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The Girl Come Back Is Super (Nikita)

Chapter 21
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Chapter 21 The Little Devil of the Lambert Family

In the office of the vice president of the First Senior High School of N City

“Yvonne, about the transfer student named Nikita you just mentioned, are you sure you really want to

assign her to Class

F?” Talbot, the vice president, held some doubt in his eyes after he heard the requirements of the

female students who

looked charming and clever in front of her.

Class D is much better than Class F.

One is for the ordinary students, the other is for the students with poor grades. As long as you are not a

fool, you

know which class you should choose.

“Yes, that’s what my mother asked for.” Yvonne stands upright with good manners. She folded her

hands in front of her

and lowered her eyebrows. Everyone will think she is one of those obedient students at their first

glance. “President

Dylon, my mother wanted Nikita to enter Class D before, but later she felt that with her grades, if she

entered Class D

directly, Nikita might not be able to quickly adjust to the study life.

Besides, she also knows that it’s difficult for you to arrange Nikita into class D with her grades. So my

mother said

she’d better go to class F first. If she fills in well, she can transfer to other classes in the future. At that


it will be justifiable and no one will gossip.”

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Talbot looked at the excellent and obedient student in front of her. Although he still had some questions

in his heart,

he did not doubt her words.

He has heard of Yvonne, which is just like her brother Nathan. They are both celebrities in this school.

Both brothers and sisters are very good at studying. The brother has kept winning the first place in

grade for a long time, and the sister has performed very well, too. She has been stable in the top three

in grade.

Moreover, Yvonne also participated in the National Olympic Mathematics Competition as a

representative of our


last year.

She won the second place in the country and brought glory for the school.

For a girl, this kind of achievement is already very excellent.

A girl with good looks, good grades, good personality, and good family conditions, can literally win

everyone’s favor. Even Talbot, which is usually quite strict and serious, picks up a gentle tone when he

is talking to Yvonne. “Well, since this is your mother’s idea, we will transfer Nikita to Class F first.”

This result is undoubtedly the best for Talbot.

Bad students like Nikita should have entered Class F.

“We appreciate it, President Dylon.” Yvonne politely expressed her appreciation.

As soon as she walked out of the vice principal’s office, the smile on her face changed.

The expression on her face right now is completely different from the gentle and cute look when she

faced Talbot just

There is no one on the corridor

She took out her mobile phone and walked slowly towards the stairs. After digging out Nathan’s

WeChat, she edited a

message and sent it.

Yvonne is three years old Brother, I have already finished the transfer procedure of Sister Nikita!

Nathan’s schedule hasn’t started yet, so he replies soon.

Nathan: Well done, Yvonne. I’ll take you to a fancy dinner in the evening.

Yvonne is three years old Brother, you are the best to me. Then it’s settled. Be there or be square! By

the way, do you

want me to bring Sister Nikita with us?

Nathan: It’s just the two of us. We don’t have to get irrelevant people involved.

Seeing this reply, Yvonne slowly put on a smile.

She recorded an audio saying “good” with a soft voice and sent it.xo.com fast update

Nathan also replied an audio, saying that he was about to on schedule, and he would talk to her after

he was off the


Yvonne noticed that it was time to go back to the classroom. She put away her mobile phone and

walked downstairs.

As she walked to the stairs, a person came up. The familiar figure of the teenager was always unruly

and arrogant. The

short silver-gray hair and the iconic black diamond earring on his left ear were all symbols of his


Yvonne’s footsteps couldn’t help but pause, and there was a trace of surprise in her moist eyes. She bit

his lips and

called his name shyly: “Felton!”

The First Senior High School is a century-old famous school.

It’s very strict on the daily behavior management of students.

Students can’t dye their hair, wear earrings or have tattoos. These are the most basic rules.

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But there is only one exception.

It is Felton, the young master of the Lambert family who grew up with a golden spoon.

The establishment of the First Senior High School of N City was mostly due to the strong support of the

Lambert family.

Felton has a brother, which is also a school manager of this school.

Therefore, even if the young master of the Lambert family completely ignores or breaks the school

motto every day, no

one dares to say anything.

The Lambert family répresents authority and all the school motto.

Seeing the handsome boy coming towards her, Yvonne’s heart beats faster, and her pretty face

suddenly turned red.

The teenager buried his head and stuffed a white earphone in his other ear. He didn’t see her.

He was about to pass by her.

Noticing it, Yvonne raised the volume and picked up a charming, soft and sweet tone. She called his

name again:


This voice is so sweet that no one can refuse it.

But the teenager in black completely ignored her and didn’t stop his step.

The expression on Yvonne’s face was stiff.

Soon, she trotted to the teenager and directly blocked his way. Her watery eyes showed some

grievances: “Felton, I just


called you, Didn’t you hear me?