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The Killer Queen by Noella Briony

Chapter 155
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Chapter 155 Elara was still reeling from the chaos when the lab’s hefty door swung open, and in strode Jacob, the head honcho of Phoenix Lab, tralled by a posse that meant business. He cast a mocking glance around the room, his chuckle sending a chill down everyone's spine.

“Step out for a quick pow—wow, and look what happens—this place turns into a regular circus! Ryker, Zack, you two really outdid yourselves, didn't you?” Jacob exuded an air of authority that was unmistakable, a natural-born leader with an innate sense of command. His entourage included a squad of SWAT members who stepped up to grace Ryker and Zack with a pair of shiny silver bracelets.

With a composed aura, Jacob eyed the crowd. “This mess has ruffled sserious feathers. I've called in the big guns for an investigation, so let's all put our pet projects on ice and play ball. If there's any more rotten apples in Phoenix Lab, they won't find sanctuary here!” He was fuming! His own turf, his own mess, and it had to be sother lab that blew the whistle.

During the meeting, as he showcased their latest breakthrough, he didn’t hesitate to click on the incoming video. The content, now witnessed by the crde la crof the scientific community, was out of the bag, and all Jacob could do was watch helplessly as the footage played to its embarrassing end.

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Now, these two had made a nfor themselves all right—a nthat would live in infamy! Phoenix Lab's reputation was in tatters! As the two culprits were escorted out, Jacob was practically steaming.

After sorting out the fallout, he finally approached Elara and gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder.

“Rough day, huh? Take a couple of days to yourself, Elara. Oh, and introduceto your sister, would you?” Elara eyed him warily. “Boss, my troubles are nothing to sweat over, but why the sudden interest in my sister? You're pushing fifty—don't tellyou've got... you know...” She gave him a look that mixed disdain with suspicion, as if he was ssort of creep.

Jacob's patience wore thin, and he slapped her shoulder in exasperation.

“Cutsslack, will ya? Can't | meet my future niece—in—law without you jumping to conclusions? Get your mind out of the gutter!” He whipped out his phone, flashing Elara a photo of himself with Sexton.

In the picture, Jacob stood proudly next to Palmer, the family resemblance clear, and the domestic bliss unmistakable.

Rubbing her sore shoulder, Elara gaped at the photo. “Boss, | heard rumors you were stycoon’s kid, but Sexton... Wait, what are you doing in research?” Wouldn't it be sweeter to take over the family empire? Was the Pollack fortune not enough, or was the lure of the lab too strong for Jacob to resist? Pocketing his phone, Jacob said cryptically, “Isn't Ms. Schnabel of the Schnabel family also in research?” Elara pouted, trying to mask her own sense of defeat. “I'm not like you.” Realizing something, her eyes suddenly widened. “Wait a minute! Boss, don't tellyou're not his real son?” “Watch your mouth, I'm as real as they come. I'm talking about my ideals, my dreams—you wouldn't get it. Let's go meet my niece—in-law!” He had given the lab a day off and rushed back just to meet her.

“That's fine, but don’t mention any of this lab drama to Noella, okay? | don’t want her to worry.” As Jacob and Elara made their way out, he nodded in agreement. “Well, given that your grandmother Freya is aware, it's certain that the Schnabel family won't be kept in the dark.” During the meeting, Freya had been at Jacob's side, and when the video surfaced, her expression was one of sheer fury, as if she was ready to storm Phoenix Lab herself.

The thought alone made Jacob shiver.

Elara, scratching her head in irritation, began to strategize how to explain things to her family when they cacross Noella, standing amid the flower beds, engaged in a phone call.

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The lab’s garden, usually a hub for experimentation, also served as a serene escape.

Noella, dressed in a light blue sundress, stood against the vibrant garden backdrop, her long, silk hair elegantly pinned up, revealing a neck as delicate and fine as porcelain.

Palmer's deep, magnetic voice cthrough the other side of the line. “When are you coming back? | miss you.” “Soon, in a few days.” “Should | cto you? The company’s pretty quiet right now.” “No need.” Just glancing at the schedule Annie sent to her inbox, Noella could imagine the Pollack Group was anything but quiet, what with taking over three multinational corporations. The finance team probably hadn't had a break in ages.

And Palmer claiming he wasn’t busy? What about Annie mentioning he hadn't eaten all day because of meetings? Elara wrapped an arm around Noella. “Sorry to keep you waiting. Who's on the line? Let introduce you to our lab director, Mr. Jacob Pollack.” Noella met Jacob's gaze with a polite nod. She was about to speak when Elara whispered conspiratorially. “He's apparently Palmer Pollack’s uncle. He asked to meet you, and | was worried he might have... ulterior motives. The Pollack men don't exactly have the best rep. If you don't like Palmer Pollack, I'll find you a better match in the lab. Though, none of them are worthy of our Noella.” Noella’s lips twitched as she was about to correct Elara, only to hear Palmer's icy retort from the phone, “Ms. Schnabel, is it decent to poach right in front of me?” Elara recoiled as if hit by a bolt of electricity. “Noella, why didn’t you tellyou were talking to Mr. Pollack?” Noella’s smile was tinged with exasperation as she looked at her sister. She had slightly altered her voice when she arrived at the lab, adopting a different speaking style that Elara wouldn't recognize.

Holding her phone, Noella softly addressed Palmer on the other end. “Sorry.” “No worries, it's not the first my fiancée’s family has said things like that. I'll wait for them to caround. Jacob is indeed my uncle, and if there's any trouble over there, he’s the guy to call.

“Alright.” Palmer hung up the phone reluctantly and picked up the inteto his executive office. “Annie, | need a list of all the researchers at Phoenix Lab, especially the single male ones!” “What? Mr. Pollack, are you... switching things up? What about Ms. Noella?” Palmer rubbed his forehead in frustration, grinding his teeth as he spoke, “Are you looking for an early retirement? We've got a project in Tanzania that's short a project manager.” “I'll send it right over! You must be checking to ensure Ms. Noella stays loyal, right? Don't worry, your charm is unmatched! Ms.

Noella and you are a match made in heaven!” *Hmph, that's more like it.” Palmer glanced at the documents in front of him, feeling an itch in his heart.

Just hearing her voice seemed to unleash a whirlwind of longing within him, making him eager to see her again.

Meanwhile, Jacob approached Noella with a gentlemanly smile. “Hello, Ms. Schnabel, I'm Palmer's uncle. May | call you Noella?” “Sure, feel free.” Facing Noella, Jacob had none of the oppressive aura he carried as a stern lab director; his face wa all smiles, as if afraid to spook her. “I've given Elara stoff these past few days so she can spend twith you!” “Thank you, Mr. Sexton.” “No need to thank me. You can just callUncle! If you run into any trouble in Emerald County, just letknow!” Noella agreed, watching as Jacob left with a look of pure joy on his face. He approved of this niece—in-law: she was beautiful, graceful, and poised-a perfect match for his nephew. And to think he had just overheard the always—stoic nephew making a phone call to her, that level of affection... it seemed that boy had fallen hard.