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The Legacy System

Chapter 75 - 75: Old Na
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This guy's name was too long and tedious to pronounciate so Eric had decided to call him Old Na, short and more practical.

The old guy seemed to be startled as he immediately answered, ​​

Old Na:" This old man doesn't dare to question Young Master. It's just that this old man doesn't understand, what was Young Master's intentions with that show?"

Hearing that, Eric gave him another detailed look from head to toe, as he said with a grin,

Eric:" It's true when they say that you old foxes have too much experience and could see more than meets the eye!"

But for a moment he was surprised with himself, from the way he talked just now it didn't seem like he considered himself to be old.

Quite on the contrary, he treated himself as a person from the young generation, even though he was someone with around 1000 years of history and experience.

It seemed like his young self's personality was taking the upper hand in this, and he couldn't quite blame himself for thinking like this, because that was a possible future he lived.

Right now he was in the past, and that 1000+ years of experience seemed like fleeting clouds in front of him, even though he didn't forget any single moment of that life.

But that was good as well, since otherwise how would his conscience comply with the fact that he was courting young girls, and planned to torture a few.

A few of his past life wives and lovers had yet to be born, had just born, or were underage right now, and he didn't plan to leave them out of his harem.

If there was one thing that the human race was famous all over the universe he dared to bet that it was their sex drive, and the desire for beauty.

It was weird how all this made sense to him at this moment, but he felt like he had just removed a huge burden from his back.

He was awakened from his reverie hearing Old Na's words,

Old Na:" Young Master is surely jesting, is just that this old man doesn't think that Master Kirigaya would believe so much to a useless and idiot person."

Eric knew that this old man was just trying to cover his prints, but he didn't mind it, on the contrary, he seemed to evaluate this old man even higher, as he said with a smile,

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Eric:" You are good Old Na, better than I expected. It's just like you think though, this show had a purpose to it.

Really soon we are going to expand this restaurant into a chain of restaurants and will open branches in three more districts.

While this is great for us, there will surely be people who will want to swallow us, especially with the attention and fame we are getting lately.

So it is compulsory for us to show them that if they try something like this, they might break their teeth in the way. The Miura's are just a sample for them to consider."

This truly surprised the old manager, he didn't know anything about the expansion, but if this was true then Eric's move was quite a wise and intelligent one.

He was clearly thinking in the future and seemed to have been planning this for quite some time, most probably Young Master Miura was just an idiot who fell first without even knowing.

But there was one problem with that move, they needed a powerful enough background to deal with them.

While Eric could be really strong, he couldn't stay here in this place all his life, to safely keep this restaurant, then what about the others.

Not to mention that the hard way wasn't the only way to deal with them, the Miura family had a lot of prestige and could bribe some politicians, or government workers to shut them down.

How was Eric planning to deal with that? Deciding to come clean with his thoughts, he said,

Old Na:" Young Master is really wise thinking of the future, but shouldn't forget the present, after all, there will be no future without the present.

I am really curious to know how Young Master plans to deal with their cheap tricks and non-fighting power? I don't think Young Master plans to fight them head-on right?"

Hearing those words Eric released a loud laugh and then turning serious he said,

Eric:" And what if I plan to fight them head-on, what do you think it would happen Old Na?"

The old manager seemed to be surprised by this answer and said honestly,

Old Na:" I don't think is feasible to do it, you would need the same political and economical power as them, or the backup of someone who has that.

While this place is under Master Kirigaya's name, the Kirigaya Clan and Kirigaya family would certainly stay away from this, and might even give us a push to drown."

Hearing this analyzes, Eric seemed to have an even better opinion of this old man, as he said with a bright smile on his face,

Eric:" Old man you are a truly wise and experienced fox, from now on you will be responsible for the opening of the other three restaurants, and the staff.

You will be the General Manager of the new chain of restaurants in the 'Fragrance Hall'!

As for the head-on fight, you don't have to worry, the outcome has already been decided!"

Old Na was clearly happy to have been known for his wits, and given such a role. Even though he was old, he was still energetic and worked as a young man.

His training and healthy diet had kept him in top form, especially seeing that Eric was a really ambitious man, and probably this was just the beginning of his road.

As for the matter at hand, he was still a bit wary and thought that Eric was thinking too highly of himself, but his experience and Eric's tranquility made him think that perhaps it was truly as he said.

So without losing much time, he immediately bowed respectfully towards Eric and said,

Old Na:" Thank you for your regard Young Master, I will try my best to not fail you!"

Just as he finished his words, he heard the door of the box knocking, while Eric said calmly as if he knew who was at the door,

Eric:" Come in Akira, I have been waiting for you."

Old Na was surprised because all this time, he had been talking with Eric, and he hadn't taken out his phone to call anyone, or even see through the cameras who was outside.

So how was Eric able to exactly tell who was behind the door so easily. And it was truly Akira, this lady had been here not long ago with Eric, so he could recognize her quickly.

The weird thing was that while she was dressed in formal wear for a restaurant she had a big black bag in her right hand.

Noticing the bag in her right hand, Eric looked her directly in the eyes and said,

Eric:" Did you bring everything I asked of you?"

Akira still didn't understand why they would need this stuff, but immediately answered,

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Akira:" Yes Master, I have brought everything, just like you said, two pairs of everything."

The old manager seemed to be surprised by the way Akira addressed Eric but didn't say anything, he knew when he could talk and when he couldn't.

Seeing that Eric didn't seem to want to explain the situation to him, he just took his cue to leave the box,

Old Na:" Young Master if you having nothing more you want to say to me, I will be taking my leave."

Satisfied with the old man's attitude Eric just said,

Eric:" Mhm, you can leave old Na.

Just one last thing though, when you select the staff of the restaurants, including this one, select only people who would train and die with us! I don't think I need to say more!"

Once again the old manager was surprised by Eric's words, but he just accepted his assignment and said,

Old Na:" This old man understands, please rest assured Young Master."

With that said he left the box, leaving only Eric and Akira inside there. That was the only box without security installed, so no one knew what happened there.

Seeing that Old Na had gone out and closed the door, Eric turned towards Akira, started undressing, and said seriously,

Eric:" Undress!"

Akira was startled, normally Eric would be more romantic about this stuff and not like this, but she thought he was just testing her, as she approached sensually and kissing him said,

Akira:" Did I pass your test, Master?"

Eric was surprised as well, because clearly, she was misinterpreting the situation and what he wanted, but he didn't turn back on her kiss, as after their lips separated he said,

Eric:" While this is really tempting we will have a lot of time to continue with this later, right now there is something else we need to do.

This involves us getting undressed and wearing the outfits your brought for us, come on we can't be late because our guests can be here at any moment.

Akira was stupefied, she didn't expect this at all. Not to mention that she still didn't understand why she had to bring the outfits she brought.

Even less the reason why they had to wear that outfit, or who the guests that Eric was talking about were.

But seeing that Eric was serious at that time, she didn't linger any longer and did as she was told. When she finished wearing everything she heard Eric's phone ring…