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The Legacy System

Chapter 41 - 41: Disciple (Assasin)
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Chef:" Master I have prepared a private box for us where we could continue in peace."

Hearing that Eric seemed satisfied with his thoughtfulness and said, ​​

Eric:" Very well, I will be there soon, let me say goodbye to my guest and we can continue."

Then turning to Tatsuya Minami he said in a polite manner,

Eric:" Well then Minami-chan if you don't have any other thing to say, I think this was enough for today. Like you have seen I have something to do now.

I will be waiting for your message on my collaboration though. Now that I am reminded of that, you should give me your number so I don't get mistaken."

While he was saying that he took out his phone, so he could note down her number. But he was faced with a face that showed signs of anger.

She was pissed off for being played aside like that by Eric, even she herself didn't understand why she was so pissed, especially knowing there was no relation between them.

But she was! And while she only wanted to give him a nice beating for siding her like that, she had no other choice but to give him her number, and take his also.

From Monday and forth they would work on the same mission, so they had to keep in touch if anything happened.

Turning around full of anger, she said with a poisonous and sarcastic voice,

Tatsuya Minami:" I hope you have a good night to Mister Eric. I am sorry to have taken so much of your precious time. I will be more mindful next time!"

Then she got up from her chair and made for the door, but you could tell by her walk that she was angry right now.

The Chef who had been observing the whole happening said in an unsure voice,

Chef:" Master you didn't have to tell off your guest because of me. We could have proceeded later, I am sure that Miss will be really upset right now."

Eric had been enticed by Tatsuya Minami's backside all this time, he couldn't wait to have her in his arms, and the Chef's words woke him up from his reverie.

Turning to face the Chef he said in a calm and serious voice,

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Eric:" She needs some push to think about me. After this she will be whole night thinking about me, and what I did to her.

Hate and Love are separated by only a thin thread after all.

But anyway, let's stop talking about her, firstly tell me your name. I have decided to accept you as my disciple but I still don't know your name!"

Hearing those words the Chef felt ashamed of himself, earlier he had so excited that he had forgotten to properly introduce himself.

Even now he was thoroughly excited and enthusiastic about what was happening. Recomposing himself, he said in a humble tone,

Chef:" I apologize for my late introduction Master, my name is Kirigaya Kito. I am a descendant of the Kirigaya family, but have been disowned by the family due to some reasons."

Eric didn't know much about the Kirigaya family but since it was mentioned it meant that they had some kind of position in society.

With this thought in mind, he said,

Eric:" Ok let us go and talk in private!"

With that said they made their way towards the private box. It was more like a private restaurant room for rich people.

The view to the outside was spectacular from there, and the glass was one-sided, so it was impossible to look inside from the outside.

Not to mention the comfortable furniture inside the box, everything inside this small room was at least 10 times better than the restaurant outside.

Eric wasn't really surprised though, he had been to many luxurious places in his previous life, and had seen even better places.

So entering inside with a calm and carefree attitude he sat down, on one of the comfortable armchairs inside and said with a solemn voice,

Eric:" Well then Mister Kirigaya Kito, let me be frank with you! While my cooking skills are the best you could find in this world, there are some things you need to know if you want to be my disciple.

While cooking is a passion is not my goal or even my life's profession. But I can assure you that currently, no one has my skills in this world.

Secondly, I am not a good guy, and honestly, I hate those who pretend to be good, because it always makes me think they are putting on a mask all the time.

What I truly vie is something that can be beyond your understanding, but I am prepared to do anything I can to achieve that.

Anything includes killing, torturing, raping, anything that is needed to make me achieve my goal. Now tell me do you still want to become my disciple?"

The reason why Eric was being so open with his words was simple, he wanted to test this guy, and his principles.

He didn't need a good moralist as his disciple, his feelings about those guys were true. According to him, heroes didn't exist, they were just two faced villains.

Since he had lived more than 1000 years after the S-day he considered taking a disciple something really important. So he needed to find disciples that went to his tastes.

Kirigaya Kito was startled at first, he didn't expect such a talk. The person in front of him was telling him that he was going to be a future death reaper.

It was just that his cooking skills were divine, not to mention that he was no saint too. He was part of the Kirigaya family.

While to the public they were a rich and ancient family, the truth was that they were, in reality, a ninja assassin's family.

Most of their family members lived in a secluded location, to which only the true members of the family had access.

Kirigaya Kito was the second son of the Kirigaya family Patriarch, but he had left his home to not participate in the meaningless succession tradition.

Which was a fight to the death between the potential successors, but also to follow his passion for cooking. He had been living for more than 2 years away from blood until now.

But, now he had to make a choice. If he decided to take Eric as his Master and told him about his true identity as an assassin ninja, he would surely touch blood again.

It seemed like he could never bury his past, his passion for cooking was too big and surpassed his desire to leave his past behind.

So he matched his master's serious and solemn face and said,

Kirigaya Kito:" Since Master was so open with me, let me also be open with Master!"

After saying that, he started telling everything about himself to Eric. From his real identity to his fiery passion for cooking.

He also told him about his wife and his daughters. That didn't talk to him after he left the Kirigaya family. Or to be more exact he was disowned by the Kirigaya family.

Eric was surprised by his story, and his situation but didn't show it on his face. He just said in a mysterious voice,

Eric:" There will come a time when you will discover that what you know it's just the start of your way Kito.

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Now if you still want to be my disciple, start with the ceremony."

Kirigaya Kito didn't need to be told twice and immediately proceeded with the ceremony and became Eric's disciple.

Satisfied with all this, Eric said in a serious voice,

Eric:" I will give you the new menu that would start next week, so be sure to invite a lot of people for promotion. Place as much money as you can on publicity.

In the meantime, I will give you the recipes to work on with, but I will place one ingredient wrong, or make some small mistake, you have to find the mistake.

I will not ask you to fix the recipe because that would be too difficult for the current you, so just notifying me of finding it, will do the job.

Careful for every mistake that you make, you will get punished heavily. Also, try to build a small gym under the restaurant, we can train together down there."

Kirigaya Kito was truly stunned by what he heard, but there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't go against his Master's word.

He would do everything just like he was told, without moving even a coma from his words.

Looking around, and seeing the box, Eric was reminded of something and asked,

Eric:" By the way how many private boxes like this are there in our restaurant?"

From the moment that Kirigaya Kito accepted his conditions, he referred to this place as theirs, and not his anymore.

On the other hand, Kirigaya Kito had already made his decision and his mind, so hearing his Master refer to this place as theirs wasn't a big surprise.

So he just answered humbly,

Kirigaya Kito:" There are 4 private boxes in total Master. All have the same outlook and furnishing."

Eric seemed to think for a moment, and then said,

Eric:" From tomorrow on, try to expand the number of private boxes. Also, don't make them all the same, and place some hierarchy for them.

Later we might also add some extra service to our best customers, but that would have to wait."

Kirigaya Kito was a bit surprised hearing that, but he had already been warned. It was just that hearing that was a bit unexpected.

After that Eric and his new disciple talked a bit more, and then finally Eric left the place, to go home. It was already around 11:30 when he left.

He wondered if there would be any junkies or drunk idiots on the way so he could farm some Exp and SP…