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The Girl Come Back Is Super (Nikita)

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93 How did she do it?

The mobile phone screen stays on the Twitter page.

N City Daily. At 12 o’clock last night, passers by passed by an alley and saw a shocking scene Four unidentified men

fell unconsciously in an alley due to injuries, and they were transported to hospital for treatment by ambulance

Surprisingly and inexplicably, all four men who were unconscious could not remember what had happened, or even

who they

were When the nearby police retrieved the surveillance video around the alley to find out the truth, they also found

that the surveillance video disappeared out of thin air from 10 pm to 0. For this magical phenomenon, our reporter will

continue to follow up and report the truth

“Finished?” Yates held up the gold rimmed glasses that were about to fall off the bridge of the nose and squinted. “Do

you still feel that she is just a child?” “With such an amazing way, I think even you may not be able to do it?”

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“Those four unidentified men are members of the Dark Disney, the first international killer organization”


they are all golden medal killers” “But they were all put down by the child in your mouth.”

“This is not the most amazing” “After them woke up, they all lost their memory. This is the most terrible

thing” One

of Yates’s eyes was half narrowed, and his eyes were faintly excited. He held his chin with one hand

and said with great

interest. “You say, how did she do it?”

“She learns from Lemuel. Did she feed them some kind of medicine?” “To make them lost their


After reading the news, Sheehan looked calm on his handsome and expensive face, and his eyes did

not fluctuate at


He put his mobile phone back on the table without expression.

The man’s cold and deep eyes looked at Yates with excitement on his face, and his voice was calm:

“Those four men

are xo.com fast update

the killers of the Dark Disney?”

“Yes. Yates nodded, “They have tattoos on their hands, which are the patterns of Dark Disney.” “And

they all wear

golden nose rings, which only golden medal killers are qualified to wear.”

“As far as I know, there is no one that they can’t solve when the golden medal killers of the Dark Disney



“Even if one can fight, it is quite difficult to fight with a golden medal killer.” “But Nikita…” Yates sighed


amazement, “An 18-year-old girl can solve four in ten minutes.”

“This is not the category of normal human beings.” “I have never seen such a fierce woman. I have

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never seen a man



“In addition to being a disciple of Lemuel, how many identities do we don’t know?” “I’m getting more and more interested

in this little girl now…” Yates rubbed his chin and chuckled, “I think she will definitely bring us a lot of


Yates’s voice just fell, and he felt a cold eye shooting at him.

He looked up and looked at Sheehan’s cold and deep eyes. Don’t know if it was his illusion. He felt that the eyes were

colder than usual.

Although Sheehan is usually this deserted appearance.

But at that glance just now, it was way too cold.

Maybe, it’s his illusion.

“So I asked you to look it up, and you didn’t find anything?” The man’s fingers are slender and white, with distinct

joints. He took a sip of the steaming coffee on the table, and his low and cold voice inexplicably made Yates feel

colder than usual.