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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 934
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Chapter 934

“Has it started?”

Haylan stood up and stretched his body.

“Yes, it’s started. Mr. Jaber, we don’t have much time. Let’s hurry up and select the stones.” Jerome nodded and

looked at Haylan with anticipation and nervousness.

Time was running out.

They had to choose 10 raw stones within ten minutes.

That meant they had very little time and on average, they had to choose a piece of raw stone in one minute.

That little bit of time was not enough for some people to look at all the stones.

Jerome and Jerry thus lost no time and immediately arranged the 100 raw stones into ten rows for Haylan to


Haylan’s expression was calm and unhurried. He glanced at those raw stones and directly pointed ten stones out.

“Mr. Jaber, are you sure? Y–you’re not going to give them a second look?” Jerome asked.

There were so many stones and it would take a long time just to check at all of them. However, Haylan only cast a

glance at them before selecting the 10 stones.

It was a little hasty.

“This is just an appetizer. If we need to examine them, how are we going to move to the next rounds and progress

to the finals?” Haylan said calmly.

“Jerome, trust Mr. Jaber.”

Jerry took out a colored pen and picked up the 10 pieces of raw stones that Haylan had pointed out. Afterward, he

placed them on the table and marked them with the pen.

Jerome felt a little ill at ease, but he did not say anything. Instead, he raised his hand at once and pressed the stop


on the stall.

The emcee immediately received the message and said, “Number 088 Southern Heavenly Gate Raw Stone Market

has finished selecting the stones.

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“Staff, please take the machine and proceed to the stall.”

Hearing the announcement, many people immediately looked over.

“They’ve picked out the stones so quickly?”

“Southern Heavenly Gate Raw Stone Market? I’ve never heard of it. Is it very famous?”

“Perhaps it’s very famous in Lightdom City, but it is insignificant if compared to other markets in the country.”

“Well, they’ve chosen the stones in less than one minute. Obviously, it’s a random selection.”

“We’ll know after the staff cut the stones. They’ve selected the stones so fast. It’s very likely that they’ll be

eliminated very quickly.”

Everyone discussed animatedly as they looked at Haylan and the Griffith brothers with disdain.

Haylan had made the choice way too fast. Practically, he had selected the 10 stones as soon as the emcee had

finished speaking.

It was so fast that people found it hard to believe.

The bosses of the gem business had scornful looks on their faces, Many staff also threw Haylan and the Grillith

brothers a dismissive glance,

And the crowd was taking pleasure in this and wanted to see Haylan make a fool of himself.

Apart from them, the emcee and the big shots from the organizer also fixed their gaze on Haylan.

Soon, the staff walked over with a polishing machine.

There was also a photographer in charge of recording the process.

It was an important competition. To prevent cheating, there would be photographers taking photos at the side.

It was to make sure that no staff members world tod

Chapter 934

“Mr. Griffith, are you sure about your choices? You can change them now if you want to. Otherwise, you can’t

renege on this after we polish them,” said the polisher.

Jerome turned around and looked at Haylan with a consulting gaze.

Haylan nodded.

Only then did Jerome set his mind at ease. He said to the polisher, “Southern Heavenly Gate Raw Stone Market has

made our choice. Sir, you may polish the stones.

One should have confidence in the person they hired.

Since he had appointed Haylan as the appraiser of Southern Heavenly Gate Raw Stone Market, he had to believe in

Haylan’s judgment.

The polisher sighed. Without another word, he picked up the stone that had been marked No. 1 and began polishing

it. Soon, the first piece of raw stone was polished and there was no emerald.


Jerome and Jerry were stunned. They could not help but turn around and looked at Haylan.

“It’s fine. Let’s polish the second one,” Haylan said calmly.

Without wasting any time, the polisher started polishing the second stone.

However, no green color was seen on that stone.


“I thought they were confident that all the stones would be emeralds since they made their decision so quickly. It

turns out that they are so wrong.

“Mr. Griffith, you’ve chosen the wrong person. Hurry up and fire him.”

“Looks like we guessed correctly. The faster you choose, the faster you get eliminated. Hahaha!”

The spectators laughed loudly and their voices filled with contempt and satisfaction.

When Haylan had finished choosing the stones, many people were shocked by the speed.

He had made his selection in less than one minute.

If all the stones turned out to be emeralds, it would be incredibly impressive.

However, from the looks of it, Haylan had chosen them randomly. The two normal stones were the best evidence.

Jerome and Jeny’s eyes darkened and their faces fell.

Jerome stopped looking at Haylan and said, “Let’s carry on.”

The polisher nodded and continued polishing another stone.

There was still no green color on the third stone as well.

Jerome and Jerry puckered their brows worriedly.

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“Three consecutive stones turned out to be normal stones. Looks like the odds are against us.”

Jerry turned around and looked at Haylan with a baffling gaze.

Haylan remained calm and said. “Go on.”

Jerome and Jerry had no choice but to signal the polisher to continue polishing the stones.

The polisher could only continue doing what he had been told to.

The fourth stone wasn’t an emerald too.

And neither was the fifth one.

Five raw stones were revealed to be worthless rubbles one after another. The faces of Jerome and Jerry turned


“Hahaha! Mr. Griffith, congratulations. I really didn’t expect that you will be out so soon.”

“Mr. Griffith, I think Mr. Jaber is trying to get you eliminated.”

“He chose the stones without even looking at them. He’s clearly messing with you.”


Chapter 934

Everyone looked at Haylan, Jerome, and Jerry mockingly.

Many people began to sow discord between them.

Jerome and Jerry started to waver and wondered if they had made the right decision.

“Five raw stones are all worthless.

“Three out of the remaining five stones have to be emeralds. Otherwise, we’ll be eliminated.

“But the probability is quite low.

“If no emerald is found in three stones, we’ll be disqualified. Then, the money I borrowed to pay for the registration

fee will be wasted”

Jerome’s forehead was beaded with sweat when he thought about that.

In fact, he started to suspect that Haylan was really messing with him.

Haylan looked unflustered as he said calmly, “Keep polishing the stones.”

“Jerome, you have to believe Mr. Jaber. There must be a reason for him to do this,” Jerry said.

Jerome wiped away his sweat and said to the polisher, “Please continue with the polishing.”

At this point, he could only believe Hayla