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The Legacy System

Chapter 56 - 56: Sub-system Installed
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It was a great plan that Eric had found ready, now all he had to do was keep the play going, and substitute Yuuji Shiro in the plan.

Not like he had any other choice at the moment. Yuuji Shiro was his slave since yesterday night, and he would make sure to use him as much as he could. ​​

While there were a lot of other important things in Yuuji Shiro's and Daisuke's memories, he had time to think about them later.

First things first, he needed to have his training session first, and then go meet the owner of the above apartment. Today he would also start the torture of Takeshiba Aika.

Well thinking too much in the future was never a good thing, so he immediately placed all that to the back of his head, and started running.

He finished his training session in about two hours, he did around 5 times the required training today, after the scene of the night before, he understood that he was still weak.

He wasn't as strong as he thought he was, or more specifically he didn't expect that there were other people without a system as strong as he was.

That was a good wake up call for him to not think too highly of himself and the fact that he should lower his head, and start working more.

After finishing with his training he immediately went to Akira's house. He had to take a shower, and also because there was one last procedure for installing the sub-system.

Apparently, he had to draw an inscription similar to the slave seal on Akira's head, and chest. That seal became the connection point between, him and her, but also her and the system.

On the way, he told Daisuke to go to his house, take a few clothes for him, and bring those to Akira's apartment.

He would have to stay a few days away from the house if he didn't want to get caught in some idiot's fun time.

The guy he killed was an idiot, and arrogant pr*ck, he didn't expect his friends and connections to be better than him.

So he had to be careful these days, and not enter their apartment. In no time he arrived at Akira's apartment where Daisuke opened the door for him, while Tina was seated on the couch.

She seemed to be watching a movie or something, even though she was in a really seductive outfit, and posture. Too bad though, since Daisuke became a slave he couldn't look at her anymore.

It was Eric's order. But while Tina was lying there in that position, like she was doing nothing, Eric knew that this little b*tch, had talked with Yuuji Shiro in the cell earlier.

She had told him about everything, and of course about Eric's supposed identity and the change in his character in the last weeks.

Of course, since Yuuji Shiro was under his control not even a small piece of this news would go out, but still, this didn't change the fact that this b*tch hadn't given up.

Without even turning to look towards her, Eric walked towards Akira's room, while saying,

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Eric:" Little dog, stay properly, and don't wear those sl*tty outfit when there are other people in the house. Otherwise, you will get punished."

Tina wanted to play with him, and ask if he was jealous, but hearing the word punishment her body shuddered for a moment, and she immediately straightened her posture.

In the meantime Eric entered Akira's bedroom, and immediately biting his finger, he started drawing the inscription in Akira's head and chest only with blood.

Having a vitality of more than 20 times that of a normal person his blood surely regenerated faster. So he could draw the inscription only in blood without problems.

It didn't take him long, in 3 minutes everything was finished, and just like the other day, the symbols seemed to come to life, and were absorbed in Akira's body.

The moment, the symbols vanished in her body, the installation process hit 100%, and he got the notification.

! Congratulations! The host has managed to create his first subordinate and first sub-system. Due to this achievement, the host is awarded 100 Exp and 100 SP points.

Also at the same time, under the command sub-systems was only Akira's name. Clicking on it, immediately her stats showed up.

Sub-system 01

Name: Akira

Race: Human

Level: 1

Exp: 0/1

Strength: 0.5

Dexterity: 0.6

Vitality: 0.9

Agility: 0.5

Intelligence: 86

Luck: 64

Skills: None

Equipment: None

Cultivation Techniques: None

She seemed really weak, even weaker than he was at level 1, but that was kind of understandable since she was a woman, who had never trained in her life, besides yoga.

So he didn't have high expectations either, but with her stats, she would farm him some good SP points. He just would need her to give the final blow, and he would have SP while she leveled up.

At the same time, it was a good thing to have a way to grow his subordinates stronger, at a faster rate than the normal traditional way of training.

Like this, his generals would be tied up to him, and he would slowly increase his army. Akira didn't seem bad as his first subordinate and general.

While he was thinking this, Akira's eyes trembled, and looking at Eric she said with a confused voice,

Akira:" I just had the strangest dream I ever thought I would have!"

Eric didn't want to break it to her directly and said with a questioning voice,

Eric:" Oh what kind of dream!?"

Akira went on and explained in detail everything that had happened the previous night. And then said with a disbelieving tone,

Akira:" It's crazy isn't it? Even now, I think I am inside a dream talking to you like this, and you not getting shocked, or startled."

She was really wondering how it was possible that Eric wasn't getting shocked, or at least startled by everything she was saying. He had that usual calm, and teasing look.

He just looked right through her eyes, and said,

Eric:" What if I told you that everything you said, is true, and there is much more that you need to know!"

Akira was startled at those words, but she got even more shocked and stunned by everything extra that Eric added to the mix.

Eric didn't tell her the total truth, he just told her about the existence of the system in his possession, and the fact that she had a sub-system, related to his.

He told her how it worked, and what it meant for her from now on. While she was curious about knowing how this system came into his possession, he said that she didn't have the right to know now.

Only when she proved her loyalty and usefulness to him would she learn about that. At the moment, she was far far away from knowing that.

Even though Akira was still shocked at the new situation, and she was about disbelieving Eric's words, after all, it was too fantastic to be true.

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But when she saw the system interface inside her sea of conscience, she couldn't have any more doubts. Everything was in front of her eyes, and she had no choice but to believe everything he said.

Of course, this was a great opportunity for her, but she couldn't think of this opportunity right now, there was only one thing occupying her mind.

Akira:" Your promise was that I could have the revenge I wanted right!?"

Eric could understand her feelings, for someone who had been surviving only due to revenge, this opportunity was only on second thought.

But he couldn't allow losing her or his slave at the moment, so he said with a serious look,

Eric:" You can have the revenge you want, as long as after your revenge is fulfilled, you will keep living only for me, and everything yours will belong to me."

Akira was a bit startled, after all, she never thought of a life after her revenge. She was surviving only to take revenge, everything else was meaningless for her.

But now, she had to make a choice, or to be more precise she had already made a choice, now it was a matter of respecting that choice or not.

Eric was the one who was giving her the opportunity to revenge, at the same time that weird opportunity she got, she had a feeling that if she lied, he would know.

So she didn't know how to answer. As if anticipating her thoughts, Eric said with a calm and carefree voice,

Eric:" Since you had already decided to die, just kill that Akira inside you, and become what I ask of you!"

Hearing those words made Akira tremble for a moment, she had thought of dying, but could she do it. As for killing the Akira inside her, would she be able to?

His words made sense. It was just that she didn't know if she would be able to do it. She didn't know what to think right now.

Once again Eric interrupted her line of thought as he said,

Eric:" Never mind, is still too early to decide upon that I guess. But remember that you have made an oath to be mine, and I don't intend to dismiss it.

Now you can go and do what you have to do with that fu*ker, just remember to not give him noticeable scars, and not kill him.

Like I said I still need him to work for me."

Akira didn't know what it would become of her life, all she knew right now was that she wanted to have her revenge on that scum.

Without thinking twice she left towards her torture room, where the clearly frightened Daisuke was standing at the door.

His fear made her feel good for some reason, and she licked her lips as she said,

Akira:" Let's go inside, I have a nice time prepared for you…