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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 954
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Chapter 954

Steve Sky stared at Haylan Jaber, his gaze intense.

He had crossed paths with Haylan before, engaging in a confrontation with him.

The mipression Haylan gave him was just like when he looked at Alice Parker–completely mysterious and


How could someone like him participate in the Gemstone Identification Competition?

“Haylan Jabez represents the Griffith brothers in the Gemstone Identification Competition, the Chief of Staff

explained. “He possesses formidable combat skills and has even surpassed Robert Bard. His ability is enigmatic, and

he selects high–quality


“Do you think Haylan Jaber has a chance of winning?” Steve asked.

“It’s hard to say.” The Chief of Staff shook his head.

“Then who do you think has the highest chance of winning?”

“It’s hard to say.” The Chief of Staff continued shaking his head.

The Chief of Staff still shook his head.

As a Chief of Staff, he possessed considerable strength himself.

However, he found something peculiar–he could not read Haylan, Four–sea Traveler, Lindsey, and Alice’s cultivation


It seemed like any of these four individuals had the potential to win.

The outcome was still uncertain.

“Notify the host to commence the final knockout stage in Lightdom City immediately, Steve said.

After seeing Haylan, he felt that the situation was veering off course, surpassing his expectations. It was possible

that the rewards he had staked would go down the drain this time.

However, he still wanted to watch a fierce battle.

Upon receiving the order, the Chief of Staff immediately took out his phone and dialed the host’s number,

instructing them to proceed.

Upon receiving the message, the host remained calm and composed inside the Stone Arena. He picked up the

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microphone and said, “Are all the participants ready?”

Haylan Jaber, Huck Alexander, Chambers Anderson, Morris Rodriguez, Four–sea Traveler, and Lindsey Scott all


“Very well, as I mentioned earlier, let’s begin with the rules!” the host exclaimed.

As soon as he finished speaking, a massive iron cage descended from above, enclosing the six individuals, and

causing a resounding noise.

The host continued, “The final rule for this round is the fight against trapped beasts!”

“Whoever can stand within the cage and cut the highest–quality raw stone will be the victor!”

“Until a winner is determined, no one can leave this iron cage.”

“Get ready, begin!”

The host’s voice echoed throughout the arena, deafening the audience.

The situation inside the iron cage immediately changed after the voice fell.

Chambers, Huck, and Morris all surged forward almost simultaneously, attacking Haylan from different angles.

With their uniquely shaped weapons, they targeted Haylan’s vital points with relentless strikes.

Swift, fierce, and accurate!

Their attacks were merciless, all aimed to be lethal moves!

Meanwhile, Four–sea Traveler and Lindsey Scott clashed like sworn enemies, creating a loud roar upon impact.

They engaged in a fierce battle, exchanging dozens of moves in the blink of an eye, their speed reaching a point

where it was impossible for the naked eye to keep up.

Each collision between them unleashed thunderous explosions, causing a ringing sensation in the ears of onlookers.


“Witnessing this scene, Reign, the Griffith brothers, the Louz father and sou, and all the spectators present were



Chapter 954

This dul not seem like the Gemstone Identification Competition, it was inore like a full–blown arena fight!

These participants were not merely selecting raw stones; they were out for each other’s lives! –

Haylan Jaber is as good as dead!“.

Ivan Sky’s eyes narrowed as he watched Huck and the other two assail Haylan, a sinister grin forming on his face.

Huck and his companions were all top–notch experts. Even within Ivan’s brother’s team, they were exceptional

vanguards and captains capable of standing alone.

They were launching a collective assault on Haylan, determined to tear him apart.

Once Haylan was dead, Ivan would have a chance to win over Reign.

“Be careful, my love, Reign said, her eyes fixed on Haylan being surrounded by three opponents.

Despite knowing Haylan’s strength, she could not help but feel a cold sweat for him.

Jerome and Jerry Griffith, too, were incredibly tense and nervous in the face of the unfolding situation.

Indeed, Haylan was representing the Griffith family in the Southern Heavenly Gate Raw Stone Market. If he were to

fail or die, they would be held responsible.

After seeing the three assailants closing in on him, Haylan’s expression grew solemn, and he swiftly maneuvered his

footwork to evade their attacks.

Although Huck Alexander and his companions were attacking swiftly, they could not even touch a single strand of

Haylan’s hair.

Dodging their strikes, Haylan’s voice turned deep as he said, “I have no grievances with any of you, yet you seek to

kill me. What’s the meaning of this?”

Huck and his companions remained silent, intensifying their movements and launching even fiercer attacks.

Each strike was swifter and more vicious than the last!

It was clear that they were aiming to take Haylan’s life.

“If you refuse to speak, then so be it. It’s your own death wish. Don’t blame me.” Haylan’s gaze turned even colder.

After saying that, he made a fierce move.

He shattered the iron hammer in Huck’s hand into pieces with one punch, sending fragments flying and embedding

into Huck’s flesh

The tremendous force made Huck vomit blood and sent him flying out.

At the same time, Haylan swiftly launched another attack, kicking Chambers and sending him flying more than 15

feet, crashing into the iron cage and spitting blood in a miserable state.

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Immediately after, Haylan appeared before Morris like a ghost.

“What?” Morris’s pupils contracted intensely.

Haylan’s speed was too fast, so fast that Morris could not react in time, and Haylan was already in front of him.


Before Morris could react, Haylan had already grabbed his face and forcefully smashed it onto the table.

With just one strike, Morris’s head was bloody, and he fell to the ground, feeling as if he was trapped in a whirlpool.

His body kept spinning, but he could not open his eyes, and the back of his head throbbed with pain.

In an instant, Morris, Huck, and Chambers were all defeated, lying on the ground, coughing up large amounts of

blood, unable to get up for a long time.

Haylan stood before them, majestic like a king of devils.

“How is this possible?”

Morris and the others raised their heads, their eyes filled with astonishment and fear as they looked at Haylan.

They were all top–notch experts but were utterly powerless in front of Haylan. They could not withstand a single

blow from him and were easily defeated, lying helpless on the ground.

Haylan’s strength was indeed terrifying and unfathomable.

How, how can this be?”

Outside the arena, Ivan, upon seeing the defeat of luck and the others, widened his eyes as if witnessing the most

unbelievable sight, and his jaw almost dropped to the ground.


Chapter 954

Those were three top–notch experts, formidable beings surpassing the level of a seven–star General Yet, they

couldn’t even withstand a single blow from Haylan

How could this be possible?

After dealing with these three individuals, Haylan glanced at the ongoing battle between Lindsey and Four–sea

Traveler, furrowing his brow slightly.

Then, he approached Huck, grabbing his sleeve and lifting him. “Tell me, who ordered you to come and kill me?” he
