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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 161
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Chapter 161

Everyone was shocked to hear Haylan threatening the Muller family.

Landon and Reign looked especially stunned as their expressions darkened. They began to worry for


It was obvious that the Muller family had the upper hand. Even the Labenz family did not dare to act


Everyone thought Haylan was playing with fire by opposing the Muller family so openly.

“Haylan’s in a tough situation.”

Philip and Quentin’s faces twisted into an ugly grimace when they heard what Haylan just said. They

looked at Haylan as if he was a prisoner on death row.

“You’re about to die, yet you are still so boastful. How dare you!”

Lambert’s eyes turned cold as he flashed his sword. The tip of the blade hovered millimeters away from

Haylan’s forehead.

Even if Lambert did not kill Haylan, he still wanted to teach the latter a lesson for defying the Muller


Reign and Landon’s faces turned pale when they saw Lambert attack Haylan, their hearts pounding

hard and fast.

A chilling smirk crept across Tristan’s face. He glared at Haylan icily, with no intention of stopping


Haylan was too arrogant. All this while, he had never treated the Muller family with respect. They had to

safeguard the family’s reputation by teaching Haylan a lesson.

“No!” Reign immediately spoke up to stop Lambert.

Before she could finish speaking, Lambert’s sword was already touching the space between Haylan’s


Lambert gave a sinister smile. He could already imagine what would happen when his sword pierced

through that spot on Haylan’s forehead.

However, in the next second, his confident smile faded.

The moment his sword touched Haylan’s head, it was intercepted by two of Haylan’s fingers.

Although he only used two fingers, the grip was very steady. The sword was so firmly lodged that it did

not move one single bit despite Lambert using all his strength to stab at Haylan.

“How is that possible?” Lambert’s expression grew gloomy.

Although he only used sixty percent of his strength to attack Haylan, the force was still capable of

bending steel. Yet his sword was now stuck between Haylan’s fingers.

“A leopard can never change its spots. You’re only trying to intimidate us with the number of men you

have.” Haylan’s glare became icy as he suddenly exerted force with his fingers.

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The sword instantly shattered into three pieces.

“What?” Lambert’s eyes widened in disbelief.

His sword was forged from refined steel. It was an incredibly sharp weapon that was capable of

penetrating any defense. How could it be broken so easily by Haylan’s fingers?

It was not possible at all.


Before he could speak, Haylan suddenly jumped up, grabbed his head, and slammed it on the table.

The force was so powerful that the solid wooden table was shattered into pieces.

Lambert fell onto the ground. His head was bleeding so badly that no one could bear the sight of it.

“Damn it! How dare you!”

Hector was seething with anger. He moved his aim of the pistol from Landon to Haylan and was about

to pull the trigger. Although Hector’s movements were swift, Haylan reacted more quickly.

With a flick of his finger, the cigarette in Haylan’s hand propelled itself like a dart and landed on

Hector’s eye.

Hector immediately out a piercing cry of agony.


With his movements as fast as lightning, Haylan dashed forward with his feet suspended in mid-air. He

crushed Hector against the wall, leaving him defeated and slumped.

The enormous force caused a dent in the wall, and it almost collapsed.

Hector spat out a mouthful of blood as his face contorted in pain. Soon after, he passed out.

In a split second. Haylan grabbed the pistol that fell from Hector’s hand and pressed it against Tristan’s


Everything might seem to have unfolded slowly, but it all happened in a flash. Haylan had already

subdued the two highly-skilled twins of the Muller family and Tristan.


Tristan’s eyes widened in sheer astonishment, and a veil of seriousness descended upon him.

Everything happened in lightning speed.

Haylan moved so swiftly that Tristan could not react in time. He could only stare in shock as Haylan

positioned the gun against his head.

“You hooligan! Let go of Mr. Muller!”

The combat fighters of the Muller family soon regained their senses. Immediately, they aimed their

guns at Haylan, their eyes flashing with murderous intent.

Haylan’s gun remained directed at Tristan’s head. He spoke in a deep voice, “If you don’t want him to

die, put down your


When the Muller family members heard that, their faces took on a more solemn look..

