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The Legacy System

Chapter 50 - 50: Siblings, Underlings
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The guy on the bed seemed to be stupefied when he heard Eric's words. He didn't expect such an offer coming his way.

He was thinking of where to go and how to spend the money he had just gotten when he got this surprising offer from Eric. ​​

The truth was that while this money would be good for a period of time, after that they would have to return to these extortions once again.

Right now though, he was getting an offer about a permanent job. And the best thing was that he didn't even need to leave the city if he accepted this offer.

But there was something he still was curious about and said,

Guy:" By the way sir, when did you notice my partner?"

Eric expected such a question, after all, curiosity was one of the biggest emotions that affected humanity, so he just said calmly,

Eric:" Well, anyone would get suspicious, if the bed beside you is occupied, but the guy occupying it doesn't seem sick at all."

Hearing this, the person on the other bed, turned towards Eric and the injured guy with the face of a caught thief, and just smiled a bit.

In fact, the partner was a girl. A lady in her early twenties, with purple-colored hair, and a piercing in her bottom lip.

She was dressed like one of those gothic girls, but the smile on her face and her big blue eyes made her look really beautiful.

Eric wouldn't mind having a taste of her, even though her curves didn't seem really developed, she still had good proportions.

It wasn't hard for him to keep his calm and carefree attitude while looking at the injured guy for an answer, and introduction.

The guy seemed to be happy because he was taking a big step forward, if he was able to keep his place behind someone like Eric he would be able to live an easy life.

This guy was able to roam around with the Takeshiba's young princess, and not to mention the trust she seemed to have in him.

So being Eric's lackey for him it was a big life opportunity, so without delaying this opportunity anymore he said,

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Guy:" Young Master I am Inuhara Muto, and this is my younger sister Inuhara Hina. We would be honored to work for Young Master."

Satisfied with the introduction, Eric looked at their faces once again and said,

Eric:" My name is Eric Jade, from now on you work for me. Before we proceed further let me make one thing known though.

There are two things that I will never tolerate and will make you regret doing it, one is cheating and the second is betrayal.

If you can't think that you are able to avoid them all your life, then it's better for you to stop this here, otherwise, you will regret this moment, but won't be able to do anything."

His words startled the siblings, but they wouldn't release a big hand once they caught it. They finally had a chance, they would make sure to never let it go.

With a never seen determination and honesty on an extortionists face, Inuhara Muto said strongly,

Inuhara Muto:" We promise to always be by your side, and never cheat or betray you, Young Master."

Eric had heard these words so many times in the past, and most of the time it ended with those swords swallowed due to the promise of richness and greed.

Nonetheless, he just sighed and said,

Eric:" Sigh~! Well, only time will be able to tell that. Later one of my men will come here and take you to a safe place. Stay there until I say otherwise."

With that said, he turned around and walked out of the hospital room, leaving the siblings alone in the room.

As soon as he left, Inuhara Muto looked towards his sister and asked,

Inuhara Muto:" What do you think about this?"

His sister seemed to be thinking really deeply for a moment, but then said with a sigh,

Inuhara Hina:" Sigh~! I don't know! For the first time, I am not able to see through a person. He is a raven black color in my eyes.

But the moment you said those words, that black turned warm. I don't know what made him become what he is, but one thing is for sure, he is not a normal person."

Looking at his sister, and hearing her words, Inuhara Muto didn't know what to think. His sister had always been able to tell the people in colors.

She had special eyes or whatever it was, but she was able to tell people apart. They had been living believing those eyes until now.

Even this decision was made because she was attracted to Eric's color. She didn't understand why, but she was, and her brother believed her like always.

Of course, Eric had no idea of this, right now he was just exiting the hospital while texting Kirigaya to come and take the siblings to his restaurant.

Like this, he wouldn't have to worry about Takeshiba Aika changing her mind, and sending someone after them. He had to be careful.

Talk about the devil, and he will show up. Just as he finished texting Kirigaya, he saw Takeshiba Aika's guarding monkeys show up at the door.

Takeshiba Aika didn't seem to be with them, but she shouldn't be far either. Certainly, she wouldn't want to lose the look on that guy's face.

This was so f*cked up, Eric wondered if it was worth it to save the siblings, but since they were under him from now on, he had responsibility for them.

Not to mention that he had revealed his true character to them. Turning around, he sent Kirigaya another message saying to start as soon as possible and meet him at the back entrance.

On the way up he changed his look to that of a doctor, and also found a scarf to hide his face. This way he wouldn't be recognized by the monkeys.

Since his stamina and speed were many times better than the monkeys coming after him, he reached soon the siblings' room, who were startled by his sudden comeback.

Without explaining anything, Eric went over to Inuhara Muto's side and started having a look at his body and injuries.

In his past life, he got injured a lot, and after some time he started studying medicine so he would be able to examine himself and get back from the reaper of death.

While his medical skills and knowledge weren't perfect, he was probably one of the best doctors on this planet.

Looking that Inuhara Muto didn't have any major injuries, he took him in his arms, passed him to a moving bed, and then covering him with a white sheet, told Inuhara Hina's,

Eric:" Follow me, and try to get some nurses outfit on the way. We need to leave this place."

With that said he started pushing the moving bed, towards the door, and then in the same direction as the elevators.

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Who would expect their prey going towards them, confront them, and pass as if nothing was happening?

Inuhara Hina didn't understand what was going on right now, but she could feel that Eric held no malicious intent towards them, so she just followed behind.

She did as she was told, and found a nurse outfit on the way, that she wore over her t-shirt and skirt. She looked like a gothic nurse, Eric had to accept she looked hot in that.

At this moment they passed in front of the monkeys that weren't able to recognize their target. Passing by them, Eric just speed up and went towards the back.

He got Muto and Hina on his car, and let him go while he checked if any unwanted eyes fell on them. Making sure nothing like that happened he stayed in the surroundings.

Those Monkeys would have to eventually come out of the hospital, so this meant he could go and play a bit with them.

In the meantime, he could also farm some Exp, and SP points that he needed so much. He had high expectations from these monkeys.

He didn't have to wait long apparently because the monkeys soon got out, and they were angry. Their prey had left before they could get there.

How would they answer to their Young Miss, who was already in a really bad mood? They were fated to suffer a lot tonight.

But their prey hadn't gone too long ago, perhaps they could find them in the alleys around, or the places around here.

What they didn't know though, was that that from hunters they had turned into the hunt. And there was a tiger waiting for them in the surroundings.

The end was just as expected, they all ended up knocked out on the streets around the hospital, with their attacker unknown.

On the other hand, Eric enjoyed the points he was able to farm from them, while he wasn't able to get as much as he thought, it wasn't that bad either.

For the next three days though, the situation was still the same. Takeshiba Yuto and his monkeys blocked the class door, and he wasn't able to enter the classes.

So he was left with no other option but to go out and hang out with Takeshiba Aika, Takeshiba Yuto's little sister.

Sometimes, he wondered, what would Takeshiba Yuto think if he knew that Erik was with his little sister having fun, while he was in the class hearing the lesson!

At the same time, he trained and went for farming points whenever and wherever he could. While during the night he enjoyed his little pets.

Nothing special happened these three days. Even Akira seemed to have disappeared these days.

But today was a special day, and this special day started with a piece of special news…