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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chater 111
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Chapter 111

Upon hearing this name, Haylan’s face darkened.

Lucy nodded and said, “That’s right. This person is the boss behind Deacon. He’s powerful and

terrifying. He has many skilled fighters under his command. Moreover. He controls various gray


“Among these people, the most powerful are the Four Kings!

“This person is known as the third emperor of Lightdom City, with a massive influence that can rival our

Zabel family and the Labenz family.

“Furthermore, these people are cruel and ruthless. Those who have offended them will not have a good


*Deacon is one of the Four King’s subordinates. If you offended Deacon, you’ll be harming that

person’s interests. They won’t let you off.

“Mr. Jaber, you have to be careful”

Her tone was filled with worry, afraid that Haylan would suffer retaliation.

“I understand. Thank you for the warning. But I have nothing to hide, so I’m not afraid of any

consequences.” Haylan said. Lucy knew that Haylan was skilled and bold. He was not afraid of anyone

or anything. However, she still reminded Haylan to be careful and not get injured.

She spoke for five minutes before hanging up because she had something else to do.

Haylan put away his phone with a calm expression

In the past, he would have been afraid of the Four Kings and Robert.


Hehe. If those people dared to provoke him, he did not mind sending them all to hell!

Two hours later, Felicia finally finished making all the seafood. She even bought cold beer and placed it

in front of Haylan. She also called Charlie over to eat with Haylan.

“Mom, I still have to go out later, I can’t drink.” Haylan said.

Felicia could only let him be.

After eating this delicious seafood, Haylan drove straight to the real estate agency.

When he came back just now, Nicole had contacted him and said that someone wanted to buy his floor.

“Mr. Jaber!”

When Haylan arrived, it was already past five in the afternoon. When Nicole saw him get out of the car,

she immediately welcomed him warmly.

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Behind Nicole was a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes. He wore gold-rimmed glasses and

looked especially refined and calm.

According to Nicole’s introduction, this person’s name was Jason Hunt. He was the buyer this time and

was in the financial business.

After Nicole showed Jason the house, he was quite satisfied and wanted to buy two floors.

“Hello, Mr. Hunt. Nice to meet you.” Haylan smiled and shook hands with Jason.

“Nice to meet you too.” Jason also shook hands politely.

Nicole led the two of them into a private room in the department. She closed the door and let Jason

and Haylan talk by


“Mr. Jaber, the price of 20 thousand dollars per square meter is a bit high. Can you give me a discount

and make it cheaper?” Jason said directly.

Declan was very strategic. The land he bought was 200 square meters and was located in the city

center. The building area. was especially spacious and had several floors.

Two hundred square meters per floor, and 20 thousand dollars per square meter, which was four million

dollars per floor.

“This is a normal market price,” Haylan frowned.

Was this fellow here to bargain?

“Mr. Jaber, you’re looking for cash flow, but my budget is only about eight million for cash. I’m very

interested in buying

your two floors, and I’m sincere about it. Would you consider reducing the price by about 160

thousand?” said Jason.

After seeing Haylan fall silent, he said sincerely again, “Mr. Jaber, don’t worry. I definitely won’t let you

lose too much. money. I’ll definitely make up for this 160 thousand dollars in the future”

“What do you want these two floors for? Are you in such a hurry to use them? Haylan frowned.

It was just a two-story building in the city center. Most large companies would choose to rent it.

However, Jason wanted to spend all his cash to buy it. What was he doing?

“This is a business secret. I can’t tell you. Mr. Jaber, can you consider it?”

Jason looked at Haylan with a sincere gaze.

“Are you really only missing 160 thousand?”


“Okay, I’ll sell it to you.”

After a simple inquiry, Haylan immediately nodded in agreement.

He needed cash now. It was just 160 thousand, so he didn’t hesitate for so long.

“Really?” Jason was overjoyed.

Haylan nodded and immediately called Nicole to come over and settle the contract.

After signing the contract, Jason was extremely excited. He held Haylan’s hand and cried with

gratitude. “Mr. Jaber, thank you so much. Don’t worry, I’ll definitely return the 160 thousand within half a


Haylan was speechless.

Jason could pay more than six million dollars in one go, but it would take him half a year to pay 160

thousand. What kind of business was this guy doing?

However, Jason had said that it was his business secret. Hence, Haylan couldn’t ask further. He just

nodded and left after receiving the money from Jason.

Nicole was full of enthusiasm as she sent Haylan off. She felt so grateful that she was willing to kiss


After all, Haylan had brought a lot of good fortune to her!

He had helped her make a lot of money in the past two days.

After signing the contract, Haylan wanted to look for Lydia immediately. He hoped Lydia could sign the

contract for the house. However, he was rejected by Lydia. She said that she had to wait seven days

before making the deal.

Haylan had no choice but to change his plan.

The next day, Haylan finished his leave and could only go back to work.

“Welcome, welcome, welcome!”

“Congratulations, Mr. Jaber.”

“Mr. Jaber, you are really exceptional. You’re young and outstanding. I admire you very much.”

“Mr. Jaber, I was wrong in the past. I made a mistake and I apologize. As a person of great stature,

please do not lower yourself to my level. From now on, if you tell me to go east, I will never go west!”

As soon as Haylan entered the security department of Mapleturz Group, the security guards came to

congratulate him as if they had seen a big shot.

How the tide turned!

Previously, the security guards had isolated Haylan because of Quentin. They all thought that Haylan

was doomed to fail and would be undermined by Quentin. They believed that Haylan would have a

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hard time and would be unsuccessful.

However, Reign promoted Haylan to the position of deputy department head of the security

department. She even assigned Haylan a dedicated office, showing great value to him.

The security guards from the security department were all shocked. They felt that there must be an

extraordinary relationship between Haylan and Reign.

Therefore, when they saw Haylan coming to work, they all came over to curry favor with him. They kept

treating him respectfully and flattering him passionately.

Wane was all smiles as he tried to flatter Haylan. “Haylan, I’m looking forward to working with you

under your leadership

from now on.”

William also walked over and said, “Haylan, it was my fault in the past, but I did it for your own good.

You won’t blame me,

“Mr. Jach, we’re from the same village, and you’re my senior. How can I blame you? Don’t worry. I

haven’t held a grudge. against you for what happened before,” Haylan said with a smile.

That’s a relief. Thank you.”

William immediately heaved a sigh of relief.

He worried Haylan would hate him and make things difficult for him in the future.

Now that Haylan was so magnanimous, he could finally put down his worries.

When the other security guards who had bullied Haylan before saw that William had obtained Haylan’s

forgiveness, they were overjoyed. They also came over one after another to flatter Haylan and plead

for Haylan’s forgiveness.

Haylan was not a petty person. These people did not harm his interests, and he was not angry. Hence,

he forgave them one after another and got along well with them. He even kept giving them cigarettes

and promised to treat them to a meal to celebrate in the afternoon.

“Thank you. Haylan!”

“Haylan, you’re so cool!”

“Mr. Jaber is so generous!”

Upon hearing that Haylan was going to treat them to a meal, the security guards were all thrilled. They

surrounded Haylan in the middle and were full of enthusiast, completely ignoring the department head,


In their view, Haylan was Reign’s appointed deputy department head, which meant that Reign valued

Haylan highly. It was only a matter of time before Haylan became the department head.

Quentin sat in the corner alone. His eyes had a hint of hatred and his face twisted in a scowl, looking

extremely displeased.