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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 160
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Chapter 160

“Huh? What did you say? Reign was stunned.

“Larry wasn’t poisoned? Then why is he in so much pain?” Landon was also stunned.

What was going on!

Moreover, if Larry was really not poisoned, wouldn’t Haylan have no trump card?

How did Haylan have the guts to be so arrogant?

“Let’s wait and see. In any case, no one can cure him other than me.” Haylan continued smoking

confidently and waited to see what would happen.

Reign and Landon looked at each other and saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

The two were experienced and knowledgeable, but they could not see through Haylan’s methods.

They only knew that Haylan was unfathomable. He might really be able to control the Muller family,

While they were talking. William finished his treatment.

The Eighteen Needles of Exorcism was indeed very powerful. It could eliminate the root of many

diseases and even eliminate poison in one’s body, reviving the dead.

When these golden needles entered Larry’s body, Larry’s painful expression indeed eased.

William heaved a sigh of relief. He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said, “Alright, my

treatment is successful. Whether he can detoxify the poison depends on his luck.”

As he spoke, he even looked at Haylan, feeling uneasy.

Haylan poisoned Larry, but he detoxified Larry and went against Haylan. He was worried that Haylan

would expel him

from the sect

“Well done. Looks like you’ve mastered the essence of the Eighteen Needles of Exorcism.”

Haylan looked at William and praised him sincerely.

William was relieved to see that Haylan did not blame him.

At this moment, Haylan said calmly, “Unfortunately, the Eighteen Needles of Exorcism can’t undo

Larry’s poison. Your treatment still failed.”

Following Haylan’s words, Larry’s relieved expression became even more painful and distorted at this

moment. He let out an even more heart-wrenching scream.

Veins popped out on his forehead as he struggled in pain. He gritted his teeth so hard that they almost

shattered. His mouth was filled with blood as he roared, “Ah, it hurts! It hurts so badly. Kill me! Quickly

kill me!”

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At this moment, Larry seemed to have gone crazy and was in so much pain that he wished he was


Seeing this scene, Tristan, Lambert, and the others fell their blood run cold.

What kind of poison was this? How much pain was Larry in that he would rather die than endure such


“Mr. Hawk, how, how did this happen?”

May also parucked and hurriedly looked at William for help. “Please, can you save my son? I’m willing

to give any amount of money as long as you are willing to save him.”

“Mr. Hawk, please provide treatment again. Our Muller family is willing to pay any price,” Tristan said in

a low voice.

Hector, Lambert, and the others also looked over with grave expressions and pleading eyes.

William frowned and said, “Everyone, I understand how you feel, but the Eighteen Needles of Exorcism

is already the highest technique I can master. If I can’t cure the poison now, I have no other way.”

After saying that, he spread his hands, indicating his helplessness.

When he took Larry’s pulse just now, he did not notice any signs of poisoning. However, Larry seemed

to be in so much pain, yet he could not tell what was going on.

Therefore, there was nothing he could do when the Eighteen Needles of Exorcism were ineffective,

Hearing William’s words, Tristan, May, and the others’ faces sank. Their hearts dropped to the bottom.

If even William could not do anything, would Larry not be hopeless?

May was furious. She pointed at Haylan and shouted, “Haylan, you bastard. Hurry up and get rid of the

poison in my son. Otherwise, the Muller family will not rest until you diel”

“Get rid of the poison? I’m sorry. I can’t do that.”

Haylan took the ashtray and flicked the ashes into it. He said calmly. “Because Larry wasn’t poisoned


In fact, he did not poison Larry. He only stuffed a black pill into Larry’s mouth, like how he others.

What really caused Larry’s pain was the acupoint he struck on Larry’s body.

This was a type of torture!

It was called the Tendon-Splitting and Bone-Distorting Hand!

