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The Killer Queen by Noella Briony

Chapter 237
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Chapter 237 Yvonne delivered a series of swift, sharp slaps, leaving Briony reeling under the force of each blow.

Fresh from surgery, Briony’s body was still frail, and it was only her thirst for the glitz and glamour that propped her up; otherwise, she wouldn't have even been able to stand.

But now, struck down, she collapsed to the floor, clinging to Larson's leg.

“Daddy, It's me, Briony, your own flesh and blood! You can’t possibly disown me, can you?” Yvonne, not to be outdone, rushed forward and clasped Larson's wife's hand, trying to squeeze out a few tears to appear as pitiful as possible.

“Mom, it’s Yvonne Remember? You calledand askedto cfind you here.” Beckett with a hint of mischief, tugged Noella back a step. “Let's hang back; the view’s better for the show.” Suppressing a giggle, Noella gently tugged Palmer's sleeve, bringing him to the safety zone as well.

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Palmer responded by slipping his hand into Noella’s, their fingers intertwining secretly.

The other guests shared the ssentiment- this was a spectacle not to be missed.

If these girls truly were Larson’s and his wife's daughters, intervening would mean crossing the Pollack family, and no one wanted to risk that. If not, it wasn’t their place to sort out the mess. Either way, it wasn’t their reputation on the line.

A muffled chuckle spread among the crowd. “Larson’s got so many kids, what's two more?” “True, but these two aren’t exactly lookers. If he took them in, he'd be the talk of the town, and not in a good way. These girls would be a real hand-me-down.” With the whispers and crass words buzzing around, Larson felt his head spinning. He glared at Belinda hiding in the back, then kicked Briony away from his feet.

“Get lost! Who's your dad? A bastard child like you wants to claimas a father? Our Pollack family isn’t open to just any Tom, Dick, or Harry!” Larson’s wife shoved Yvonne aside. “Who are you? I've never been in touch with you. | have only one daughter, and she certainly doesn’t Took anything like you!” As she spoke, she shot Larson a fierce look. It It must have been his mess outside that hadn't been dealt with, bringing all this riff-raff to their doorstep! Yvonne, on the verge of tears, pulled out her phone, pointing to a message as she pleaded. “Mom, you askedto cfind you here at the party!” Larson's wife glanced at the message and frowned. “Your mother is our housekeeper, not me!” Housekeeper? How could it be the housekeeper! When Queenie had instructed her to make contact, she was called Madam. Since when did one refer to a housekeeper as madam? With a wave of disgust, Larson gestured to a man covered in dirt, addressing Briony. Our bodyguard, also my s your real dad!” Luther had been tending to the garden and was still wearing his gardening gloves.

secretary, Luther that’s A woman resembling Queenie approached, grabbing Yvonne. “Yvonne, is it? I'm your n mom! This is your dad, and now our family can finally be whole. Apologize to Larson and his wife.” Luther also grabbed the dazed Briony. “Right, being together as a family is what matters most.” Briony was stunned! So, when Belinda spoke of her father’s prestigious status, she meant Larson's secretary? What kind of prestige was that? “You're my dad? Then why is this woman Yvonne also your child?” Luther chuckled, a simple man’s smile masking a sly cunning. “What's the issue? Your mother’s children are mine as well. You've got eight brothers and seven sisters waiting for you at home-quite the party!” A party? More like a circus! These were all the children Larson had fathered but refused to acknowledge. They were conveniently dumped at Luther's doorstep, registered under his name. Since he didn’t have to pay for them, and they weren't his own, Luther didn’t care if there was one more or one less Hearing about the myriad siblings and realizing her father was just a bodyguard, her mother a housekeeper, Briony’s future seemed bleaker than Noella’s farming family-an overwhelming thought that caused her to faint Luther hoisted Briony over his shoulder and dragged Yvonne away, disappearing from the hall Belinda, who had hidden to gauge Larson's reaction to Briony, had already silpped away unnoticed at the first sign of trouble.

Larson tumed to the crowd, his voice laced with apology. “Terribly sorry, folks. The kids of our housekeeper and bodyguard have made quite the scene, apoiling your fun. | take the hit for this-three drinks on mel He downed the champagne, his face flushing red-whether from anger or embarrassment, it was hard to tell.

Larson moved from guest to quest, raising his glass in toast, until he finally reached Palmer. “Palmer, we're family after all, and blood’s thicker than water. You can’t side with strangers over your uncle, can you? Lately, every t| call, you're busy with Ms. Schnabel, neglecting your manners!” His eyes darted towards Noella as he spoke.

Palmer, with Noella’s waist under his arm, lifted his gaze with a smile.

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“Uncle, you're speaking in riddles .Noella will be my family, , sa naturally, I'm on her side. As for you... Even if I'm not with Noella, | will be handling the company affairs. Honestly, | don't have the tto visit your ranch.” His words were just shy of calling Larson inhuman! Noelle let out a snort of laughter, and seeing her amused, Palmer's look softened considerably.

Beckett took the glass of water from Noella’s hand. “Better not to eat anything here, it’s filthy. I'm worried you'll get a stomachache later Let's go grab a bite somewhere else after this.” “Sounds perfect.”

Larson's lips twitched into a half—smile as he turned to Noella.

“Ms. Schnabel is quite the belle of the ball. No wonder my nephew is so smitten . All those debutantes used to flutter around him like moths to a flame, yet none caught his eye the way Ms. Schnabel has. It speaks volumes about your charm,”

Noella let out a soft, melodious laugh, her demeanor as graceful as a swan.

“Flattery will get you everywhere , but I'm nothing special. I'm just very close with my brothers. | certainly wouldn't stoop to, say, tripping them up and sending them to meet their maker.” Beckett chimed in with agreement. “Only a real beast could commit such an act. Our Noella’s got too much sense to do something like that” Palmer nodded along, his gaze towards Larson filled with a frosty edge. “Noella’s night. Speople are no better than beasts. Calling them human might be an insult to the rest of us,” Larson knew Palmer was referencing the botched attempt to take out Eamon. But he hadn't succeeded! The one who ended Eamon was Palmer himselfl Larson was ready, though, and with a derisive snort, he retorted. “Speaking of which, my brother's untimely demise is still a mystery. Mr. Pollack, | presyou owean explanation?” The audacity of the man, practically demanding an explanation as if he was the wronged party. As long as he stuck to his story that it had been Palmer's doing. Palmer wouldn't be leaving this house today-not on his own two feet, anyway.