious smile crosses my lips.
“The Ice Prince is on his way... I can’t simply

not tease him.”
Rummaging around in my suitcase, I pull out a sexy little lace lingerie set. It’s strappy and skimpy and pushes my boobs up
nicely. I’m not huge, but I have enough cleavage to entice a man, or woman, if they roll that way.
Hmm, what to put on top...
The doorbell goes and I smirk.
“Guess I have no time to look for anything to put on top.” I hum before I glance at Malevolent, who is curled up on the bed.
She’s being lazy today... 3
I hurry to the front door, his scent hits me and I smirk, glancing in the mirror again.
I can see my piercings peeking through the lace, and my red matching thongs go well with my skin tone. I turn, glancing over my
shoulder at my reflection. My sexy ass looks.
damn fine.
Satisfied, I pull open the door with a smirk.
“Hey.” I say, running my fingers through my hair.
“Morn... ing...” He trails off, his eyes blazing blue the moment they rake over me.
My own stomach flutters as I watch him
swallow, his gaze lingering on my breasts before it travels downwards, and I’m
pleased when a low growl leaves his lips.
“You’re wrecking me, Love.” He murmurs
huskily as he steps inside, shutting and
locking the door behind him.
“And I want you to wreck me.” I whisper seductively.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

He places the paper bags and drinks down on the table beside the door and in a flash; he has me pinned against the wall behind
me, his hands on my waist.

I look up at him, my heart pounding. Every nerve in my body is on edge as he presses his body against mine.
“Don’t tempt a beast, Doll...” His rough, sexy growl comes as his lips meet my neck.
My eyes flutter shut for a moment, relishing in his touch, my nipples hardening as his fingers dig into my waist.
Fuck, I want him so bad...
My body is screaming to be touched and
fucked by him and I know once that wall is brought down that I will see a side of him. that I will never get enough of.
“What if I want to?” I whisper seductively.
I gasp when his hand wraps around my neck, applying pressure, his eyes meeting mine.
A faint smirk crosses his lips before he bends down and brushes his lips against mine.
“You have no idea what you are asking for,
Love, because the moment I take you... you will want to keep those sexy thighs of yours
spread apart like a naughty little nymph, all the fucking time...”
Those words send a jolt of pleasure to my pussy and fuck, I want that now.
“Hmm, show me then, show me that you are not just all talk.” I challenge him breathlessly. His eyes darken, and I know he can
smell my arousal when his nostrils flare
slightly, and he inhales deeply.
“I’ll let you be the judge of that.” He says, and I bite my lip, feeling his hard-on as he kisses me deeply.
I can feel his hard-on against my stomach.

Hunger, desire, and passion consume me as every nerve in my body reacts to him. I moan against his lips as his free hand slips
down my stomach, tracing my abs softly before brushing over the lace front of my panties.
Our tongues dance erotically, and just when his hand is about to touch my pussy, I hear a
pained meow.
We both freeze, and he pulls away, turning towards Malevolent and I do the same.
My heart almost stops when I see
Malevolent limping as she tries to make her way to the kitchen.
My body, which was feeling hot moments ago, now feels ice cold as I rush to her side.
Dropping to my knees, I scoop her into my
arms tenderly. My heart thumps violently as
she whimpers and with horror, I realise
she’s hurt.
“What happened to her?” Royce asks,
I can’t breathe, and my eyes sting.
Not my Malevolent.
“I don’t know.” I whisper, “She needs Mama!” 1
I stand up, looking at the door before I
realise I don’t have my car either.
Then I’ll shift, but how will I take her? What

“Hey... I’ll take you.” He says. “Pass me Malevolent, and get dressed?”
It takes me a moment to realise what he
means, and I look down at the little bundle
in my arms.
She is hurt, and I didn’t even notice... how did she get hurt? We were inside all night; she didn’t even go out.
Did I shift and hurt her?
Fuck, did my Lycan hurt her?
I begin shaking, and my vision blurs as tears
I refuse to let fall blind me.
Royce cups my face, forcing me to look up at him and I blink, coming out of my thoughts.
“Will you give her to me?” He asks softly.
I nod, my heart squeezing as I tenderly place her in his arms. She whimpers pitifully, but I know she’s safe with him.
“Go get dressed.” He urges gently, and I nod, rushing to my bedroom as fast as I can.
I’m shaking as I pull on an oversized hoodie dress and grab a pair of sneakers. I have to take her to Mama right now! 1
I come out of the bedroom, to see Royce has placed a blanket in a basket and is tucking Malevolent in. He’s handling her with
I watch him, my heart warming before he stands up and I quickly hurry over, picking
the basket up.
“Ready?” He says and I nod.
“My phone.” I say, about to turn back to get it when he walks past me.
“I’ll grab it.” 2

He returns quickly and opens the front door, and I glance at the food bags.
“We can eat on the way?” I suggest, feeling guilty.
He nods, kissing my forehead before he grabs the bags and my keys, his foot holding the door open before he steps out and
locks up.
I look down at Malevolent as Royce pauses,
glancing at the ground, and I hurry to the car. I can’t waste time. 14
“You’re going to be ok.” I whisper to Malevolent, kissing her softly before getting into Royce’s car the moment he unlocks the
Time to go see Mama. 24