Tristan quickly recovered from his shock and said coldly, “Haylan, I don’t believe you dare to shoot.”


As soon as he finished speaking, Haylan fired a shot at Tristan’s thigh. It was a bloody mess as blood

flowed profusely from his leg-


As the second in command in the Muller family, Tristan had never experienced such intense pain in his

life. He immediately let out a sharp, chilling cry.

“Son of a bitch, stop!”

The other members of the Muller family were furious. Once again, they raised their guns and took aim

at Haylan. Haylan’s face was devoid of expression. He grabbed Tristan’s head and pressed it on the

table. Pointing the gun at Tristan’s head, Haylan warned, “Go ahead and shoot me. I’ll shoot a hole in

his head before 1 die.”


The Muller family members’ expressions grew gloomy. They looked hesitant and refrained from taking

further action.

“Put your guns down!” Haylan said cooly.

He did not shout, but his voice reverberated through the room, commanding their attention with the

power of thunder. Everyone’s heads started spinning.

“It seems like you’re not paying attention to what I just said. Tristan, as their leader, shouldn’t you say

something?” Haylan said calmly to Tristan.

“Damn it. Haylan, you’ve now offended the Muller family. You won’t be able to escape. You’d better put

your gun down immediately. Otherwise, we’ll kill you.” Enduring the pain, Tristan cautioned Haylan.

“You’re really noisy!”

Haylan’s gaze turned cold as he fired another shot at Tristan’s other thigh.

Tristan’s eyes widened in agony. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he gritted his teeth in pain.

With both legs injured, he was unable to stand up.

If Haylan had not held Tristan’s head onto the table, the latter would have fallen to the ground.

Haylan placed the gun on Tristan’s head again and said coldly, “Do you think that I won’t dare to kill

you? Do you want to dare me?”

“No, no, no! Don’t shoot!”

Tristan was now so terrified that he quickly begged for mercy.

This time, he was really afraid.

Haylan had fired two shots at him without batting an eyelid. He acted so swiftly without hesitation. He

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was a demon who showed no emotion when killing someone.

Haylan had no qualms about shooting Tristan if he did not listen to the former.

When Tristan realized how unwavering Haylan was, he became extremely scared. He admitted his

defeat immediately and shouted to his family members, “What are you doing? Are you trying to kill me?

Hurry up. Put down your guns!”

The members of the Muller family exchanged glances when they heard Trsitan’s orders. Unable to

disobey Tristan, they tossed their guns aside.

“Put those guns away!”

When Landon saw what happened, he reacted immediately and led the senior members of the Labenz

family to gather all the guns from the Muller family. When he saw the guns piled up together in a heap,

he gave a sigh of relief.

Tristan gritted his teeth and said, “Haylan, they’ve all given up their guns. Can you also put down your


Haylan raised his gun and said calmly, “You should have done so earlier. You forced me to do this. The

Muller family is so despicable.”

Saying that Haylan released Tristan.

Without Haylan supporting him, Tristan, who had been shot in both legs, immediately fell to the ground.

Blood was oozing out from both his legs. He was writhing in agony, overcome by the intensity of the


Tristan’s face was grim when he heard what Haylan said, as well as the unconscious Stellar Twins.

This time, the Muller family had come fully prepared, yet Haylan managed to subdue them without

much effort. It was a direct insult to the family’s reputation.

The other members of the Muler family looked equally somber.

The Muller family had always been powerful, but Haylan was now accusing them of being despicable.

There was no way for them to fight back since Haylan was a strong combat fighter. Also, they feared

the gun he was holding.

Reign, Landon, Philip, and Quentin were also dumbfounded by what happened.

They felt very powerless when the Muller family attacked them earlier.

Unexpectedly, Haylan subdued the family in the blink of an eye.

The most terrifying thing was that Haylan had defeated them all by himself.

They were shocked by his prowess.


Haylan placed the gun on the table and sat down on a chair. He stared coldly at Tristan and the rest of

the Muller fami “Have you regained your senses? Now, let’s have a good talk. We should discuss how

to settle this matter.”