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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chater 101
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Chapter 101

William was warm. He held Charlie’s hand and refused to let go. He said fawningly, “Charlie, when you

asked Haylan to work at the Mapleturz Group, I helped a lot. Now that laylan is a leader, you have to

back me.”

Come on. To celebrate Haylan’s promotion, let’s drink today.”

After saying that, William patted the liquor he carried.

William was stunned yesterday.

Reign paid a sudden visit to the security department and announced directly that Haylan would be the

future deputy department head of the security department.

At that time, William was startled.

Willian had worked diligently in the security department for more than ten years, but in the end, he had

not even become a team leader. On the contrary, Haylan had only worked for a few days, yet he had

been promoted by the CEO in person.

It stunned Willam a lot. His jaw almost dropped, and his worldview was greatly impacted.

Last night, William tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep.

Previously, when William saw that Haylan had offended Quentin, he thought that Haylan would be

made a fool of in the future Therefore, William wanted to keep his distance from Haylan and said a lot

of harsh words. William even told Haylan not to approach him in the company.

Now, Haylan was not given a hard time, and the CEO even promoted him in person. He had suddenly

become William’s leader, which made William worry for the entire night

Therefore, early this morning, William got up hurriedly, took the liquor that he had collected for many

years, and rushed to celebrate with Charlie. He planned to turn to Charlie for help to reconcile with


“William, stop joking Charlie frowned.

How many days had it been since Haylan went to work in Mapleturz Group? It hadn’t even been a


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In terms of qualifications or working hours, it was impossible for Haylan to be appointed as a leader.

In Charlie’s opinion, William was just joking.

“I’m not joking. It’s true! William said solemnly

Afraid that Charlie wouldn’t believe him, William took out the video he had recorded last night. It was

Reign’s speech in the security department.

William also took photos of Haylan’s office.

To promote Haylan, Reign went to the security department in person to instruct her subordinates to

allocate an office to Haylan

There was a sign on the door of the office, which read “Office of the deputy department head of the

security department”. On the table in the office, there was another sign used to show Haylan’s identity.

The sign read “Haylan Jaber, deputy department head of the security department”,

Haylan’s profile picture was stuck on the sign. In the photo, he had sharp eyebrows and bright eyes

and looked valiant.


Charlie watched the video, his eyes were filled with shock, and his mouth was wide open.

After a while, Charlie came back to his senses and muttered, “William, you’re not joking, right? Haylan.

Did Haylan really get promoted

“That’s right. Haylan gets a promotion and a raise. He’ll earn 6 thousand dollars a month,” William said.

“Is that so? Thank you, William. Thank you so much this time. I’ll have to trouble you to take care of

Haylan in the future. Charlie was overjoyed. He held William’s hand tightly and said enthusiastically,

“Please come in. This is really a piece of joyous news. We should have a drink to celebrate it.”

“Alright, I brought a bottle of liquor with me. Let’s celebrate!” William smiled.

They sat down. Charlie called Felicia out and asked her to buy some side dishes to celebrate.

After learning that Haylan had been promoted and had a raise, Felicia was also overjoyed She smiled

happily and went to buy same side dishes.

William and Charlie toasted each other and drank one glass after another happily.

William began to flatter Charlie and kept praising Haylan.

When Charlie heard William praise Haylan and say that Haylan was promising, he laughed out loud

and was excited. He pulled William and kept toasting

While they were drinking, they woke Floris and the others up.

Queenie was the first to get up. After brushing her teeth and having breakfast, she said to his parents,

“Dad, Mom, I remember that I have left some books in school. I’ll go to school to study.”

“Wait. I’ll send you there.”

Felicia chased after Queenie hurriedly and pushed out her old scooter.

They went out of the house, and before they left the alley, they saw Lucas walking over.


When Lucas saw Queenie, his eyes lit up. He waved his hand and walked over excitedly.

“Lucas, what are you trying to do? Queenie’s expression changed. She quickly hid behind Felicia and

asked timidly.

Noticing Queenie’s rejection, Lucas looked a little embarrassed and explained hurriedly. “Queenie,

don’t misunderstand. I’m not here to cause trouble for you.”

Then what are you doing here?”

“I’m here to see Haylan. Is he at home?”


“Is Haylan home?” Lucas asked again.

“Haylan is going out for exercise. Who are you? Why are you looking for him?” Felicia asked.

When Lucas heard that Haylan was not at home, his eyes lit up with joy. He walked forward hurriedly

and introduced himself, “Hello, Mrs. Felicia. I’m Queenie’s classmate. My name is Lucas Lynch. I’m

here to ask Queenie for help”

Lucas bit the bullet and walked in front of Queenie shamelessly, saying, ‘Queenie, let’s make a deal. I

promise that I will protect you in school in the future.

“Please do me a favor too. Can you help me beg Haylan to take me in as his disciple?”

Previously, in the villa, Lucas was immobilized by Haylan and was stunned by Haylan’s amazing skill of

striking an acupoint

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From then on, Lucas yearned and admired Haylan’s skill of striking an acupoint. He wanted to learn it.

Therefore, Lucas came to Haylan to learn from him.

Lucas was afraid of being rejected by Haylan, so he wanted Queenie to help him.

“A disciple? Can’t you behave yourself and learn properly in school? Why did you want to acknowledge

Haylan as your master?” Queenie asked curiously.

“Because I want to learn what I am interested in. As long as you’re willing to help me plead with Haylan

to accept me. I promise I won’t disturb your studies in the future,” Lucas vowed.

Compared to hitting an acupoint, picking up girls and studying were nothing.

“Will you keep your word?” Queenie asked.

Queenie didn’t know what Lucas wanted to learn. The examination was only a few months away. If

Lucas didn’t disturb her studies, it would be the best.

“A true man never goes back on his word!” Lucas promised.

“Alright. I’ll talk to Haylan later, Queenie said.

“Okay. I’m relying on you this time, Queenie.” Lucas was pleased.

“Why are you looking for me?”

At that moment, a loud voice sounded. Haylan appeared behind Lucas and stared at Lucas without


Lucas turned to look at Haylan and immediately put on a flattering smile. “Master, you’re back.”

“Shut up! I’m not your master. Don’t call me master randomly,” Haylan said in a deep voice.

Lucas was thick-skinned and didn’t mind Haylan’s words at all. He didn’t get angry as he had done in

school before. Instead, he looked at Queenie with a pleading gaze.

“Haylan, why don’t you consider accepting him as your disciple?” Queenie suggested.

“Why are you pleading for him? Have you forgotten how he bullied you previously?” Haylan asked.

“Master, you’ve misunderstood me. I promise you, I’ve never bullied Queenie,” Lucas hurriedly


“Shut up! Get lost!” Haylan scolded.

Lucas obeyed and stood obediently at the side.

Seeing the scene, Queenie was shocked.

What trick did Haylan use? How did Haylan subdue a school bully like Lucas?

“Quernie, did he harass you? Haylan asked.