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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 162
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Chapter 162

With a stable and unwavering posture, Haylan spoke with a powerful voice.

As he spoke, his cold gaze swept across the faces of everyone in the Muller family.

Everyone lowered their heads as he looked at them. They did not dare to look up at Haylan.

The Stellar Twins of the Muller family were a powerful duo, having braved countless battles. Yet both of

them were no match for Haylan. He had defeated them effortlessly and knocked them unconscious.

Haylan was powerful and, at the same time, ruthless. They were all terrified of his brutality.

May was especially horrified at what Haylan had done.

Earlier, she was behaving in an overbearing manner as she was confident that the Muller family could

easily destroy Haylan.

Now that Haylan had defeated the Stellar Twins and even shot Tristan twice in the legs, she was

terrified out of her senses.

Though aware that her son was still screaming in immense pain, she no longer dared to raise her voice

at Haylan. Her eyes were filled with an unmistakable terror.

Other than a screaming Larry, no one in the Muller family dared to make a sound. They were afraid that

Haylan might shoot them if they dared to utter a word.

“Doesn’t anyone have anything to say?”

Haylan cast a glance at them before turning to look at Tristan. He said impassively, “You’re their leader.

Tristan. What do you think we should do now?”

“What do you want?” Tristan gritted his teeth.

Haylan thought for a moment before replying, “First, from today onwards, I don’t want anyone from the

Muller family to appear in front of me. You also have to apologize to ine.”

“Second, the Muller family cannot interfere with the business of Mapleturz Group again.

“Thirdly, so many members of the Muller family are here today, and it has affected the Mapleturz

Group. I want you to compensate our losses.”


Pausing for a moment, he then looked at Reign. “That’s all I can think of for the time being. Ms.

Labenz, do have anything else to add?”

Reign’s expression was calm as she said coolly, “There’s no need for the third condition. This is a small

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loss to us.”

“Ms. Labenz, you’re really magnanimous.”

Haylan extended his thumb upward as a sign of approval. Next, he turned to Tristan. “Ms. Labenz can

tolerate your family’s behavior, but I can’t. I’m a very petty person.

“Since you’ve mobilized so many people to cause trouble for me, I have to return the favor.”

With that, he took out a black pill and stuffed it into Tristan’s mouth, forcing him to swallow it.

Immediately after, he applied force on Tristan’s acupoint, just like what he did to Larry.

“You! What did you do to me?” Tristan’s eyes were filled with horror.

“Nothing. I just gave you the same pill as Larry.”

Haylan got up


and returned to his seat.

Tristan’s expression darkened. He reflexively jammed his fingers into his mouth, triggering his gag

reflex and inducing a forceful attempt to vomit.

“Your efforts are useless. My poison is second to none. I am the only one who has the antidote.”

Haylan’s expression was calm. He took out two more pills and forced Lambert and Hector to swallow

them too.

Thereafter, he walked up to them and used his Hidden Strength on their acupoints. He picked them up

with his bare hands and flung them in front of Tristan.

Tristan was desperately trying to make himself throw up, but his efforts were in vain.

Haylan looked at the time on his phone and said, “The poison in your body will take effect two minutes


“You won’t die from the poison on the first day. You might still get to live on the second day. However, it

will become and more serious subsequently. Without my antidote, you will definitely die within three


“What did you say?”. Tristan’s eyes were filled with fear.

Haylan looked intently at Tristan. “Don’t you get it? Well, then look at what’s happening to Larry now.”


Larry was still screaming hysterically, with veins bulging on his forehead. His entire being was in a state

of extreme agony, appearing on the verge of collapse.

When Tristan saw this, a hint of fear flashed across his eyes.

He did not want to end up ilke Larry.

“Master, if you don’t help Larry now, I’m afraid he’ll die soon,” William said.

He had been watching Larry’s condition closely and could tell that the latter’s condition was worsening.

Haylan remained calm. He walked up and released Larry’s acupoint before feeding him some pills.

A minute later, Larry finally stopped screaming. The painful expression on his face dissipated. He was

lying on the ground, panting heavily and sweating profusely. He resembled a walking corpse, his

presence devoid of vitality and his movements.



May ran forward and hugged Larry tightly. Her heart was wrenched with anguish as she witnessed her

son’s suffering, each. moment piercing her like a thousand needles. Tears started streaming down her


Haylan threw Larry aside and looked at Tristan and the Stellar Twins. “You have ten seconds left.”

Tristan gritted his teeth, his face twisted into an unsightly grimace.

He originally wanted to help Larry take revenge. Instead, he had gotten himself into trouble too.

It was a double loss for them.

Before he could even think, ten seconds had passed. He immediately felt an incredibly sharp force

emerging within his body, as if his skin, blood vessels, and internal organs were being sliced by

countless small knives, causing excruciating and unparalleled pain.

In the next second, he could not take it anymore and let out a blood-curling scream.

Tristan was not the only one in pain. The Stellar Twins of the Muller family were also gripped by intense

pain in their bodies and howled out in agony.

Their cries of pain rose in unison, each voice distinct yet harmonizing in a symphony of grief and


Their twisted expressions, contorted by pain, rendered everyone in the Muller family numb with their

unsettling sight.

Other than the Muller family, Philip, Quentin, and the Labenz family also felt their hair stand on end.

Damn it!

The faces of Tristan, Lambert, and Hector looked very hideous.

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At this moment, everyone looked at Haylan. They were more terrified of him than ever.

Haylan was such a ruthless man.

He was indeed a demon.

“We shouldn’t offend Haylan in any way.”

After witnessing Haylan’s cruelty, everyone had the same thought, regardless of whether they were

from the Labenz or the Muller family.

Larry was especially petrified. It felt so bizarre watching Tristan and the Stellar Twins writhing in pain,

having gone through the same excruciating experience earlier.

At the same time, he felt placated having seen the three of them suffering the same fate as him.

“Haylan, I agree to your conditions. Quick, give me the antidotel”

After struggling for five minutes, Tristan could no longer endure the pain. He immediately begged

Haylan for mercy.

“Well, you should have said so earlier

Haylan walked over and released Tristan’s acupoint before stuffing another pill into his mouth.

His movements were so quick that no one could see clearly what the pill was

Haylan knew he had to act mysteriously so that Tristan and the others were convinced that he had

poboned them. This y -the only way to restrain them so they would not cause trouble in the future.

After eating the antidote, the pain in Tristan’s body subsided.

He was also lying on the ground, panting hard like the Stellar Twins. His entire body was soaked with

perspiration as though he had just been fished out of the sea.

He panted heavily and looked at the ceiling. For the first time in his life, he felt that it was so wonderful

to be alive.

He finally realized what kind of pain Larry was enduring all this while.

“What, what did you do to us?”

Hector and Muller were soldiers who had braved countless battles. They were trained to be resilient.

Despite the immense pain in their bodies, they refused to yield to Haylan. They stared indignantly at

Haylan, resisting the urge to tear him into pieces.

Haylan’s expression was calm. He pointed at Larry and said coldly, “I didn’t do anything. I just fed you

the same poison as Larry.”

“Have fun, guys.”