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The Legacy System

Chapter 44 - 44: Another One Bites The Dust...
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With a ready to cry face, she said with a shaky voice,

Mina:" Please, brother-in-law don't do this to me. If Michael finds out then he is going to kill me. I truly love him, please!" ​​

But her last words worked against her, as she heard Eric laugh and say,

Eric:" That actually makes this even better!

I know you don't really love him, as you are here just for the money, but he does love you I think, and that is precisely the reason why I have an interest in you right now.

So better stop playing all the drama, and come join your big sister here, or you won't be alive to tell the tale. Your choice!"

Mina never expected such an answer, she had nothing she could say or do right now. But she still refused to be a little pet.

She was just staying there, confused, and in an internal fight with herself if she should accept his deal or not.

On the other hand, seeing her like that, Eric ordered Tina with a calm voice,

Eric:" It seems like she still thinks she has a choice little dog, so why don't you just force her a little on the bed."

Both ladies were startled at such an order, but Tina knew she had no other choice, she had to do it. So getting up from her position, she started approaching slowly towards Mina.

On the other hand, Mina was getting more and more frightened at this moment seeing Tina approach her, and said with a shaky voice,

Mina:" Wha-what are you doi-doing? Sta-stay back! I am not beco-becoming a lit-little pe-pet!"

But as soon as she ended her words, Tina jumped on her, and they ended both on the bed, with Tina over her body, keeping her down.

Mina was struggling with all she could, but when she got down, her hands ended up under her back, so she could only move her body, and not push Tina away.

Seeing this situation, Eric seemed really pleased, and said happily,

Eric:" Well done little dog, now I guess is my turn."

Approaching closely, he opened Mina's nightgown, immediately exposing her secret garden, but he was a bit stunned seeing that she was a bit wet.

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Looking at this scene with a surprised look, he smiled a bit and said with a teasing tone,

Eric:" Who would have thought!"

While Tina couldn't understand his words since she couldn't see anything, Mina, on the other hand, looked like someone who wanted a burrow to hide.

But even though her secret garden was wet, she didn't stop her tries of escape, while saying,

Mina:" Stop this, please! I don't want to be a little pet, please!"

When she said the word pet once again, her secret garden turned wetter, this was truly a scene to be amazed at. But her voice might awake the idiot in the opposite room.

So Eric ordered Tina while taking his pants off,

Eric:" Shut her mouth little dog! We can't have your little baby wake up to this, can we?"

Tina didn't know what to do for a moment, her hands were tied trying to keep Mina down, so the only thing she could use for now was her mouth.

So she started biting and kissing Mina's lips, which seemed to refuse at first, but then get used to it later, but just as she got used to the kiss, she felt her secret cave demolish.

She had never had something like this. In just one thrust it took her mind away. No matter how much she wanted to resist now, she could only moan in pleasure.

Like this started a long night for the trio, that ended with the two little pet's unconscious. During the intercourse, Mina had not only accepted but embraced being Eric's little pet.

Eric didn't plan to clean the mess they did, he just did the same thing as the other night, by blocking their entrances, so that his special milk was left inside.

With that done, he left Tina in the midst of that mess, and after fixing her nightgown, took Mina in his arms and sent her to his little brother's bed.

She was sure to get a big surprise tomorrow morning when his little brother tried to approach her. Earlier before though, he had also taken her contact information.

They were sure to have a lot to talk about tomorrow or later. What Mina didn't know though, was that everything that happened tonight was recorded.

After all, only that money video wouldn't make the cut, would it?

Placing Mina in her bed, Eric thought of snooping around, and see what he could find on his little brother, but he could do the same thing tomorrow, or later today.

With a pleased face, he got out of the room while monitoring his little brother's heartbeat all the time, to see if he would wake up.

But he didn't, so entering his room, he immediately got on the bed and closed his eyes to sleep. He didn't have time to lose, he needed to become stronger.

With this thought in his mind, he fell into a deep sleep and woke up only at around 8 o'clock. Today was Sunday, but this didn't mean he had time to waste.

Immediately getting up, he brushed his teeth, and went to Tina's room, and took the check she would give to Mina, while she was going to be punished, the money was needed.

After taking the check, he went to the kitchen, grabbed something quick to eat, and then got out of the place, making his way to a park away from home.

He didn't forget to call Ginka, and Kirigaya there. And he didn't forget to tell Kirigaya to act as his training Master.

While this confused the middle-aged man a bit, he did as he was instructed. And in a short time, he was there, and Ginka came almost at the same time.

After the introduction, Eric looked at Ginka with a teasing look and said,

Eric:" So tell me fatty do you want to start training?"

Ginka was surprised that all this Master thing turned true, but he was a shut-in and a lazy person. He would never do such a bothering thing. So he said defeated,

Ginka:" No partner, I lost too much energy the other night. By the way…"

He was about to say something, but then knowing that Kirigaya was here too, he bit his words. Not knowing what to do he threw a look towards Eric.

Seeing his situation, Eric said in a calm manner,

Eric:" You can talk freely, there are no secrets between me and master."

Hearing that, even though a bit startled and still hesitant Ginka started talking,

Ginka:" The advertisement has finished, and we have the first two costumers, I took them 200$ for a night. While it is pricey, the service is worth it.

After that, I expect us to get many more clients. So we might need more people working."

Hearing that Eric thought for a moment and said,

Eric:" I will soon send you two more in your way, same quality. But make sure to not make more than three appointments a day, for each one of them.

While making money is good, we can't harm our workers. So be careful about that!"

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Ginka didn't seem to oppose him, and actually agreed with him and said,

Ginka:" I think the same partner! I will take care of that. Well then if there is nothing else you want to talk about, I have something to do today."

Since there was nothing more to talk with this guy, Eric let him leave. While he and Kirigaya started their training, only for Kirigaya to end on the ground before the session.

In the meantime, inside the house, Michael woke up a bit earlier than usual, since today his girl was beside him.

This b*tch would reject him at the beginning, but after he got Daisuke's right hand, she started approaching on her own.

While he knew that this was only for her personal interests he still accepted her. He didn't know why, but he was obsessed with this girl.

Waking up, and seeing her satisfied face, kind of made him more obsessed to have her now, and make her even more satisfied.

Thinking like that, he started grabbing her soft pillows and shaping them nicely. While they weren't big, they weren't small either. They looked like the perfect size.

His movements and ministrations soon woke up the tired and unconscious Mina, who was still asleep for a few moments, but then she felt one of his hands going for her secret garden.

In a thunderous speed, she was reminded of what happened during the night, and especially after feeling full, and that something was blocking her entrance.

She couldn't let Michael's hand reach her entrance, so immediately as if someone had just seen a nightmare she jumped from the bed.

Michael was surprised at this, was this b*tch refusing him again? Maybe he should show her who he truly was, and stop being patient with her.

Just as he was about to say something though, she immediately approached him, and kissing him on the lips, she said with an apologetic voice,

Mina:" Sorry honey, I just saw a bad dream tonight, and I really need to go to the bathroom, wait for me here ok?"

Michael was softened hearing her apology, he didn't want to break this woman yet, not until he got Daisuke's position at least.

So with a soft voice, he gave her a deep kiss on the lips, and taking her hand to his 'little brother', he said with a whisper,

Michael:" We both will be waiting for you."

Mina was used to such kind of things now and wasn't surprised, but comparing this to what she had during the night, it was like a matchstick being compared to a big lighter.

Thinking of that big lighter, she almost climaxed a bit, but she still had that thing blocking her entrance. Remembering that, she took her hand back and left for the bathroom.

As soon as she entered the bathroom though…