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The Killer Queen by Noella Briony

Chapter 146
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Chapter 146 Erek pulled up to the gallery, “Boss, | signed you up for a driving course. Everything's all set. Just pop in for the test when you can.” After all, being in Imperial City was nothing like being in the international warzones. Here, having her own wheels was just more convenient.

Noella was more than capable behind the wheel, and there was no need for her to waste tin driving classes.

She could knock out all the tests in one go.

“If you're driving next tand run into a numbskull like we did earlier, just floor it and send him flying!” Noella’s voice was cool and detached, “In another place, he'd be dead.” It was only because of the ongoing business between the Gruber family and the Schnabel family that Walden was still breathing.

If Walden had encountered Noella out on the front lines, he would've been greeted with bullets and fists from people of the Obelisk Organization - and those didn’t discriminate! Noella stepped into the gallery, her attention immediately drawn to a group of people causing quite a ruckus up front.

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Travis, clutching a pile of sketches, glared at the intern before him who was practically quivering.

“I told you to revise this draft; how long has it been? Why isn’t it done?” “I'm sorry. I've revised it six times already. | didn’t even sleep last night.” Travis slammed the sketches on the table in front of the intern, his voice rising in anger. “Your lack of sleep is your own inefficiency. | told you what to change. You “gq it right, and you're blaming me?” “But didn’t you mean the first draft? When | did it that way, you said it wasn’t good.” “You're talking back now? The revisions are poor because of your own incompetence. Do you even want your internship stipend this month?” The intern was on the verge of tears, the injustice of it all shadowing her eyes darkly. She crouched down, tears falling as she bowed her head.

Approaching them, Noella picked up the sketches, “What needs so many revisions?” On seeing her, the gallery staff immediately bowed, “Good morning, Ms. Schnabel.” Travis immediately plastered on a sycophantic smile, “Ms. Schnabel, good to see you. This is just a minor issue; these interns are slackers, unable to handle even the simplest tasks. You needn't worry.” Noella looked at the intern, “Got a pen?” “Yes, right here!” The intern hastily wiped her tears and handed over a pen.

Efficiently, Noella began to mark the sketch, circling overlooked details, “See, the perspective data here is off; you need to subtract from the base number. Change the thcolor in this section to highlight the artwork better. The figures here should be like this.” The intern was in awe. How did Ms. Schnabel spot all the issues in just a few minutes? Many issues Travis hadn't noticed, feeling something was off but unable to pinpoint what, were laid bare by Ms.

Schnabel with a few swift strokes.

“Do you see these errors, Travis?” Travis felt Noella’s piercing gaze and a cold sweat broke out on his back. “Well...Ms. Schnabel, I'm not an expert in gallery work.” “If you're not an expert, why not delegate these tasks to someone who is? Don’t you think it’s irresponsible to dictate professional work with an amateur’s eye?” Travis hung his head, caught between shand embarrassment, “I...I'm sorry, Ms. Schnabel.” Noella handed the revised sketch back to the intern, her touch warm as she wiped away her tears, gentle in her movements.

‘Clear now?” “Yes. Thank you, Ms. Schnabel!” The intern was starstruck.

Ms. Schnabel was not just addressing her in such a gentle tone but was also kind enough to wipe away her tears.

What kind of angelic boss was this? “What's your name?” “Dalia! | just graduated from the art school, started interning here.” Noella nodded, “I'll remember that. You have talent in exhibit design. If you have any problems, cstraight to a, “Really? But you're so busy, Ms. Schnabel!” “It's fine.” With eyes shining at Noella, Dalia had been working long hours and revising drafts tirelessly, each detail scrutinized countless times. Yet Travis was never satisfied, threatening her internship. But here was Ms.

Schnabel, not only revising her work but also wiping away her tears; she was the epitof kindness.

Noella spoke calmly, gazing at Dalia, “Take the rest of the day off: go rest. You can’t do your best work when you're not well-rested. You'll still get paid.” “Are you sure?” “Absolutely.” As Noella cast a cold glance at Travis, who looked like he wanted to protest, her voice was firm, “Travis, my office, now.” “OK, Ms. Schnabel, but letting her off is against protocol. Maybe we could treat it as toff to be made up later.” “This gallery operates under my rules, right? | said Dalia can go home. Is that not clear?” Travis wiped the cold sweat away from his face, “Crystal clear, your word is law.” Dalia watched Noella lead Travis away, her eyes filled with gratitude. Despite being younger than her, Ms.

Schnabel was so formidable, so outstanding, and gentle.

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Once the office door closed behind them, Noella’s gaze turned to Travis.

“I don’t want any exploitation of workers or undue stress in their lives. If you can’t manage your professional duties or personal emotions, sort them out before coming back to work. If you're not up to par, learn. Leave professional tasks to the professionals.” “I...” Travis struggled to respond.

The idea of learning was a waste of tto him. Hiring more people meant his power would be diluted, and the benefits he reaped would shrink. He had just managed to push Petra out; he couldn't stand to share his authority now.

And it was just ssketches, after all. Couldn't he just look at them more closely to find the problems? It was all due to the intern’s lack of patience. What was wrong with revising a few times Noella’s gaze was as icy as a winter storm, showing no mercy, “Travis, do you really think you're cut out for handling everything?” Travis gritted his teeth, “I can handle it, Ms. Schnabel. | just want to save our gallery smoney. I've been in charge of these tasks before, and I'm sure | can do them well in the future.

Please, trust me.” With a scoff, Noella rose from her chair and strode out of the office.

Confused, Travis hurried after her.

“Ms. Schnabel, isn’t this the exhibition hall we set up last month?” “Yes. | recall this was your work, Travis. Petra didn’t have a hand in it.” Puffing up with pride, Travis declared, “Yes, it was all me. The exhibition hall did quite well, and we've received sstellar reviews from the industry!” If only Ms. Schnabel would take a closer look at the exhibit, she'd see Travis’s talent. With Petra gone, it was tfor him to take the reins, tfor the gallery’s power to shift back into his hands.

Noella surveyed the hall before her, motioning for everyone to clear the area. Her hand rested on one of the structural pillars, and with a firm push, the entire exhibition hall collapsed before their very eyes! Travis nearly fainted from shock, “What...what just happened?” Noella withdrew her hand, dusting off the debris with an indifferent expression, “Travis, is this the well-done exhibition hall you were talking about? It fell apart with a single touch. Even a house of cards is sturdier than this!”