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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chater 115
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Chapter 115

Quentin was furious. He was just short of pointing at Haylan’s nose and cursing.

Seeing him like this, many of the superiors present remained silent.

Everyone knew that Quentin was Philip’s man. Other than Reign, no one dared to stop him.

“Haylan, this is indeed your fault. You have to apologize. Allen Stewart, the general manager of the

sales department, stood up and echoed.

“That’s right, you have to apologize!”

“Haylan, apologize now!”

“You have no respect and such a rude attitude. If you don’t apologize, I don’t think you can continue as

the deputy department head. You should resign!”

The general managers of the logistics department, product optimization department, public relations

department, publicity department, and other departments also stood on Quentin’s side. They scolded

Haylan angrily, forced Haylan to apologize, and even wanted Haylan to resign.

It was like a group attack!

Philip looked at Haylan coldly. At the same time, he glanced at Reign.

Reign’s expression darkened.

She had appointed Haylan as the deputy department head, but these people were so rude to Haylan. It

was obvious that they didn’t take her seriously.

“Haylan, you have nothing else to say, right? Either you apologize immediately, or you get lost!”

Quentin sneered with a sinister look as he watched this scene.

With so many directors on his side and pressuring Haylan, wouldn’t it be easy to get rid of Haylan?

Haylan’s expression was calm as he glanced at the group of people. Finally, his gaze landed on

Quentin, and he said calmly. “Mr. Hackbart, tell me, which rule of the company states that employees

can’t be the last to arrive at the meeting room during a meeting?

“Which rule of the company states that the last person to arrive at the meeting is disrespectful to the


“If you can find it, I can apologizel”

“You…” Quentin was speechless.

He just wanted to find an excuse to humiliate Haylan. How would he know if there were such rules and

regulations in the company?

Haylan looked at Quentin and said calmly, “Mr. Hackbart, you’ve worked in the company for so long.

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Don’t tell me you don’t even know the company’s rules and regulations?”

“You…” Quentin was speechless again.

The rules and regulations were so long that he hadn’t even read them. How would he know what they


Seeing Quentin’s reaction, Haylan knew what was going on. He smiled and said, “Mr. Hackbart, it

seems like you really don’t know. Then sit down. Don’t disturb the meeting. You’re embarrassing


“You say I don’t know the company’s rules, then how about you?” Quentin gritted his teeth and asked.

“I do know. It’s Section 3 of Article 18 of the company’s regulations. It states that during company

meetings, when the CEO is not speaking, others are not allowed to speak loudly, interrupt the

proceedings, or disrupt the meeting. Offenders may face fines or even get fired.”

Haylan’s expression was calm as he said calmly, “Mr. Hackbart, according to the company’s rules and

regulations, I think you should be the one to get lost.”

Quentin reacted and sneered. “Hehe, Haylan, you’re talking nonsense. How can the company have

such rules?”

“According to company regulations, Article 17, Section 5, those who baselessly question company

policies will be fined 40 dollars and may face suspension for observation. Be careful with your words,

Mr. Hackbart.”

Haylan’s expression was calm.

“Haylan, do you think you can scare me? Quentin’s eyes turned cold.

“He’s telling the truth!”

At this moment, Reign’s secretary spoke and projected the company’s rules and regulations on the


Articles 17 and 18, as stated by Haylan, were word for word.

“This…” When Quentin saw this scene, his pupils constricted violently, and his expression instantly

became unpleasant.

“Mr. Hackbart, you said I didn’t take the superiors seriously. However, you’re blatantly violating the rules

and regulations. Do you have any respect for our superiors?” Haylan said.

Quentin was stunned.

Haylan turned to Philip and spoke calmly, “Mr. Labenz, you accused me of lacking discipline. Then I

ask you, how should we punish Mr. Hackbart’s behavior of disrespecting the superiors, interrupting the

meeting, and causing a disturbance?”

When Philip heard Haylan, his face darkened, and he could not say a word.

“Haylan, you’re obviously changing the topic. Just because there is no rule against being the last one to

arrive at the meeting. does that mean you can do so?” Allen said in a stern voice.

“Firstly, I wasn’t late to arrive at the meeting room within the allotted time. Secondly, I didn’t make a

racket in the meeting.”

Haylan looked at Allen and asked, “Mr. Stewart, may I ask what did I do wrong?

“Or is it that you want to add the punishment of being the last one to arrive at the meeting to the

company’s regulations on behalf of Mr. Labenz?”

Allen was shocked and hurriedly said, ‘Haylan, don’t spout nonsense. I don’t have such thoughts at all.”

Even if he were given a hundred times the courage, he would not dare to do anything on behalf of Mr.


Because it would be like a scheme to usurp the throne. If he were targeted by Philip and Reign, his

career would be over!

“Haylan, let’s focus on the topic. You don’t have to flatter everyone, do you?” Edmund Jenkins, the

director of the publicity department, said in a stern tone..

“Flatter everyone? Mr. Jenkins, all of you could dump on me, but you don’t allow me to resist? You’re

just the director of the publicity department, yet you want to interfere in this matter? With such an abuse

of power and disrespect for rules, do you still have respect for Ms. Labenz and Mr. Labenz?” Haylan



Edmund was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat. He hurriedly said, “I didn’t mean that.”

“If that’s not what you mean, then sit down. Is it your turn to meddle in this matter?” Haylan said coldly.

Edmund was not happy. He hurriedly sat down and did not dare to say a word.

Haylan’s accusation against Edmund was quite severe, and he managed to implicate him in his

argument against Philip and Reign

If Edmund continued to talk to Haylan, he would probably lose his position.

“Anyone else wants to speak for Mr. Hackbart?”

Haylan glanced at everyone.

The directors who had criticized him before and asked him to apologize all shut up and lowered their

heads. They did not dare to look at Haylan.

Was this happening?

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Allen and Edmund, who were the most eloquent, were rendered speechless. Even Philip had shut up.

How could they dare to go up and argue with Haylan head-on again?

With Haylan’s indifferent gaze, the entire place fell into a dead silence.


Seeing this scene, Yvonne was so excited that she almost jumped up.

Philip and Quentin clearly wanted to use the attack on Haylan to strike at Reign.

However, Haylan’s counterattack was simply too amazing!

Not only did he put Quentin in the position of facing punishment, but also directly challenged Philip,

engaging in a verbal battle with everyone and leaving them speechless. He was too strong.

Most importantly, Haylan used the company’s rules and regulations to criticize them mercilessly and

shut everyone up.

He was too handsomet

Yvonne looked at Haylan. The more she looked at him, the more pleasing he became. The more she

looked at him, the more handsome he became.

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Reign also smiled.

Reign was still thinking about how to counterattack, but she did not expect Haylan to use his ultimate

move, directly making Philip and the others speechless.

She did not expect the brave and skilled Haylan to have such a silver tongue. It made her look at

Haylan in a new light.

“No one talks anymore, right?”

Haylan glanced at them coldly and said, “Since no one objects, Mr. Hackbart, you’ve made two

mistakes. You deserve to be punished!”

It was over!

When Quentin heard Haylan, his face fell like a balloon deflating. His heart sank to the bottom of his


Initially, Quentin wanted to intimidate Haylan and show him who was the boss. But with just a few

words, Haylan turned the tables and completely reversed the situation. It left Quentin in a precarious

position and caught off guard.

The two mistakes Quentin made were neither small nor big. Everything depended on Reign’s decision.

If Reign fired him, even Philip would not be able to do anything.

Thinking of this. Quentin swallowed his saliva with difficulty. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He

looked at Reign with a pleading gaze, feeling uneasy.

Quentin’s eyes were worried.