When he struck Larry’s acupoint, he left his Hidden Strength in Larry’s body. As long would act up and

shift the veins and tendons in Larry’s body, causing Larry to be in so m dead

This was also the reason why acupuncture treatment and drug treatment

Timmy and the

As long as Hidden Strength was not eliminated, Larry would continue to feel this pain and would not be


“Not poisoned? Who are you kidding? My son is already in so won’t let you off!” May gritted her teeth.

uch pain. Hurry up and take out the antidore Orberes

While she was talking. Larry was still struggling and screaming screaming kill me and it hurts

These words broke May’s heart.


She was not the only one who was heartbroken. Tristan, Hector and the others were also heartbroken

and an

They even felt a sense of humiliation!

Faced with the pain of their own clansman, they were powerless. They could only watch as their people

walled humiliating was that?

Larry’s screams were like a big slap in their faces, making each and all of them feel their

incompetence. It resembled sharp knives stabbing their hearts.


At this moment, Lambert could not take it anymore and pulled out his hidden saber. The über w

in an instant, stopped 0.4 inches in front of Haylan’s forehead.

His eyes were filled with murderous intent as he stared coldly at Haylan. “Take out the antidote

immediately. Otherwise, kill you!”

Following his words, all the Muller family members took out their weapons and glared at Haylan.

At this moment, killing intent filled the whole spare as they faced a common enemy.

Landon’s gaze turned cold as he wanted to intervene,

At this moment, Hector took a pistol out and ained it at Landon. He said coldly. “Landon, don’t move

The black muzzle of the gun flickered with a cold light.

At the same time, all the members of the Muller family began to move. They took out their weapons

and Quentin, and the others to control them.

There were even people who aimed their guns at Reign.

oed at Philip.

In an instant, the entire conference room fell into a dead silence. The atmosphere was terrifyingly


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Endless killing intent enveloped the conference room. Philip, Quentin, Reign, and the others

immediately sensed a terrifying pressure and felt like they could not breathe as they sweated profusely.

Many of the weaker higher-ups were even forced to kneel on the ground and tremble.

“Mr. Muller, what do you mean by this?” Reign’s gaze turned cold.

She had thought that the Muller family might shed all pretense, but she never expected Tristan to go

this far. All of them were soldiers and even had weapons in their hands.

Such a terrifying force was enough to destroy all of the Labenz family clansmen present.

This was definitely a premeditated operation!

In other words, Tristan had wanted to use force to suppress them from the beginning. Everything he

had done before was just a test.

Now that they knew William could not cure Larry’s poison, they immediately made a move. They

wanted to trample the Labenz family and Haylan beneath their feet.

“What are you guys doing?” William’s expression changed drastically.

“Mr. Hawk, this has nothing to do with you. You’d better not interfere. Otherwise, don’t blame me if

anything happens to you!*

Tristan’s eyes darkened as he glanced at William. Then, his gaze landed on Reign before saying coldly,

“Reign, I’m sorry. For Larry’s safety, I have no other choice.”

After saying that, he turned around and stared at Haylan coldly. He said word by word, “Hand over the

antidote within ten seconds. Otherwise, you’re going to die!”

As he said this, the saber pointed at Haylan emitted an incomparably terrifying cold light. Endless killing

intent enveloped Haylan.

Facing such a situation, Philip, Quentin, and the others were terrified to the point of turning as pale as a

sheet. They were fearful and uneasy.

Even Reign felt a strong sense of danger at this moment. She clenched her fists as her heart filled with


The Muller family has completely disregarded her and even threatened her!

However, she had no way of dealing with them under the wave of guns and knives.

Even if she was aggrieved, she could only endure it.

This feeling made her very unhappy.

Haylan’s expression remained unchanged even after being pointed in the head by Lambert. He held

the cigarette in his mouth, but his eyes became colder and colder. “You’re starting to use knives and

guns again. The Muller family really can’t change their ways!

“I hate it when people point their guns or knives at me. I’ll give you ten seconds to put away all

“Otherwise, you will regret it!”

your weapons!